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Iiro Krankka

A big gap above an ActionBar on Android 5+
roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#61

That's awesome!

roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#61

@grocaDW Nice!

roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#61

@grogaDW Try attaching it to your fragment container. mBottomBar.attach(findViewById(, savedInstanceState);

roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#61

Could you provide a sample of your XML layout and your Java code for attaching the BottomBar to your layout?

roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#60

I'm sorry for that. I'll also look into this later and see if there's something I could be doing better. Thanks for reporting.

roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#60

The listener won't tell you any changes to tab selection the first time. So you could remove the both selectTabAtPosition() methods you're currentl…

roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#59

And are you using the version 1.1.5? I think this bug was introduced a couple versions before that, but I just might've fixed it again in 1.1.5.

roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#59

What does your XML / Java look like?

roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#37

The bar height is automatically adjusted according to the space the titles and icons take. So would you want to have some extra space or what are y…

roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#53

Could you provide a sample of your xml layout and how your attaching the BottomBar to it in java?

Tablet Side Bar doesn't take any theme or color changes
roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#34

Dark Theme has been now possible with the latest versions.

roughike commented on pull request roughike/BottomBar#58

I really appreciate the effort. The thing is, I'm fixing bugs / adding features several hours every day, so the chances are we both were doing this…

roughike commented on issue roughike/BottomBar#7

@NikolaDespotoski IMHO, the BottomBar should not be added directly to the content view, it should work like any other view.Basically, BottomBar s…

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