What is the real value of IoT?

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  • Author: Cees Links

Is the Internet of Things just another new technology fad? There is a lot of confusion about what the Internet of Things is.

The Internet of Things lives and runs over the regular internet, just like every other connected computer, online game box, video streaming device or smartphone. But what are the goals and benefits for the user? This question is becoming more important, and the answers more relevant, because IoT is being hyped today, setting people up for disillusionment – unless we understand what this connectivity is really all about.

Is the IoT really all that new? The Internet of Things, in one way or another, has existed for over 20 years. In its early days, it was somewhat obscure, often called M2M, Machine to Machine communication for industrial applications. But today’s IoT technology is more maturing than emerging. IoT devices are moving into the mainstream but they still have further to go.

This paper details and answers questions to the future of ever-evolving Internet of Things (or) IoT.