OSH Park
Profile for ryanb
Shared projects
ERLT Transponder LIPO Power
by ryanb.
layer board of
Shared on
May 22nd, 2016 18:51.
ERLT LiPO Powered transponder w/ 5V regulator
This project has been race tested and is easy to solder. The transponder support 2s or 3s lipo input (7.4V or 11.1V nominal) or a 5V input. The onboard voltage regulator steps the voltage down to 5V.
Parts List: * Attiny85 ATTINY85-20SU
940 nm IR diode TSAL 6100 or equivalent
1206 ¼ W resistors (R1 33ohm, R2 330ohm, R3 100ohm, R4 150ohm)
1206 LED (LED2 - activity, LED3 - power status)
Q1 2N2222 surface mount (SOT23 format)
VREG 5V LDO 250mA (MCP1702T-5002E/CB)
1206 1uF capacitor (C1, C2)
SMD Tactile button
Good luck
ERLT Transponder FC 36mm Mount
by ryanb.
layer board of
Shared on
May 22nd, 2016 18:50.
ERLT Transponder FC 36mm Mount
ERLT LiPO Powered transponder w/ 5V regulator
This project has been race tested and is easy to solder. The transponder support 2s or 3s lipo input (7.4V or 11.1V nominal) or a 5V input. The onboard voltage regulator steps the voltage down to 5V.
Parts List: * Attiny85 ATTINY85-20SU
940 nm IR diode TSAL 6100 or equivalent
1206 ΒΌ W resistors (R1 33ohm, R2 330ohm, R3 100ohm, R4 150ohm)
1206 LED (LED2 - activity, LED3 - power status)
Q1 2N2222 surface mount (SOT23 format)
VREG 5V LDO 250mA (MCP1702T-5002E/CB)
1206 1uF capacitor (C1, C2)
SMD Tactile button
Note: only equip 1 IR LED at a time. You can have both installed, however the power output will be halfed.