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@gkatsev added chg- and github- release for next releases. closes #2899

  • Loading branch information...
1 parent c6bf2b8 commit 359df7148bf0afd724b62297f7313b73e83c61c7 @gkatsev gkatsev committed
Showing with 10 additions and 1 deletion.
  1. +1 −0
  2. +6 −0 build/grunt.js
  3. +3 −1 contrib.json
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ CHANGELOG
* @chemoish emulated HTMLTrackElement to enable track load events ([view](
* @gkatsev added nullcheck for cues in updateForTrack. Fixes #2870 ([view](
* @gkatsev added ability to release next tag from master ([view](
+* @gkatsev added chg- and github- release for next releases ([view](
6 build/grunt.js
@@ -299,6 +299,12 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
tag_name: 'v'+ version.full,
name: version.full,
body: require('chg').find(version.full).changesRaw
+ },
+ prerelease: {
+ tag_name: 'v'+ version.full,
+ name: version.full,
+ body: require('chg').find(version.full).changesRaw,
+ prerelease: true
files: {
4 contrib.json
@@ -280,6 +280,7 @@
[ "git checkout -b temp-release-branch master","Create a temporary branch for the dist" ],
[ "grunt version:{{release_type}}", "Bump package versions" ],
[ "./build/bin/version", "Return the current VJS Version from the package.json file", "version" ],
+ [ "grunt chg-release:{{version}}", "Update the changelog with the new release" ],
[ "git commit -am 'v{{version}}'", "Add and commit the package changes" ],
[ "git checkout master", "Checkout the developmet branch" ],
[ "git merge temp-release-branch", "Merge package changes into the dev brach" ],
@@ -290,6 +291,7 @@
[ "git commit -m 'v{{version}} dist'", "Commit the dist changes" ],
[ "git tag -a v{{version}} -m 'v{{version}}'", "Tag the release" ],
[ "git push upstream --tags", "Push the new tag to the repo" ],
+ [ "grunt github-release:prerelease", "Create a new pre-release on Github" ],
[ "npm publish --tag next", "Publish to npm as 'next'" ],
[ "git checkout master", "Checkout the developmet branch" ],
[ "git branch -D temp-release-branch", "Delete the temp release branch" ]
@@ -314,7 +316,7 @@
[ "git tag -a v{{version}} -m 'v{{version}}'", "Tag the release" ],
[ "git push upstream --tags", "Push the new tag to the repo" ],
[ "npm publish", "Publish to npm" ],
- [ "grunt github-release", "Create a new release on Github" ],
+ [ "grunt github-release:release", "Create a new release on Github" ],
[ "git checkout stable", "Checkout the developmet branch" ],
[ "git branch -D temp-release-branch", "Delete the temp release branch" ]

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