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Latest commit ef80a68 @jkrems jkrems Merge pull request #6 from testiumjs/jk-troubleshoot
Add troubleshoot page

testiumjs Website

Local Setup

Run the following to install jekyll:

bundle install

Then start the development server via:

bundle exec jekyll server

To update the deployed website, just push to the master branch.

Creating Pages

Files can be created as Markdown or HTML documents. More information on authoring content can be found in the official Jekyll docs.

Most pages should use the sidebar layout.

Adding Pages to the Sidebar

The structure of the sidebar is configured via _data/sidenav.yml. Example:

  # This creates a top level heading that has no URL or content
- title: Section A
    # Each item in here appears under "Section A" and will be automatically
    # highlighted when the url matches the current page
  - url: /api.html
    title: API
    # You can also specify an `externalUrl`
  - externalUrl: ''
    title: Something External
- title: Section B
  - url: /generic-overview.html
    title: Overview of one aspect of B
    - url: /details.html
      title: More Specific Details
      # All urls are relativ to the project root, so the content for this page
      # would be generated in `nested/`
    - url: /nested/file.html
      title: Even More Details
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