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@artem-zinnatullin artem-zinnatullin released this · 28 commits to master since this release

  • asRxSingle(), yep, rx.Single support! Many thanks to @geralt-encore
  • asRxObservable() instead of createObservable() (deprecated)


  • PR 596 Test asRxObservable() instead of createObservable() which is now deprecated
  • PR 594 Gradle Wrapper 2.10
  • PR 593 Enable emails from Travis to react on problems with master branch
  • PR 592 Add query to exceptions (significantly helps inspect crashes)
  • PR 588 Try to find interface of class when apply mapper
  • PR 586 Remove "final" from most of the classes (will help with mocking)
  • PR 585 Base executeAsBlocking() result is nullable
  • PR 584 Add asRxObservable(), deprecate createObservable()
  • PR 573 Support for rx.Single



@nikitin-da nikitin-da released this · 54 commits to master since this release

  • Option to get one object for StorIOSQLite and StorIOContentResolver
  • Handle backpressure for Get operation via RxJava (requires RxJava 1.1.0)
  • SQLiteTypeMapping and ContentResolverTypeMapping generation
  • Annotation processor for StorIOContentResolver
  • Option to set different uri's for insert, update and delete (StorIOContentResolver)
  • PutResult and DeleteResult now allow 0 updated tables
  • Jacoco is alive!
  • Android Gradle Plugin 1.5.0
  • Gradle wrapper 2.9
  • RxJava 1.1.0
  • SupportLibs 23.1.0
  • Thanks to @geralt-encore and @zayass!


  • PR 574 SQLiteTypeMapping and ContentResolverTypeMapping generation
  • PR 575 Use force to reanimate Jacoco!
  • PR 569 Option to set different uri's for insert, update and delete
  • PR 572 Handle backpressure for Get operation via RxJava, RxJava 1.1.0
  • PR 561 Switch to Android Gradle Plugin 1.5.0
  • PR 563 PreparedGetObject blocking for StorIOSQLite
  • PR 568 PreparedGetObject as observable for StorIOSQLite
  • PR 565 PreparedGetObject blocking for StorIOContentResolver
  • PR 570 PreparedGetObject as observable for StorIOContentResolver
  • PR 560 PutResult and DeleteResult allow 0 updated tables
  • PR 562 Switch to Gradle wrapper 2.9
  • PR 558 Add module with common annotations processing logic
  • PR 548 Add annotation processor for StorIOContentResolver
  • PR 553 Switch to supportLibs 23.1.0



@nikitin-da nikitin-da released this · 89 commits to master since this release

  • StorIOContentReslver fix for observing changes of Uris on Android API < 16


  • PR 550 StorIOContentReslver fix for observing changes of Uris on Android API < 16



@nikitin-da nikitin-da released this · 93 commits to master since this release

  • Convert any Query back to its Builder via toBuilder()!
  • Observe all changes in StorIOSQLite via observeChanges()!
  • Retrieve ContentResolver from StorIOContentResolver via StorIOContentResolver.internal().contentResolver()


  • PR 544 Add getter for underlying ContentResolver to the StorIOContentResolver
  • PR 543 Add API for observing all changes in StorIOSQLite
  • PR 539 Add toBuilder() for queries
  • PR 538 Switch back to Android Gradle Plugin 1.3.1



@nikitin-da nikitin-da released this · 104 commits to master since this release

  • get().numberOfResults() for both SQLite and ContentResolver!
  • @CheckResult annotation for better IDE experience!
  • insertWithOnConflict() for StorIOSQLite.
  • We've added example of composite entity!


  • PR 534 Add StorIOContentResolver get().numberOfResults()!
  • PR 533 Add StorIOSQLite get().numberOfResults()!
  • PR 531 Add @CheckResult annotation, makes life in the Android Studio Better!
  • PR 530 Add insertWithOnConflict() for StorIOSQLite!
  • PR 520 Example of UserWithTweets entity with custom Put/Get/Delete resolvers



@artem-zinnatullin artem-zinnatullin released this · 121 commits to master since this release

  • Query.limit() now accepts integers! Better API for everybody! Thanks @vokilam for the suggestion!
  • Little fix for the sample app. Thanks @cpeppas!


  • PR 517 Limit method accept integer args
  • PR 514 adding somebytes column that was missing from CREATE TABLE TweetsTable



@artem-zinnatullin artem-zinnatullin released this · 127 commits to master since this release

  • Add info about all types of fields supported by StorIO Annotation Processor!
  • Updated build tools and dependencies! (Gradle Plugin 1.4.0-beta1, sdk 23, RxJava 1.0.14, RxAndroid 1.0.1, Support Libs 23.0.1, Private Constructor Checker 1.1.0, Dagger 2.0.1, ButterKnife 7.0.1)
  • Fix SQLiteDatabase.execSQL() without args!


  • PR 503 Annotation processor supported types
  • PR 504 New build tools and dependencies
  • PR 510 Raw query without arguments fix



@artem-zinnatullin artem-zinnatullin released this · 137 commits to master since this release

  • StorIOSQLite Annotation Processor now supports blobs byte[]!
  • We've added example of relations implementation (R from ORM) to the Sample App!


  • PR 498 Add support for byte[] into StorIOSQLite annotation processor
  • PR 494 Relations example!



@nikitin-da nikitin-da released this · 143 commits to master since this release

  • StorIOSQLite: Remove unnecessary synchronization, prevent possible deadlocks, faster & better!
  • Use AssertJ for test!


  • PR 491 Remove unnecessary synchronization, prevent possible deadlocks, faster & better
  • PR 490 Use AssertJ for test



@artem-zinnatullin artem-zinnatullin released this · 149 commits to master since this release

  • Add Queries class with common utils for queries, now you can generate placeholders!


  • PR 485 Add public Queries utils with function for generating placeholders


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