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Changed js-for-loop

* Added syntax and explanations for parts of for loop.
* Added common pitfalls section
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1 parent c11eb8f commit 25470830ccce2c8918cc0b7eb1059c6f1b42259a @MatForsberg MatForsberg committed
Showing with 48 additions and 3 deletions.
  1. +48 −3
@@ -1,10 +1,55 @@
-The javascript `for` command iterates through a list of items.
+### Syntax
+>for ([initialization]; [condition]; [final-expression]) <br/>
+The javascript `for` statement consists of three expressions and a statement:
+* initialization - Run before the first execution on the loop. This expression is commonly used to create counters. Variables created here are scoped to the loop. Once the loop has finished it's execution they are destroyed.
+* condition - Expression that is checked prior to the execution of every iteration. If omitted this expression evaluates to true;
+* final-expression - Expression that is run after every iteration. Usually used to increment a counter.
+* statement - Code to be repeated in the loop
+any of these three expressions or the statement can be omitted. For loops are commonly used to count a certain number of iterations to repeat a statement.
+### Common Pitfalls
+**Exceeding the bounds of an array**
+When indexing over an array many times it is easy to exceed the bounds of the
+array (ex. try to reference the 4th element of a 3 element array).
+// This will cause an error.
+// The bounds of the array will be exceeded.
+var arr = [1,2,3];
+for (var i = 0; i <= arr.length; i++) {
+ console.log(i);
+There are to ways to fix this code. Set the condition to either `i < arr.length` or `i <= arr.length - 1`
+### Examples
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
// more statements
links: [MDN](

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