Rx5808 fpv receiver V1.1

by spikey.

2 layer board of 1.59x1.50 inches (40.34x38.13 mm).
Shared on February 10th, 2016 11:42.

Same as previous, just a bit smaller. FPV receiver, based on rx5808 PRO.
unmodded rx5808 from ebay

Modded rx5805 Module is needed to enable SPI. the switch on the bottom of the PCB is to switch between atmega-generated “config” and “FPV” screen. ISP programming header on test pads. Parst List. VIN should be 5-16V.

I still have a couple of blank boards, that I have no use of. Shoot me an email.

here are two renderings Alt text Alt text

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by dword1511.

2 layer board of 0.94x0.62 inches (23.88x15.75 mm).
Shared on February 10th, 2016 03:39.

Tiny STM32F042 USB board version 2, with PA0-PA7, PF0 & PF1 broken out and dual LEDs. Uses LP5907 LDO or other LDOs that has NC on BP pin.

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2 layer board of 2.65x1.35 inches (67.34x34.29 mm).
Shared on February 9th, 2016 22:38.

Hard drive shutter driver

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Fibre-Rs232 for Pi Zero / Raspberry Pi

by Extreme-Electronics.

2 layer board of 1.56x0.88 inches (39.67x22.23 mm).
Shared on February 9th, 2016 22:36.

Avago Fibre 1Mb/s to 3v3 or 5V RS232 for Pi Zero or Raspberry PI

Some issues with the board take a look at extelec.uk/frs for details

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VESC 4.12

by erwincoumans.

4 layer board of 1.52x2.57 inches (38.66x65.15 mm).
Shared on February 9th, 2016 22:00.


Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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