ACCO Semiconductor

  • Country: United States
  • Tel: +1 (408) 524-2600
  • Address: ACCO Semiconductor, 1290 Oakmead Parkway, Suite 201, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, United States

Company Overview

ACCO Semiconductor is a fabless semiconductor company focused on developing critical RF front-end components, including Multi-mode Multi-band Power Amplifiers (MMPA), using standard high-volume bulk CMOS processes. They have developed solutions that include proprietary devices to allow CMOS to be used for high-power high-linearity precision RF components and solutions. ACCO is applying this technology to provide highly integrated and cost compelling, high-efficiency CMOS power amplifier products for 2G/EDGE/3G/4G mobile handsets not previously considered possible using CMOS technology. ACCO Semiconductor is headquartered in Silicon Valley with a large R&D presence near Paris and have offices throughout Asia, including Shanghai, Taipei and Seoul.