OSH Park
Profile for spikey
Shared projects
ArduPilot on PiZero
layer board of
Shared on
January 24th, 2017 11:28.
Go here for instructions.
This one works, but I intend to post a new one, without ADS1115 smd. I will use modules, just to make life easier… and a project cheaper
Rx5808 fpv receiver V1.1
layer board of
Shared on
February 10th, 2016 11:42.
Same as previous, just a bit smaller. FPV receiver, based on rx5808 PRO.
unmodded rx5808 from ebay
Modded rx5805 Module is needed to enable SPI. the switch on the bottom of the PCB is to switch between atmega-generated “config” and “FPV” screen. ISP programming header on test pads. Parst List. VIN should be 5-16V.
I still have a couple of blank boards, that I have no use of. Shoot me an email.
here are two renderings
CC3D barometer, compass, gps, OLED addon board
layer board of
Shared on
May 4th, 2015 21:18.
Barometer, magnetometer, GPS and I2C breakout board for CC3D on Cleanflight. You can also plug in an OLED display and GPS. Board size is the same as CC3D (36x36mm), and so is the hole placement (30,5mm apart). Measurements (link to wiki.Openpilot.org) Male headers are meant to be soldered as SMD, except for 3v3 I2C, which is through hole. You can also solder 90degree headers poiting up. SMD jst connectors are on the bottom side, if you dont want to use headers. Pinouts for jsts are the same as their top side counterparts. The direction is marked with “->” sign, poiting towards MAIN and FLEXI ports. Pinouts for MAIN and FLEXI are the same as on CC3D, dont switch rx and tx. If you want to connect it to a computer, you have to plug the battery to power the addon board, otherwise the virtual USB wont show up in Configurator. It works, I still use the prototype board on my big quad. !Make sure to correctly set the port settings!
Baro and mag bought from the interwebz
How the prototype sits on my quad Proto1 Proto2
Eagle Files can be downloaded from my blog spikey.si
here are two renderings