MAX31855 TC Amp

by swedishhat.

2 layer board of 0.81x1.29 inches (20.57x32.77 mm).
Shared on August 5th, 2015 03:17.

Breakout board for MAX31855 thermocouple amplifier

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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by ckometter.

2 layer board of 3.80x0.99 inches (96.52x25.07 mm).
Shared on August 5th, 2015 02:44.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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Jitter Generator

by Sauerwald.

4 layer board of 2.01x2.01 inches (51.05x51.05 mm).
Shared on August 4th, 2015 22:11.

Circuit for adding jitter to an RF clock signal

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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Rigidbot XT60 HB Adapter

by pdidonna.

2 layer board of 0.65x1.05 inches (16.54x26.67 mm).
Shared on August 4th, 2015 13:46.

Ridgibot Heated Bed XT60 Adapter

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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by AE7EU.

4 layer board of 2.51x2.24 inches (63.73x57.00 mm).
Shared on August 4th, 2015 00:14.

40m (and more) QRPp Transciever in an Altoids Tin

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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