Isotropic Antennas

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An isotropic antenna is a theoretical antenna that radiates equally in all directions - horizontally and vertically with the same intensity. The antenna has a gain of 1 dB in the spherical space all around it and has an efficiency of 100%. The concept of an isotropic antenna is often used as a reference antenna for the antenna gain.

Many antennas specify gain in dBi (decibles over isotropic), which is the power transmitted by an antenna in specific direction, divided by the power transmitted by an isotropic antenna emitting the same total power.

Isotropic Antennas

everything RF lists Isotropic Antennas from the leading manufacturers. Narrow down the list of antennas by entering your the required frequency range and gain - Our search tool will filter through the complete catalog of products to find Isotropic Antennas that meet your requirement. You can request quotations, download datasheets and compare the products. All inquiries made via everything RF will be directed to the manufacturer and/or their distributors/sales reps in your region.

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