OSH Park
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ATtinyX4 Breadboard Helper v1
layer board of
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January 7th, 2015 20:52.
The easiest way to breadboard an ATtiny24/44/84!
SNES multi region mod [now tested]
layer board of
Shared on
January 7th, 2015 19:10.
Includes SuperCIC, uIGR and Regionpatching. The part of regionpatching is new designed!
Solder Joints:
- Most of the solder joints are located at the cart connector as to be seen
on the silkscreen.
- The mode output located at the PCBs bottom right side is goin' to the
- S-CPUN Pin 111
- S-PPU1 Pin 24 and S-PPU2 Pin 30
- One may use the additional pad for the add-on PCB for the 1Chip-SNES or to use separate wires to S-PPU1 and S-PPU2
- CIC8 and CIC10 has to be solder to the pads, not the the lifted pins
- Reset input can be solder directly to the reset buttons output instead of CIC8
- ‘Contr. Port’ means the connector for the flat wire. In the SNES-mini the mapping is as follows:
- 10 -> Player1 Pin3
- 8 -> Player1 Pin2
- 6 -> Player1 Pin4
Lifted Pins:
- S-CPUN Pin 111 OR S-PPU1 Pin 24 and S-PPU2 Pin 30
- CIC Pins 1, 2, 10 and 11 OR remove CIC completely
Values of passive components:
R1, R2: 220Ohm (increase resistor values if LED is too bright)
R3: 10kOhm
C1 - C5: 0.1uF
Active ICs (SOIC14 packages):
74*27: three 3-NOR gates, where two are unused
74*30: 8-NAND gate
74HC(T)125: four buffer gate: use HC or HCT type!
S-CIC: PIC16F630 flashed with ‘Firmware_SCIC.hex’
uIGR (V2): PIC16F684 flashed with ‘Firmware_uIGR_V2.hex’
Both firmwares can be found at https://github.com/borti4938/SNES-AddOn-PCBs/tree/master/Firmware-Switchless-PICs
!!!Note that the ‘snes-igr.hex’ in the sd2snes github repository, i.e., the ‘classical igr’ won’t work
on this PCB!!!
SNES multi region mod with SuperCIC, uIGR (V2) and region patching parts
layer board of
Shared on
January 7th, 2015 19:10.
Solder Joints:
- Most of the solder joints are located at the cart connector as to be seen
on the silkscreen.
- The mode output located at the PCBs bottom right side is goin' to the
- S-CPUN Pin 111
- S-PPU1 Pin 24 and S-PPU2 Pin 30
- One may use the additional pad for the add-on PCB for the 1Chip-SNES or to use separate wires to S-PPU1 and S-PPU2
- CIC8 and CIC10 has to be solder to the pads, not the the lifted pins
- Reset input can be solder directly to the reset buttons output instead of CIC8
- ‘Contr. Port’ means the connector for the flat wire. In the SNES-mini the mapping is as follows:
- 10 -> Player1 Pin3
- 8 -> Player1 Pin2
- 6 -> Player1 Pin4
Lifted Pins:
- S-CPUN Pin 111 OR S-PPU1 Pin 24 and S-PPU2 Pin 30
- CIC Pins 1, 2, 10 and 11 OR remove CIC completely
Values of passive components:
R1, R2: 220Ohm (increase resistor values if LED is too bright)
R3: 10kOhm
C1 - C5: 0.1uF
Active ICs (SOIC14 packages if not otherwise stated):
7404: six inverter gates, where three are unused
74HC(T)125: four buffer gate: use HC or HCT type!
74133: 13-NAND gate, SOIC16 package
S-CIC: PIC16F630 flashed with ‘Firmware_SCIC.hex’
uIGR (V2): PIC16F684 flashed with ‘Firmware_uIGR_V2.hex’
Both firmwares can be found at https://github.com/borti4938/SNES-AddOn-PCBs/tree/master/Firmware-Switchless-PICs
!!!Note that the ‘snes-igr.hex’ in the sd2snes github repository, i.e., the ‘classical igr’ won’t work
on this PCB!!!
Electronic clock switch for 1Chip-SNES, SNES Mini and Jr.
layer board of
Shared on
January 7th, 2015 19:04.
Solder Joints:
1 - mode (in) Vcc = PAL-mode, GND = NTSC-mode, same as at S-CPUN pin111
2 - inverted mode (out) to be jointed to lifted pin9 of S-RGB IC
3 - clock (out) to be jointed S-CPUN pin9 (either remove X1 or lift pin9 on S-CPUN)
Values of passive components (all 0805 packages except crystals):
R1, R2: 330Ohm
R3, R4: 1MOhm
C1, C2: 0.1uF
C3 - C6: 22pF (exact value: C3=C4=C5=C6= 2*(CL-CS), where CL is load cap. and CS is stray cap. of 74HCU04)
X50: 17.734MHz
X60: 21.477MHz
Active ICs (SOIC14 packages):
74*00: four 2-NAND gates, use 7400, 74LS00, 74HC00, and so on
74HCU04: six inverter, using unbuffered inverter as displayed performs best
afromini quad brushed esc
layer board of
Shared on
January 7th, 2015 18:27.
afromini quad quadcopter brushed esc ONLY WORKS WITH REV 0 or REV 1. NOT WITH REV 3. if you need this for revision 3 please send a PM to KoekieMonster @ rcgroups.com, then I’ll draw it.
Bottom: 4x 1206 10k resistor (or 4k7, 2k2 will probably work as well)
Top: 4x FET SOT-23 (I’ve used these: http://www.reichelt.nl/Transistors-IRL-IRFZ-/IRLML-6244/3//index.html?ACTION=3&GROUPID=2896&ARTICLE=132145&OFFSET=16&)
For it to work you need to solder male headers on this board and the afromini and connect the 2. the lipo can be soldered to the + / - pads on the left. connect the + of every motor to the+ of the lipo and the - of every motor to the right FET output (see board layout text)