Band Pass Filters

8921 Band Pass Filters from 65 manufacturers listed on everything RF
Band Pass Filters from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download Datasheets, Compare products and Request Quotations. Your Inquiry will be directed to the manufacturer and their distributors who will get back to you with a quote.
Description: Ceramic Band Pass Filter from 5150 to 5950 MHz
Ceramic Filter
Package Type:
Ceramic, Surface Mount
5150 to 5950 MHz
Insertion Loss:
3 dB
2 W
40 dB
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Description: 329 to 335 MHz SMT Band Pass Filter
Package Type:
Surface Mount
329 to 335 MHz
Insertion Loss:
4.5 to 5 dB
1.5 W
20 to 50 dB
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Description: 11.825 MHz Band Pass Filter
Package Type:
Module with Connectors
9.9 to 13.75 GHz
Insertion Loss:
3 dB
-60 dBc
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Description: Tunable Band Pass Filter for LTE Downlink Band 20 (791-821 MHz)
Cavity Filter, Tunable Filter
Package Type:
Module with Connectors
791 to 821 MHz
Insertion Loss:
2.5 dB
40 dB @ 1800 MHz
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Description: 2110 to 2170 MHz, Band Pass Filter
Combline Filter
Package Type:
Module with Connectors
2.11 to 2.17 GHz
Insertion Loss:
1.5 dB
5 W
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Description: 428 MHz Band Pass Filter
Package Type:
Module with Connectors
402 to 448 MHz
Insertion Loss:
3.2 to 5 dB
40 dB
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Description: Low Cost Custom RF Filter from 300 MHz to 2.4 GHz
Package Type:
Module with Connectors
Cellular, Repeater, Base Station
300 to 2400 MHz
Insertion Loss:
2.5 to 4.8 dB
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Description: 10700 MHz Cavity Band Pass Filter
Cavity Filter
Package Type:
Module with Connectors
9.4 to 12 GHz
Insertion Loss:
1.5 dB
60 dB
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Description: 5900 MHz Low Profile LC Bandpass Filter
Lumped Element Filter
Package Type:
PCB Mount
4275 to 7525 MHz
Insertion Loss:
4 dB
1 W
21 to 40 dBc
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Description: 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi / BT / LTE Co-Existence BAW Filter
BAW Filter
Package Type:
Surface Mount
WiFi, Small Cell
2402.5 to 2481.5 MHz
Insertion Loss:
0.7 to 2.2 dB
1 W
7 to 61 dB
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Searching for RF Band Pass Filters

RF Band Pass Filters are high frequency filters that are used to block unwanted signals in the wireless system. Band pass filters have a center frequency and a bandwidth, they only allow signals which lie within the specified bandwidth to pass through. Signals outside this bandwidth are attenuated considerably. When searching or selecting a RF band pass filter, here are the parameters that you should consider:

Type: There are many types of BPF filters - SAW, Cavity, Notch, Ceramic etc. The type can be selected based on the application and configuration of the system where you plan to integrate the filter.

Frequency: The frequency of a BPF filter can be specified in two ways. The first is a simple minimum and maximum frequency - The filter will allow a signal between the min and max frequency to pass and attenuate any signals outside this range. The other way to specify the frequency is to state a center frequency and the bandwidth, the passband can be calculated by min = Center Frequency - BW/2 and max = Center Frequency + BW/2.

Insertion Loss: Every filter no matter how well made will have some loss in the pass band. The lower the insertion loss the better the performance of the filter.

Attenuation/Isolation: This is another very important parameter, it tells you the level attenuation or isolation for any signal outside the pass band.

everything RF has listed RF band pass filters from the leading manufacturers. Use the filters to find and compare filter products across manufacturers. Download datasheets and get quotations on products that meet your requirement. Your inquiry is directed to the manufacturers and their distributors who will get back to you directly.

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