ST NUCLEO – A Powerful, Low-cost Alternative to the Arduino
Arduino has been dominant in the Maker industry for a long period, and there have been a number of competitive boards offering something unique. STMicroelectronics has been the underdog in the maker community; however, its range of Nucleo development boards are becoming popular where faster processing and more memory is required.
There are a lot of great features about the Nucleo boards. First, they are mbed compatible, making them a great way for beginners to get into the world of ARM development. Second, and more importantly, they are Arduino pin compatible, which gives you full access to all Arduino-compatible shields.
Currently there are 3 form factors of the ST Nucleo range of boards: Nucleo-32, Nucleo-64, and Nucleo-144. Each board offers something different with a total range of 27 Nucleo variations to choose from.
Featured Products
STM32 Nucleo Development Boards

STMicroelectronics' STM32 Nucleo boards allow the user to quickly create prototypes and try out their new ideas
X-NUCLEO Expansion Boards for STM32 Nucleo

STMicroelectronics' STM32 Nucleo boards allow the user to quickly create prototypes and try out their new ideas
Programmer/Debugger for STM8/STM32

The ST-LINK/V2 is an in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontroller families.
Featured Videos
Product overview of Nucleo-32 board for STM32

This Video will present Nucleo, Nucleo-32 and give details about Nucleo-32. Nucleo 32-pin is compact but compatible with less shield boards.
Prototype and develop more quickly with STM32 ODE

The STM32 Open Development Environment is a flexible, easy and affordable way to develop innovative devices and applications. It is based on STM32 Nucleo boards and STM32Cube software.
Getting started with ARM® mbed™ IDE

ARM mbed Integrated Development Environment using STM32 Nucleo platform
Powerful debugging with Arm Keil MDK using ST-Link

In this video tutorial we will show you the extended debug features available with Arm Keil MDK for ST-Link users. Keil MDK is the most comprehensive software development solution for the various STM32 microcontroller families.
Featured PTMs
Nucleo Ecosystem

Learn about the details of the Nucleo development ecosystem. This includes covering the features and benefits of the Nucleo development boards as well as discussing the software and hardware details of these boards.