Block Up Converters

753 Block Up Converters from 28 manufacturers listed on everything RF
Block Up Converters (BUC) from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download Datasheets, Compare products and Request Quotations. Your Inquiry will be directed to the manufacturer and their distributors who will get back to you with a quote.
Description: 260 W Ku-band GaN Block Up Converters
Ku Band
RF frequency:
14 to 14.5 GHz (Standard Ku-band), 13.75 to 14.5 G...
LO Frequency:
12.80 GHz (Standard Ku-band), 13.05 GHz (Universal...
IF frequency:
950 to 1450 MHz
68 to 74 dB
DC Voltage:
36 to 60 V
N Type, F Type
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Description: 250 Watt Ku-Band BUC and SSPA for TWTA Replacement
Ku Band
RF frequency:
12.25 to 18 GHz
60 dB
DC Voltage:
20 to 50 V
N Type
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Description: 20 W Block Up Converter from 17.3 to 18.4 GHz
DBS Band
RF frequency:
17.3 to 18.4 GHz
LO Frequency:
16.35 GHz, 16.85 GHz
IF frequency:
950 to 1550 MHz, 950 to 1700 MHz
68 dB
DC Voltage:
15 V or 60 V
N Type, F Type
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Description: Ka Band 5 W Linear Block Up Converter
Ka Band
RF frequency:
29.0 to 31.0 GHz
IF frequency:
950 to 2000 MHz
55 dB
DC Voltage:
48 VDC
N Type, N Type - Female
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Description: Ka BandBlock Up Converter
Ka Band
RF frequency:
19.2 to 20.2 GHz
LO Frequency:
18.25 GHz
IF frequency:
950 MHz to 1.95 GHz
33 dB
SMA, SMA - Female
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Description: Ka Band Block Up Converters from 29.5 to 30.5 GHz
Ka band
RF frequency:
29.5 to 30.5 GHz
LO Frequency:
28.5 GHz
IF frequency:
1 to 2 GHz
25 dB
DC Voltage:
0.5 to 12 V
N Type, N Type - Female, 2.92 mm, 2.92 mm - Female
Military, Commercial
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Description: 8 W, 16 W or 25 W Ku-band Block Up Converters
Ku Band
RF frequency:
12800 to 15450 MHz
LO Frequency:
13750 to 14500 MHz
IF frequency:
950 to 1700 MHz
70 to 74 dB
DC Voltage:
34 to 60 V
N Type
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Description: GaN Based Block Up Converters from 28.5 GHz to 31 GHz
Ka Band
RF frequency:
28.5 to 31 GHz
IF frequency:
950 to 2000 MHz
N Type, N Type - Female
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Description: Universal-Ku Band BUC from 13.75 to 14.5 GHz
Ku Band
RF frequency:
13.75 to 14.5 GHz
LO Frequency:
12.8 GHz
IF frequency:
950 MHz to 1.7 GHz
56 dB
DC Voltage:
24 VDC
F Type - Female
Military, Commercial
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Description: 34dBm, Ku Band Block Up Converter
Ku Band
RF frequency:
13.75 to 14.50 GHz
LO Frequency:
13.5 to 12.8 GHz
IF frequency:
950 to 1700 MHz
DC Voltage:
13 to 28 VDC
F Type, F Type - Female
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What is a Block Up Converter?

A block up converter (BUC) is used to transmit signals to satellites. It converts a low IF frequency signal to higher frequencies for transmission to a satellite. In addition to up converting the frequency, they also amplify the signals. When selecting a BUC, you must consider the following parameters:

1. Input/IF Frequency: The intermediate frequency that is input in to the BUC. This is a low frequency which needs to be up-converted and amplified before it is transmitted out of the system.

2. Output/RF Frequency: The output frequency from the block up converter. This is also often denoted using the IEEE/Radar bands like Ku Band, Ka Band, X Band etc.

3. Gain: The gain provided by the BUC.

4. DC Voltage: This is the voltage that needs to be applied to the BUC for operation.

everything RF has listed Block Up Converters from the leading manufacturers. You can use the parametric search tools to narrow down on products based on your requirements such as frequency band, power level etc. Once you find products that meet your need, you can download datasheets, compare them and get quotations. Quotations requested via everything RF are directed to the manufacturers who will get back to you with the details. This way you can easily contact multiple manufacturers by entering your information once - saving you the hassle of finding the right contact at each company.

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