TEST: buggy gerbv edit

by fustini.

2 layer board of 1.64x2.41 inches (41.66x61.11 mm).
Shared on February 10th, 2016 18:37.

THIS IS A TEST: PCBmodE buggy gerbv edit

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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TEST: gerbv-edit-pcbmode-release4-example

by fustini.

2 layer board of 1.20x0.61 inches (30.40x15.47 mm).
Shared on February 10th, 2016 18:36.

TEST: gerbv-edit-pcbmode-release4-example

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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by Sccamp.

2 layer board of 1.62x2.23 inches (41.22x56.72 mm).
Shared on February 10th, 2016 15:19.

This is a variant of the MultiProV2.3c board.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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by anilinfotek.

2 layer board of 2.54x0.51 inches (64.52x13.00 mm).
Shared on February 10th, 2016 14:26.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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by anilinfotek.

2 layer board of 1.99x2.10 inches (50.42x53.42 mm).
Shared on February 10th, 2016 14:04.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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