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maybe i will put a stupid question: there is a posibility to read two layers properties in the same time or at the same event?
(for example at "before every layer Gcode", i need to read the [[TotalSolidArea]] of layer nr 5 and [[TotalSolidArea]] of layer nr 4)
Thank you for your future answer!
Last edited by 78ATI (2018-01-29 21:31:51)
Currently it is not possible.
Thank you Shahin for fast answer! Can i ask you other related question:
How can i use [[SyscallResult]] in Dynamic cure process. I try {([[SyscallResult]]>3)*5}, but no value was calulated. in the GCODe before each layer, i can see the value of SyscallResault...but i don't know haw to pass it to dynamic cure time.
Thank you for your future feedback!
It is not possible to use [[SyscallResult]] inside dynamic cure input. But you can use [[ExecReturn]] with the same effect.