
Guy Sheffer maintains “OctoPi”, a Raspbian based SD card image for the Raspberry Pi that already includes OctoPrint plus everything you need to run it:

  • OctoPrint plus its dependencies
  • MJPG-Streamer for live viewing of prints and timelapse video creation, compatible with various USB webcams and the Raspberry Pi camera
  • CuraEngine 15.04 for slicing directly on your Raspberry Pi

You can download the latest version via the following button:

  Download OctoPi 0.13 MD5Sum: d0191958de7ffe0f0a62c9313b7a3fc9 · Compatible with Raspberry Pi A, B, A+, B+, B2, 3 and Zero

or simply buy one of the available

Getting Started with OctoPi

Please follow these steps after downloading

  1. Unzip the image and install the contained .img file to an SD card like any other Raspberry Pi image.
  2. Configure your WiFi connection by editing octopi-network.txt on the root of the flashed card when using it like a thumb drive.
  3. Boot the Pi from the card.
  4. Log into your Pi via SSH (it is located at octopi.local if your computer supports bonjour or the IP address assigned by your router), default username is “pi”, default password is “raspberry”. Change the password using the passwd command. You do not need to expand the filesystem, current versions of OctoPi do this automatically.
  5. Access OctoPrint through http://octopi.local or http://<your pi's ip address>. https is available to, with a self-signed certificate.

Please also refer to OctoPi’s README, especially the “How to use it” section.

Thomas Sanladerer created a great video guide on how to get OctoPi 0.12 up an running.

Installing from source

The generic setup instructions boil down to

  1. Installing Python 2.7 including pip and virtualenv.
  2. Obtaining the source through either of:
    1. cloning the source repository: git clone https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint.git
    2. downloading an archive of the current stable version from Github and unpacking it
  3. Creating a (user owned) virtual environment in the source folder: virtualenv venv
  4. Installing OctoPrint into that virtual environment: ./venv/bin/python setup.py install
  5. OctoPrint may then be started through ./venv/bin/octoprint or with an absolute path /path/to/OctoPrint/venv/bin/octoprint

More specific setup instructions for the most common runtime environments can be found below.


For installing OctoPrint from source, please take a look at the setup instructions for Raspbian on the wiki. They should be pretty much identical on other Linux distributions.


For installing OctoPrint on a Windows system, please take a look at the setup instructions for Windows on the wiki.


For installing OctoPrint on a Mac, please take a look at the setup instructions for MacOS on the wiki.

OctoPrint's development is made possible by
... and all the awesome patrons on Patreon!
Support the project too!
OctoPrint's development is made possible by
... and all the awesome patrons on Patreon!
Support the project too!


Guy Sheffer maintains “OctoPi”, a Raspbian based SD card image for the Raspberry Pi that already includes OctoPrint plus everything you need to run it:

  • OctoPrint plus its dependencies
  • MJPG-Streamer for live viewing of prints and timelapse video creation, compatible with various USB webcams and the Raspberry Pi camera
  • CuraEngine 15.04 for slicing directly on your Raspberry Pi

You can download the latest version via the following button:

  Download OctoPi 0.13 MD5Sum: d0191958de7ffe0f0a62c9313b7a3fc9 · Compatible with Raspberry Pi A, B, A+, B+, B2, 3 and Zero

or simply buy one of the available

Getting Started with OctoPi

Please follow these steps after downloading

  1. Unzip the image and install the contained .img file to an SD card like any other Raspberry Pi image.
  2. Configure your WiFi connection by editing octopi-network.txt on the root of the flashed card when using it like a thumb drive.
  3. Boot the Pi from the card.
  4. Log into your Pi via SSH (it is located at octopi.local if your computer supports bonjour or the IP address assigned by your router), default username is “pi”, default password is “raspberry”. Change the password using the passwd command. You do not need to expand the filesystem, current versions of OctoPi do this automatically.
  5. Access OctoPrint through http://octopi.local or http://<your pi's ip address>. https is available to, with a self-signed certificate.

Please also refer to OctoPi’s README, especially the “How to use it” section.

Thomas Sanladerer created a great video guide on how to get OctoPi 0.12 up an running.

Installing from source

The generic setup instructions boil down to

  1. Installing Python 2.7 including pip and virtualenv.
  2. Obtaining the source through either of:
    1. cloning the source repository: git clone https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint.git
    2. downloading an archive of the current stable version from Github and unpacking it
  3. Creating a (user owned) virtual environment in the source folder: virtualenv venv
  4. Installing OctoPrint into that virtual environment: ./venv/bin/python setup.py install
  5. OctoPrint may then be started through ./venv/bin/octoprint or with an absolute path /path/to/OctoPrint/venv/bin/octoprint

More specific setup instructions for the most common runtime environments can be found below.


For installing OctoPrint from source, please take a look at the setup instructions for Raspbian on the wiki. They should be pretty much identical on other Linux distributions.


For installing OctoPrint on a Windows system, please take a look at the setup instructions for Windows on the wiki.


For installing OctoPrint on a Mac, please take a look at the setup instructions for MacOS on the wiki.