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#1 Re: Help and Support » Z axis moves under calibration, but not during print » 2017-06-13 13:40:19

I cannot get the z axis stepper motor to change speed.
It only moves at a very slow rate.
Even if I use a direct g code in the terminal, like:
G1 Z-250 F700
It just creeps along barely moving and should go much faster

#2 Help and Support » Z axis moves under calibration, but not during print » 2017-06-12 03:04:24

Replies: 3

My Z axis stepper motor moves correctly under the calibration tab, but does not move at all when printing.

Could this be a resin profile problem?

#3 Re: Help and Support » Slice on/off » 2017-06-11 02:36:09

I thought the shutter would happen before and after the actual exposure..
I will check it thank you

Edit: this works if I turn off 'wait before print' under the resin profile.
Otherwise the 'shutter' gcode will run and then wait for a bit until the slice image actually appears.

#4 Help and Support » Slice on/off » 2017-06-11 01:31:05

Replies: 3

I am using an LED to cure the resin during slice exposure.
I have the relay working by using gcode on the terminal,
but where do I put that gcode so the relay turns on/off during the exposure time of the slice?

#5 Re: Help and Support » Errors under Windows » 2017-06-11 00:13:54

I have been running it from windows explorer.
I started an elevated/admin command prompt and ran it from command line, now everything works!
No errors! Thank you

#6 Help and Support » Errors under Windows » 2017-06-10 22:20:09

Replies: 4

I figured I would start a new topic.

I have a Windows Ultrabook, Arduino Mega w/ Ramps 1.4, and an Openbuilds Nema 17 linear actuator.

There is only one account on the machine and it is admin.

When I start nanodlp.exe with admin rights, never connects.
Here is the command prompt I get with nanodlp.exe with admin rights:


When I start nanodlp.exe normally, I can access through
Here is the command prompt I get with nanodlp.exe normally:


Once it is started, I immediately get the error "Could Not Write to Status JSON File public/status.json open public/status.json: Access is denied."

I go to setup, set COM3 and adjust the screw mm to 8mm.

Then I go to z calibration and click a number, and it moves! yay!

If I click another number, it does not move. I get the error "Serial port could not be activated Access is denied."

Here is a link to my debug file.


#7 Re: Help and Support » Windows vs Raspberry Pi? » 2017-06-08 02:35:29

Does a windows laptop have to be online to use nanodlp? My ultrabook is not online.
I am getting the error "Could Not Write to Status JSON File public/status.json open public/status.json: Access is denied."

#8 Re: Help and Support » Garbled Terminal » 2017-06-08 02:34:06

Thank you for your advice!
I went back to Marlin 1.0 and changed the baud rate to 115200 and now it communicates properly! Thank you.

On my printer, I only have a Z axis stepping motor (Nema 17 from Openbuilds) and two end stops at the top/bottom of the z-axis. I use GCode to turn on/off the projector lamp. Basically a Kudo Titan type printer.
I am not sure which board to choose. I am currently getting errors about temperatures heat bed etc, which I do not have.

#9 Re: Help and Support » Garbled Terminal » 2017-06-07 04:41:10

Thanks bigfilsing
I'll make some tweaks and report back

#10 Help and Support » Garbled Terminal » 2017-06-07 03:42:57

Replies: 3

I am running NanoDLP on a Windows ultrabook.
I have an Arduino Mega w/ Ramps using Marlin 1.1.
I run nanodlp and access it via
Then I go to setup and select 'COM3', leaving everything else at default.
When I go to Terminal, I get this:
Garbled Termianl

Eventually I also get the error "Could Not Write to Status JSON File public/status.json open public/status.json: Access is denied."


#11 Help and Support » Windows vs Raspberry Pi? » 2017-06-06 03:25:19

Replies: 3

Does the raspberry pi version have any advantage over other versions (windows)?

I have a (mostly) working 3D printer that uses an ultrabook as it's host and an Arduino mega/RAMPS board.
It would be easier for me to just install NanoDLP on the ultrabook.
Would I need to modify the Arduino/Mega to work with NanoDLP?

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