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Updated instructions for localkube

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1 parent ea783f4 commit 480b97317e0b4a888f24b36c83631f014005ffd8 @mfburnett mfburnett committed
Showing with 7 additions and 5 deletions.
  1. +7 −5
@@ -58,20 +58,22 @@ Spread makes it easy to set up and iterate with [localkube](
**Getting started:**
- Run `spread cluster start` to start localkube
-- Sanity check: `kubectl cluster-info`
+- Sanity check: `kubectl cluster-info` [2]
**Suggested workflow:**
- `docker build` the image that you want to work with [2]
- Create Kubernetes objects that use the image build above
- Run `spread build .` to deploy to cluster [3]
- Iterate on your application, updating image and objects running `spread build .` each time you want to deploy changes
+- To preview changes, grab the IP of your docker daemon and use `kubectl describe services/'SERVICE-NAME'` for the `NodePort`, then put the `IP:NodePort` in your browser
- When finished, run `spread cluster stop` to stop localkube
-[1] For now, we recommend everyone use a VM when working with localkube
-[2] `spread` will soon integrate building ([#59](
-[3] Since `localkube` shares a Docker daemon with your host, there is no need to push images :)
+[1] For now, we recommend everyone use a VM when working with `localkube`
+[2] There will be a delay in returning info the first time you start localkube, as the Weave networking container needs to download. This pause will be fixed in future releases.
+[3] `spread` will soon integrate building ([#59](
+[4] Since `localkube` shares a Docker daemon with your host, there is no need to push images :)
-[See more]( for our suggestions when developing code with Localkube.
+[See more]( for our suggestions when developing code with `localkube`.
##What's been done so far

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