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ultralight javascript templating framework
Smarty JavaScript HTML
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templates.js is an ultralight (1.72kb minified and gzipped) and super fast templating framework for JavaScript and node.js.

It has express support out-of-the-box.


Parse templates by passing in a template string and an object representing the data to be parsed.

var parsed = templates.parse(template, data);

templates.js client-side

    <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/templates.js"></script>
    <div id="template">

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var el = document.getElementById('template');

        el.innerHTML = templates.parse(el.innerHTML, {
            quote: {
                text: "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.",
                author: "Confucius"

templates.js and express

var express = require('express'),
    app = express(),
    templates = require('templates.js'),
    data = {};

app.configure(function() {
    app.engine('tpl', templates.__express);
    app.set('view engine', 'tpl');
    app.set('views', 'path/to/templates');

app.render('myview', data, function(err, html) {

app.get('/myview', function(res, req, next) {
    res.render('myview', data);

Template Syntax

Sample data, see test cases for more:

    "animals": [
            "name": "Cat",
            "species": "Felis silvestris catus",
            "isHuman": false,
            "name": "Dog",
            "species": "Canis lupus familiaris",
            "isHuman": false,
            "name": "Human",
            "species": "Homo sapiens",
            "isHuman": true
    "package": {
        "name": "templates.js",
        "author": "psychobunny",
        "url": ""
    "website": "",
    "sayHello": true

Simple key/value

My blog URL is {website}. The URL for this library is {package.url}


<!-- IF sayHello -->
  Hello world!
<!-- ENDIF sayHello -->

<!-- IF !somethingFalse -->
  somethingFalse doesn't exist
<!-- ENDIF !somethingFalse -->


Repeat blocks of HTML with an array. The two helpers @first and @last are also available as conditionals within an array.

<!-- BEGIN animals -->
  {} is from the species {animals.species}.
  <!-- IF !animals.isHuman -->
    - This could be a pet.
  <!-- ENDIF !animals.isHuman -->
<!-- END animals -->

prints out:

Cat is from the species Felis silvestris catus.
- This could be a pet.
Dog is from the Canis lupus familiaris.
- This could be a pet.
Human is from the species Homo sapiens.


Helpers are JavaScript methods for advanced logic in templates. This example shows a really simple example of a function called print_is_human which will render text depending on the current block's data.

templates.registerHelper('print_is_human', function(data, iterator, numblocks) {
    return (data.isHuman) ? "Is human" : "Isn't human";

<!-- BEGIN animals -->
<!-- END animals -->

prints out:

Isn't human
Isn't human
Is human


npm install templates.js


npm install
npm test

Projects using templates.js


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