JJrobots on Discovery Science Channel

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The “Outrageous Acts of Science” JJrobots episode will be launched on Discovery Science channel on Wednesday 27th July.

Guest Star: Air hockey robot. How it wasmade and other curiosities.outrageous acts of science 2

Don´t miss it!

Add the date to Google CALENDAR

By the way: We almost finished a new and improved Air Hockey robot . We have switched to a new easier to set Cartesian X-Y system to move the robot, enhanced the VISION system and added some new cool features. Now, it is very easy to assemble, set up and control.

As always, the Air Hockey robot will be an OPEN SOURCE robot, so everyone could modify and customise it as much as desired. All the documentation, code and 3D models will be available as soon as it is released.


If you are interested on the new Air hockey robot, let us know sending an email to: info@jjrobots.com or staying tuned subscribing to JJRobots:

Please, send me an email once the NEW Air hockey robot is ready
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