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@deltakosh deltakosh released this · 475 commits to master since this release

  • Major updates
  • Updates
    • Audio files are now saved for offline access (davrous)
    • New CubeTexture.CreateFromImages() (deltakosh)
    • Bounding info can be locked and updated (bb.isLocked and bb.update()) (deltakosh)
    • 2D layers now have a scale and offset properties (deltakosh)
    • TouchCamera can now fallback to regular mouse/keyboard controls (deltakosh)
    • Added ability to skip current prepared Action to next active Action (chained by Action.then(Action)) (vouskprod)
    • Added new event triggers ActionManager.OnLongPressTrigger and ActionManager.OnPickDownTrigger (vouskprod)
    • new Mesh.convertToUnIndexedMesh() to create meshes with no indices (which could be faster when vertex reuse is low and vertex structure is small) (deltakosh)
    • Unity3D exporter will recognise instances of prefabs (ozRocker)
    • New parse mechanism (for loading .babylon file) (deltakosh)
    • New button to log the camera position in the debug layer (temechon)
    • Shader files (fragment and vertex) can now be specified via direct URL (vouskprod)
    • Added Animatable.goToFrame() (deltakosh)
    • Fixed behavior or Animation.CreateAndStartAnimation and added Animation.CreateMergeAndStartAnimation to reproduce previous behavior (deltakosh)
    • Adding StandardMaterial.linkEmissiveWithDiffuse to, well, link emissive with diffuse value. (With)[] and (without)
    • Adding support for equi-rectangular mapping. See demo here (deltakosh)
    • Sprites and particles scheduler updated to be resolved before transparent objects (deltakosh)
    • Added ability to deactivate ArcRotateCamera panning mechanism (by setting panningSensibility to 0) (vouskprod)
    • Added DirectionalLight.autoUpdateExtends to prevent directional lights to adapt to scene extends (deltakosh)
    • Added a new parameter to to define root element to use (deltakosh)
    • New MeshBuilder class used to create all kind of mesh shapes (deltakosh)
    • Added Scene.constantlyUpdateMeshUnderPointer to improve performance when moving mouse (deltakosh)
    • Added StandardMaterial.disableLighting (deltakosh)
    • Improved reflection shader performance (deltakosh)
    • New Material.sideOrientation property to define clockwise or counter-clockwise faces selection. Demo here (deltakosh)
    • It is now possible to create a custom loading screen. PR (RaananW)
    • Per face color and texture feature in MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder() (jerome)
    • Arc feature in CreateCylinder, CreateSphere, CreateTube, CreateDisc and CreateLathe (jerome)
    • Slice feature in MeshBuilder.CreateSphere() (jerome)
    • closed parameter in MeshBuilder.CreateLathe() (jerome)
    • cap parameter in MeshBuilder.CreateLathe() (jerome)
    • diameter, hasRings, enclose parameters in MeshBuilder.CreateCreateCylinder() (jerome)
    • added getNormalAtCoordinates() and getNormalAtCoordinatesToRef() methods in MeshBuilder.CreateLathe() (jerome)
    • Material.dispose() now removes disposed material from meshes (deltakosh)
    • New Material.getBindedMeshes() function (deltakosh)
    • OimoJS Plugin now uses Quaternions exclusively and calculates body rotations correctly. PR (RaananW)
    • It is now possible to get the physics engine's body and wolrd objects using the physics engine. PR (RaananW)
    • new Heightmap Impostor for Cannon.js physics engine. PR, Demo (RaananW)
    • A plane mesh can be created with a source plane (math). PR (RaananW)
    • AbstractMesh.onPhysicsCollide will be triggered when a physics-enabled mesh collides against another. PR (RaananW)
    • Added scene onPointerMove public callback. PR (RaananW)
    • Added streaming support for BABYLON.Sound (davrous)
    • Added collisionsEnabled and workerCollisions for serialization PR (Dad72)
    • Changed from a fixed maximum of bone influencers, 4, to variable, 1-8 (Palmer-JC)
      • Support for added to Blender Exporter (Palmer-JC)
    • Float32Arrays can now directly be specified for vertex data attributes, Mesh.updateVerticesDataDirectly deprecated (Palmer-JC)
    • Added panning axis to the ArcRotateCamera PR (mstdokumaci, RaananW)
    • Added Tmp class for internal use in order to improvement the memory management, jerome)
    • Added Scene.swithActiveCamera(newCamera, attachControl) to go from one camera active to another. (dad72) PR
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed IDB for offline support (davrous)
    • Fixed a bug with spherical mapping (deltakosh)
    • Fixed a bug with clone and createInstance which was forcing the recomputation of bounding boxes (deltakosh)
    • Fixed a bug with CSG when submeshes are kept (deltakosh)
    • Fixed a bug with texture coordinates matrices (deltakosh)
    • Fixed Sphere texture coordinates generation (deltakosh)
    • Fixed a bug with Mesh.attachToBone when bone's matrix has a negative determinant (deltakosh)
    • Fixed a possible but with the active camera while taking a screenshot. PR (RaananW)
    • Fixed a bug with worker-collisions and instances. PR (RaananW)
    • Fixed a bug with removed meshes and geometries from the worker-cache. PR (RaananW)
    • Fixed getHeightAtCoordinates() : brand new ultra fast algorithm, can be used for many objects at once in the render loop now (jerome)
    • Fixed closePath and closeArray ribbon parameter now working back together (jerome)
    • Fixed morphing on capped tubes (jerome)
    • Fixed morphing on extruded shapes (jerome)
    • Fixed tube and extruded shape cap light artifact (jerome)
    • Fixed lathe light artifact with dedicated new geometry (jerome)
    • Fixed a bug calculating velocity during collision with gravity enabled. PR (RaananW)
    • Fixed a bug in instance serialization. PR (RaananW)
    • Fixed a memory leak with textures (deltakosh)
  • Breaking changes
    • ActionManager.OnPickTrigger now acts as a single click/tap and is not raised on drag or swipe anymore. To get the old behavior, ActionManager.OnPickDownTrigger should be used instead (vouskprod)
    • VertexData.CreateCylinder() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateRibbon() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateBox() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateSphere) now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateTorus() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateTorusKnot() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreatePlane() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateDisc() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateLines() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateDashedLines() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateGround() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateTiledGround() now supports only the single options parameter (jerome)
    • VertexData.CreateGroundFromHeightMap() now supports only the single options parameter (deltakosh)
    • Tools.IsExponantOfTwo() renamed to Tools.IsExponentOfTwo() (deltakosh)
    • Tools.GetExponantOfTwo() renamed to Tools.GetExponentOfTwo() (deltakosh)
    • Updated Cannon.js plugin to the newest version (0.6.2). New cannon.js must be used. PR (RaananW)



@deltakosh deltakosh released this · 1367 commits to master since this release

  • Major updates
  • Updates
    • Adding layerMask to lensFlareSystem, spritesManager, particleSystem (deltakosh)
    • Adding emissiveAsIllumination and reflectionFresnelFromSpecular for StandardMaterial (deltakosh)
    • Adding isEnabled for ProceduralTexture (deltakosh)
    • Compression supported for raw textures (deltakosh)
    • New TonemapPostProcess. See demo here (deltakosh)
    • New options parameters for Box, Sphere, Plane and Ground. See demo here (deltakosh)
    • Added per face UV and Colors options for CreateBox (jerome)
    • Added darkness support for soft shadows (deltakosh)
    • Added scene.getLensFlareSystemByName() (deltakosh)
    • Added LensFlareSystem.setEmitter() (deltakosh)
    • Added Color3.FromHexString() and Color3.toHexString() (deltakosh)
    • Added Color4.FromHexString() and Color4.toHexString() (deltakosh)
    • Added mesh.computeBonesUsingShaders to allow developers to disable HW skinning for low end devices (deltakosh)
    • Added material.disableDepthWrite (default is off) (deltakosh)
    • Added material.alphaMode (default is BABYLON.Engine.ALPHA_COMBINE, can be set to BABYLON.Engine.ALPHA_ADD, *_SUBTRACT, *_MULTIPLY or *_MAXIMIZED ) (deltakosh, jahow)
    • Added Animatable.reset() function (deltakosh)
    • New parameter for ArcRotateCamera.zoomOn to preserve maxZ (deltakosh)
    • PickingInfo.getNormal can now use either vertices normals or vertices positions (deltakosh)
    • Meshes can now support uv2, uv4, uv5 and uv6 for ShaderMaterials (deltakosh)
    • Panning support for ArcRotateCamera (julien-moreau)
    • Vertex color and diffuse color can now be mixed (deltakosh)
    • Depth-of-field improvements PR (jahow)
    • Engine now initialize WebGL with preserveDrawingBuffer = false by default (deltakosh)
    • withEpsilon with a user defined epsilon PR (RaananW)
    • Adding onAfterRender function in BABYLON.PostProcess PR (julien-moreau)
    • Improved shaders optimizer to remove specular code when not needed (deltakosh)
    • Added some utility functions to Vector2/3/4 PR (jahow)
    • Added split angularSensibiliy into X and Y for arcRotateCamera PR (Remwrath)
    • Added function getFrontPosition(distance) for Camera PR (dad72)
    • New rawTexture.update function (robgdl)
    • Changes to meshes transform baking and added flipFaces PR (jahow)
    • SerializeMesh serializes a mesh or array of meshes to be imported with the loader's ImportMesh optionally including their children and/or parents. PR PR2 (RaananW)
    • onCollide callback for meshes calling moveWithCollisions. PR (RaananW)
    • Unity Exporter now uses game object name as the Babylon.js mesh name, instead of mesh name which is not unique when dealing with primitive objects (cubes, spheres, planes, etc..) (ozRocker)
    • Path3D construction : new raw parameter, if true returns a non-normalized Path3D object (jerome)
      • Added Vector3.RotationFromAxisToRef() : same as RotationFromAxis() but assigns a reference (jerome)
      • ComputeNormals optimization : less object allocation and normal array initialization (jerome)
      • Ribbon : closePath parameter now creates a smooth seam (jerome)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixing bug with rig cameras positioning (deltakosh)
    • Instance meshes' geometry ID is now serialized correctly. PR (RaananW)
    • Bug fix at set numberOfBricksWidth PR (Polatouche)
  • Breaking changes
    • In LensRenderingPipeline: parameter dof_focus_depth (range 0..1) is deprecated, use dof_focus_distance (range 0..infinity) instead (jahow)
    • Cylinder Mesh complete reimplementation for better normals (jerome)
    • RotationFromAxis() : fixed the dot product case outside the range -1, 1
    • Path3D : fix wrong normal/binormal due to normalization approximations (jerome)



@deltakosh deltakosh released this · 1722 commits to master since this release

  • Major updates
    • Collisions can now be offloaded on webworkers (raananw)
    • SIMD.js support for math library. See demo (deltakosh)
    • Unity 5 scene exporter. More info here (davrous, deltakosh)
    • New Mesh.CreateDecal() function to create decals. See demo. More info here (deltakosh)
    • New tool for debugLayer: You can now dump renderTargets to see their content (deltakosh)
    • Complete shadows code rework: New bias property for ShadowGenerator, new orthogonal shadows for directional shadows, automatic projection size for directional lights, new BlurVarianceShadowMap filter. See demo. Documentation updated here (deltakosh)
    • New lens effects rendering pipeline. More info here (jahow)
    • New basic mesh type: Ribbons. See demo. More info here (jbousquie)
    • New BABYLON.Mesh.ExtrudeShape and BABYLON.Mesh.ExtrudeShapeCustom. More info here (jbousquie)
    • New Loaders folder with a first additionnal plugin: STL (raananw, deltakosh)
    • Gulp building process revamped, updated and simplified and now includes a config.json (raananw)
  • Updates
    • Better beta angle support for ArcRotateCamera (raananw)
    • Better video textures support (deltakosh)
    • Cameras hierarchy rework (deltakosh)
    • New Camera.setCameraRigMode to control 3D rendering of any camera (Anaglyph, Stereo, VR) (Palmer-JC)
    • VR cameras can disable distortion postprocess to get more performance (deltakosh)
    • New cameras: AnaglyphGamepadCamera, StereoscopicFreeCamera, StereoscopicArcRotateCamera, StereoscopicGamepadCamera (deltakosh)
    • New MultiMaterial.clone() function (deltakosh)
    • Faster mesh.computeNormals() function (jbousquie)
    • Added the ability to dynamically update or to morph an mesh instance (jbousquie)
    • Allow static Mesh.MergeMeshes to work with clones & Mesh subclasses (Palmer-JC)
    • Added mesh.freezeWorldMatrix() for static meshes (deltakosh)
    • Added mesh.freezeNormals() for parametric mesh updates (jbousquie)
    • Added Vector3.RotationFromAxis() to get Euler rotation angles from a target system (jbousquie)
    • Added mesh.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh to disable frustum clipping for a specific mesh (deltakosh)
    • Added updateMeshPositions method (jbousquie)
    • Callbacks for geometry changes (raananw)
    • Allow Engine to run for CocoonJS with standard html, including devices where the hardware scaling != 1 (Palmer-JC)
    • Material onBind callback improvement (jahow)
    • New front/back/double side feature for meshes (jbousquie)
    • New basic mesh type: Disc (jbousquie)
    • New basic mesh type : Dashed Lines (jbousquie)
    • New basic mesh type : Lathe (jbousquie)
    • New basic mesh type: Tube. More info here (jbousquie)
    • Allow ComputeNormals to work with Typed Arrays & the Typescript Level (Palmer-JC)
    • Added uniqueId for nodes (raananw)
    • Added Mesh.onLODLevelSelection(distance: number, mesh: Mesh, selectedLevel: Mesh) callback (deltakosh)
    • Added Material.zOffset to help reducing z-fighting (deltakosh)
    • Added excludeWithLayerMask to lights (Palmer-JC)
    • Added includeOnlyWithLayerMask for filtering meshes (Palmer-JC)
    • Mesh Default layerMask changed to allow more "special cameras filtering" (Palmer-JC)
    • Sprite can now have .width and .height properties (deltakosh)
    • Ability to register events based on mesh/camera/light addition and deletion (raananw)
    • New Curve object (jbousquie) More info here
    • New Path3D object (jbousquie) More info here
    • New 'color correction' post process (jahow)
    • Added sampling mode as a parameter for SpriteManager (jahow)
    • RenderTexture can now be saved to a file (deltakosh)
    • Better attributes management (deltakosh)
    • Source conform to typescript 1.4 (raananw)
    • Adding subMeshId property in PickingInfo structure (deltakosh)
    • No more error when a manifest is not found (deltakosh)
  • Bug fixes
    • Initial quaternion fix for OIMO plugin (raananw)
    • ArcRotateCamera pinch zoom debug (vousk)
    • Fixing animatable bug when animation is over (temechon)
    • useCameraPostProcess whenever there is a special camera in use (m0ppers)
    • delta in BoundingBox's intersectsPoint is now calculated correctly (raananw)
    • textures cache fixed (deltakosh)
    • ImportMesh now imports referenced geometries of selected meshes (raananw)
    • CSG toMesh() and FromMesh() now support meshes without quaternion (raananw)
  • Breaking changes
    • OculusCamera was removed (deltakosh)
    • VRDeviceOrientationCamera was renamed to VRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera (deltakosh)
    • WebVRCamera was renamed to WebVRFreeCamera (deltakosh)
    • VideoTexture does not require a size parameter anymore. The new constructor is: constructor(name: string, urls: string[], scene: Scene, generateMipMaps = false, invertY = false, samplingMode: number = Texture.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE) (deltakosh)



@deltakosh deltakosh released this · 1815 commits to master since this release

  • Major updates

    • Support for WebAudio. More info here (davrous)
    • Support for Procedural Texture with standard usable samples and custom support. More info here (meulta)
    • Support for OES_element_index_uint extension in order to support 32 bits indices and then meshes with more than 65536 vertices (deltakosh)
    • Support for levels of detail (LOD) for meshes. More info here (deltakosh)
    • New Scene Optimizer tool. More here (deltakosh)
    • Support for user marks (deltakosh)
    • Using High Resolution Time for performance and FPS measurement (deltakosh)
    • Easing functions for animations. More info here (mimetis)
    • New debug layer than can be used to display debug informations. More info here (deltakosh)
    • New PolygonMeshBuilder object used to create mesh from polygons (ElemarJR)
    • New Mesh.simplify() function to automatically simplify meshes. More info here (raananw)
    • New scene.enableDepthRenderer() to register depth texture rendering. More info here (deltakosh)
    • New SSAORenderingPipeline to apply screen space ambient occlusion. More info here (julien-moreau)
    • New VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess to simulate volumetric light scattering. More info here (julien-moreau)
    • 3dsMax exporter can now generate binary format files (deltakosh)
  • Updates

    • Moving of cloning into Mesh constructor (Palmer-JC)
    • Camera types support in 3dsmax exporter (deltakosh)
    • Babylon.Math is now a fluid API (deltakosh)
    • Added FOV mode setting to cameras (jahow)
    • You can now define if OnIntersectionEnterTrigger and OnIntersectionExitTrigger may use precise intersections. More info here (deltakosh)
    • New scene.createDefaultCameraOrLight() function (deltakosh)
    • Added POV movement & rotation (Palmer-JC)
    • Starting documenting public API (raananw)
    • Added render target type (unsigned or floating point) (julien-moreau)
    • Decomposition and interpolation methods for matrices (kpko)
    • Spot lights can now cast shadows (deltakosh)
    • Adding clear() function to DynamicTexture (deltakosh)
    • New RawTexture object to create texture from arraybuffer with specific format (luminance, luminance and alpha, alpha, rgb, rgba) (deltakosh)
    • Animation's key can now be functions (deltakosh)
    • Bones and instances can be used together (deltakosh)
    • Engine can now accept more than one render loop (deltakosh)
    • New ParticleSystem.updateFunction to define custom behavior for particles (deltakosh)
    • New mesh.renderOverlay and mesh.overlayColor (deltakosh)
    • New "Automatically launch animations" option for Blender 3D (deltakosh)
    • Support for vertex color and vertex alpha function (deltakosh)
    • Adding stride size attributes to Mesh.setVerticesData function (deltakosh)
    • New Texture.CreateFromBase64String function (deltakosh)
    • Extending the Ray class functionality to support ray's length (raananw)
    • New Effect.onBind callback (deltakosh)
    • Added support for point rendering (FreeFrags deltakosh)
    • Robust Euler->Quaternion->Euler conversions (MavenRain)
    • new mesh.isCompletelyInFrustum(camera) function (deltakosh)
    • Added the possibility to disable fog for a specific material (demonixis)
    • Added the possibility to disable fog for a specific sprite manager (deltakosh)
    • Added a property to ArcRotateCamera that moves the screen position of the target (daner)
  • Breaking changes

    • Tools.GetFps() and Tools.GetDeltaTime() are now functions hosted by the engine: engine.getFps() and engine.getDeltaTime() deltakosh)
  • Bugs

    • Insane amount of fixes for 3dsmax and blender exporters (deltakosh)
    • Fixed nearest texture filters (deltakosh)
    • Fixed mesh loading when url has a query string (dlajarretie)
    • Fixed a bug with pause/restart on animations (deltakosh)
    • Fixed a bug with CSG and transformations (deltakosh)



@deltakosh deltakosh released this · 2486 commits to master since this release

  • Major updates

    • New VRDeviceOrientionCamera for cardboard like systems (demonixis)
    • New WebVRCamera for WebVR compatible systems (demonixis)
    • All shaders now use high precision profile to address iOS8 compatibility (deltakosh)
    • New camera: BABYLON.FollowCamera used to smoothly follow a given target abogartz
    • New BABYLON.AssetsManager used to handle assets loading alongside loading screen display (deltakosh)
    • New Engine.displayLoadingUI(), Engine.hideLoadingUI(), Engine.loadingUiText. See more here (deltakosh)
    • New cache engine (Based on state objects) (deltakosh)
    • Fresnel support for diffuse, emissive, opacity and reflection on StandardMaterial. See demo here and wiki here (deltakosh)
    • TypeScript declaration file is now available (deltakosh)
    • Binary file format supported. You can use online converter here (r2d2Proton)
  • Updates

    • New mesh.updateVerticesDataDirectly(kind, float32array) to update mesh data directly (deltakosh)
    • Sandbox & IndexedDB layer are now supporting TGA & DDS textures (davrous)
    • Integrating lights animations, cameras type and animations for Blender exporter (Palmer-JC)
    • New "Get zip" option for CYOS (deltakosh)
    • Add pinch and zoom for iOS and Android on ArcRotateCamera (Eucly2)
    • New camera.projectToScreen() function to transform a vector3 into a screen pixel (deltakosh)
    • New effect parameter to define custom shader for BABYLON.ParticleSystem constructor. See demo here and wiki here (deltakosh)
    • Added toEulerAnglesToRef and CopyFromFloats to Quaternion (Demonixis)
    • Added function to calculate the inverse of a quaternion (Daner)
    • New StandardMaterial.useSpecularOverAlpha to define if you want specular to appear even on top of transparent surfaces (deltakosh)
    • New SceneLoader.Append function to append a babylon.js file to an existing scene (Palmer-JC)
    • New LinesMesh.alpha property (deltakosh)
    • Adding instances exportation support for 3DSMax exporter (deltakosh)
    • New Mesh.applyDisplacementMap and Mesh.applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer (deltakosh)
    • New Mesh.renderOutline property to render outlines around a mesh (used with Mesh.outlineColor and Mesh.outlineWidth) (deltakosh)
    • New Light.includedOnlyMeshes array to define explicitely which mesh is affected by a light (deltakosh)
    • Added multiply and divide functions to Vector2 (daner)
    • New feature demo for custom render target texture (deltakosh)
    • RenderTargetTexture can now specify a camera to use (deltakosh)
  • Updates

    • Fixing tons of bugs with PostProcessRenderPipeline. Wiki updated. (deltakosh)



@deltakosh deltakosh released this · 2605 commits to master since this release

Major updates


  • Fixed ray creation when the devicePixelRatio is not equals to 1 (demonixis)
  • New mesh.registerAfterRender and mesh.unregisterAfterRender functions (deltakosh)
  • New fragmentElement parameter to define custom shader for BABYLON.ParticleSystem constructor (deltakosh)
  • New OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp triggers. See actions wiki for more info (deltakosh)
  • ArcRotateCamera can now check collisions wiki (deltakosh)
  • New Engine.Version property which returns a string with the current version (deltakosh)
  • New "Export and Run" feature for Max2Babylon (deltakosh)
  • Animations delta time is now capped between Scene.MinDeltaTime and Scene.MaxDeltaTime (deltakosh)
  • Non-squared DDS are now supported (deltakosh)
  • New triggers: BABYLON.ActionManager.OnIntersectionEnterTrigger, BABYLON.ActionManager.OnIntersectionExitTrigger. Documentation updated (deltakosh)
  • New mesh type: BABYLON.LinesMesh. You can find a demo here (deltakosh)
  • New mesh.moveWithCollisions function. Used with mesh.ellipsoid and '''mesh.ellipsoidOffset```, this function can be used to move a mesh and use an ellipsoid around it to check collisions (deltakosh)
  • New feature demo: How to do drag'n'drop (deltakosh)
  • New BABYLON.PickingInfo.getTextureCoordinates() function (deltakosh)
  • New BABYLON.Scene.cameraToUseForPointers property that defines this parameter if you are using multiple cameras and you want to specify which one should be used for pointer position (deltakosh)
  • BABYLON.OculusOrientedCamera was replaced by BABYLON.OculusCamera for better integration into camera system (deltakosh)
  • New Mesh.CreateTiledGround() function (kostar111)
  • Shadow Poisson Sampling (clementlevasseur)


  • Fixing a bug when instances are used with a mesh with submeshes.length > 1 (deltakosh)
  • CreateCylinder() : add subdivisions parameter and fix normals bug (kostar111)



@deltakosh deltakosh released this · 2711 commits to master since this release

  • Major updates

    • Babylon.js is now entirely developed using TypeScript (deltakosh, davrous)
    • Physics plugins: You can add your own physics engine to Babylon.js. More info here. Cannon.js is the first supported plugin (deltakosh)
    • BABYLON.Action: You can now create a complex system of interactions. More info here (deltakosh)
    • Babylon.js Playground: Experiment and learn Babylon.js using the playground (deltakosh)
    • Geometry system (gwenael-hagenmuller)
    • Support for TGA textures based on Vincent Thibault work (deltakosh)
    • BABYLON.Gamepads & BABYLON.Gamepad: Support for Gamepad API (Xbox 360 Pad & Generic Pads) (davrous)
    • BABYLON.GamepadCamera: use a FPS-like camera controlled by your gamepad using 1 line of code (davrous)
    • Hardware accelerated instances used to render identical meshes. More info here (deltakosh)
    • New BABYLON.GroundMesh created by BABYLON.Mesh.Createground and BABYLON.Mesh.CreateGroundFromHeightMap. This object is optimized for collisions and rendering of grounds (!!!). A first feature is also included GroundMesh.getHeightAtCoordinates (deltakosh)
    • Beta: New exporter for 3ds Max 2013+ (deltakosh)
  • Updates

    • DDS: Support for RGB, Luminance and cube file format (deltakosh)
    • New LensFlareSystem.isEnabled property (deltakosh)
    • New samplingMode parameter when creating textures (deltakosh)
    • Blender: changed object.isVisible to reflect the corresponding param in Blender (vousk)
    • New properties: scene.meshUnderPointer, scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY (deltakosh)
    • Added "layerMask" property to meshes and cameras (marcolebdech)
    • New Mesh.showSubMeshesBoundingBox to display sbumeshes bounding boxes (deltakosh)
    • Octree are now more generics and used to optimize rendering, collisions and picking. More info (deltakosh)
    • Shadows now support alpha testing (deltakosh)
    • New feature demo: particles (deltakosh)
    • New renderTargetTexture.refreshRate property to define the refresh rate of RenderTargetTexture: Use 0 to render just once, 1 to render on every frame, 2 to render every two frames and so on... (deltakosh)
    • New scene.beforeCameraRender and scene.afterCameraRender callbacks (deltakosh)
    • New custom functions for ParticleSystem: startDirectionFunction and startPositionFunction (deltakosh)
    • useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture option for standard material to use 8-it alpha channel from the diffuse texture instead of using it as an alpha test value (Platane)
    • New Tools.Log, Tools.Warn, Tools.Error functions. Filter can be applied using Tools.CurrentLoglevel (MaxenceBrasselet, deltakosh)
    • Using grunt-contrib-uglify to reduce babylon.js size (from 500KB to 384KB) (deltakosh)
    • setDirectionToTarget function added to SpotLight, HemisphericLight and DirectionalLight (Wingnutt)
    • Picking now takes viewport in account (deltakosh)
    • Point lights and spot lights now have a range (deltakosh)
    • Color3 interpolator for animations (deltakosh)
    • New function: VertexData.CreateGroundFromHeightMap(deltakosh)
    • New function: Tools.CreateScreenshot(nicolas-obre)
  • Bugfixes

    • Fixing ArcRotateCamera.setPosition() (Celian)
    • RenderTarget crashed when used with incremental engine (deltakosh)
    • Depth clear is now more controlled (Mainly for Ejecta) (deltakosh)
    • Fixed a bug with ratio when using RenderTargetTexture deltakosh)
    • Fixed a bug in the sandbox tool (davrous)
    • Fixed a bug with skybox seams holcombj)
    • Moved mousewheel event from window to canvas deltakosh)
    • Fixed matricesIndices serialization (gwenael-hagenmuller)
    • Bug fix and GC optimisation on CSG (clementlevasseur)
  • Breaking changes

    • Mesh.setVerticesData signature is now: (kind, values, updatable) instead of (values, kind, updatable) in order to be consistent with Mesh.updateVerticesData deltakosh)



@deltakosh deltakosh released this · 2876 commits to master since this release

  • Major updates
    • New option for mesh: mesh.showBoundingBox to display mesh's bounding box. You can configure back and front color using scene.getBoundingBoxRenderer(). This function returns a BABYLON.BoundingBoxRenderer where you can define backColor, frontColor and showBackLines (deltakosh)
    • New basic mesh: BABYLON.Mesh.CreateTorusKnot (deltakosh)
    • New BABYLON.AnaglyphArcRotateCamera and BABYLON.AnaglyphFreeCamera (michael-korbas), (deltakosh)
    • Tags system (gwenael-hagenmuller)
    • New render pipeline system for post-processes. See documentation here (michael-korbas)
  • Updates
    • Added parameters to enable or disable a type of texture on all BABYLON.StandardMaterial (demonixis)
    • New BABYLON.VertexData.ExtractFromMesh function (deltakosh)
    • Cameras can now have sub-cameras (see BABYLON.AnaglyphArcRotateCamera for example) (deltakosh)
    • New BABYLON.Engine.runEvenInBackground property. True by default. It allows you to stop rendering when the browser is not the foreground application. (deltakosh)
    • Darkness of a shadow + shadow on transparent meshes (clementlevasseur)
    • New event for materials: onCompiled and onError (deltakosh)
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed a bug with collisions cache
    • Fixed a bug with mesh.dispose when called twice (deltakosh)
    • Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer while rendering a RenderTargetTexture outside the engine renderLoop (nicolas-obre)
  • New demos



@deltakosh deltakosh released this · 2928 commits to master since this release


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