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Updated beta (markdown)

  • Loading branch information...
1 parent 85ff415 commit 555f07d64e6d35617a5bf5949006073321028ce7 @BerkeleyTrue BerkeleyTrue committed
Showing with 1 addition and 17 deletions.
  1. +1 −17
@@ -1,17 +1 @@
-### What happens in betas, stays in betas
-The [beta release]( is where we ask people to test out new features.
-### Your progress on will NOT be saved to's database! ###
-We really appreciate everyone's help ironing out our Beta Release, but please understand that it's not possible to merge two user databases with completely different sets of content. Think of our beta as just a preview test, to check things work properly. In fact the database maybe reset at any time so we can try out things like the sign-up process.
-Feel free to experiment with our beta site, but note the following:
-- Our beta site is quite buggy. If you notice a bug, please make sure it's a new one before you create an issue.
-- We've removed all authentication options other than GitHub from our beta. Don't worry - you will still be able to sign in using LinkedIn, Twitter, Google and Facebook in the future.
-- Our beta database is an old version of Free Code Camp's database. Your Free Code Camp account may not yet exist on the beta site, so please create one if you want to experiment with it.
-Also, please remember that all our Waypoint challenges are optional. **You will not have to go back and complete new waypoints as we add them.**
-We plan to merge all these new beta features into as soon as we've worked out all the major bugs.
+Beta has been merged! Happy Coding!

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