Omnibot control board, Rev. A

by fisher0251.

2 layer board of 3.94x3.15 inches (100.00x80.01 mm).
Shared on June 15th, 2015 03:56.

ATMEGA328P onboard control for 3 DC brushed motors. This is my version of a control board for this project from Make Magazine. It uses dual H-bridges ICs (SN754410) to drive each motor (channels are doubled for up to 2A continuous current per motor, 4A peak for very short times). Power LED. Also 8 LEDs run by a 74LS595 shift register for “blinky” fun! Photoresistor allows for a laser hit to be detected and affect the omnibot.

This board has been successfully built and tested. It needs an extra +5V/GND header added to provide power to the RC receiver (and servo).

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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