
Servo Breakout

A project log for µKatka

Tiny quadruped based on ESP8266

Radomir Dopieralski 11/21/2015 at 22:240 Comments

I designed this servo breakout long time ago, and ordered the PCB together with some other small projects, to fill the free space on the 5×5cm boards. I wrote about that back then. I even assembled one of the boards, but it didn't work right away, and I never had the energy to debug it. Today I picked it up again, and figured out that the problem is one of the pull-down resistors, on GPIO15. Turns out that 47kΩ is too much, and when I replaced it with a 10kΩ one, everything worked!

The board has a fun trace layout, because it was sitting on my disk for quite long time and I played with it a lot. As it happens, it's exactly one inch by one inch, which means that I may submit it to #The Square Inch Project now...
