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@Rafase282 @Oxyrus @SaintPeter @hallaathrad
49 lines (31 sloc) 2.26 KB


Create a shopping list in the variable myList. The list should be a multi-dimensional array containing several sub-arrays.

The first element in each sub-array should contain a string with the name of the item. The second element should be a number representing the quantity.

["Chocolate Bar", 15]

There should be at least 5 sub-arrays in the list.

Remember to use Read-Search-Ask if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code.

Useful Link

Problem Explanation:

  • myList should be an array.
  • The first elements in each of your sub-arrays must all be strings.
  • The second elements in each of your sub-arrays must all be numbers.
  • You must have at least 5 items in your list.

Hint: 1

  • A multi-dimensional array would have the following outline [[]]

Hint: 2

  • Each sub-array should be separated by , as would any item in an array.

Hint: 3

  • Don't forget the ; at the end of your declaration.

Spoiler Alert!


Solution ahead!

Code Solution:

var myList = [["Canned Beans", 3],["Milk Galon", 1],["Cereal", 2],["Toilet Paper", 12],["Sack of Rice", 1]];

Code Explanation:

  • Created an array that has five arrays inside composed of a string and an integer in that order.


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