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Updated Free Code Camp is an open source community distributed across…

… many platforms (markdown)
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1 parent 83c6644 commit 00e222ed5b4776deb807627c47a2e39481c5f053 @QuincyLarson QuincyLarson committed with Rafase282
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-Free Code Camp is an open source community. We have a curriculum located at, but we are much larger than that.
+Free Code Camp is an open source community. We have a free, self-paced web development curriculum located at, but we are much larger than just that.
We leverage the power of these existing platforms to connect with one another and learn to code together:
[GitHub]( - for collaborating on open source projects and improving [](
[Gitter]( - for real time chatting and getting immediate help on our challenges
[Camper News]( - for sharing coding resources

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