This second release candidate of the 1.3.3 release fixes three minor regressions that were found in 1.3.3rc1:

  • #1917 - Fix job data resetting on print job completion.
  • #1918 - Fix “save as default” checkbox not being disabled when other controls are disabled.
  • #1919 - Fix call to no longer existing function in Plugin Manager UI.

If you are tracking the “Maintenance RC” release channel, you should soon get an update notification just like you are used to from stable releases.

If you are not interested in helping to test release candidates, just ignore this post, 1.3.3 stable will hit your instance via the usual way once it’s ready :)

You can find the full changelog and release notes as usual on Github.

Please provide feedback on this RC. For general feedback you can use this ticket on the tracker. Note that the information that everything works fine for you is also valuable feedback :). For bug reports please follow “How to file a bug report”.

Depending on how the feedback for this release candidate turns out, I’ll either look into releasing 1.3.3 or fix any observed regressions and push out a third release candidate within the next couple of days.

Gina Häußge
17 May 2017