-- You need to write a function, which will take string encoded with
+:triangular_flag_on_post: Remember to use [**`Read-Search-Ask`**](http://github.com/FreeCodeCamp/FreeCodeCamp/wiki/How-to-get-help-when-you-get-stuck) if you get stuck. Try to pair program. :busts_in_silhouette: Write your own code. :memo:
+#:checkered_flag: Problem Explanation:
+> - You need to write a function, which will take string encoded with
*Caesar cipher* as a parameter and decode it.
- The one used here is ROT13 where the value of the letter is
shifted by 13 places.
e.g. 'A' ↔ 'N', 'T' ↔ 'G'.
- You have to shift it back 13 positions, such that 'N' ↔ 'A'.
-##Hint: 1
-Use *String.charCodeAt()* to convert the English character to ASCII.
-##Hint: 2
-Use *String.fromCharCode()* to convert ASCII to English character.
+##:speech_balloon: Hint: 1
+> Use *String.charCodeAt()* to convert the English character to ASCII.
+*try to solve the problem now*
+##:speech_balloon: Hint: 2
+> Use *String.fromCharCode()* to convert ASCII to English character.
+*try to solve the problem now*
+##:speech_balloon: Hint: 3
+> Leave anything that doesn't come between A-Z as it is.
-##Hint: 3
-Leave anything that doesn't come between A-Z as it is.
-- A string variable `nstr` is declared and initialized to store the
-decoded string.
-- The for loop is used to loop through each character of the input string.
-- If the character is not uppercase English alphabets(i.e. its ascii doesn't lie between 65 and 91 ), we'll leave it
-as it is and [continue](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/continue) with next iteration.
-- If it's the uppercase English alphabet, we'll subtract 13 from it's
-ascii code.
-- If the ascii code is less than 78, it'll get out of
-range when subtracted by 13 so we'll add 26(number of letters in
- English alphabets) to it so that after A it'll go back to Z.
-e.g. M(77) ↔ 77-13 = 64(Not an English alphabet) +26 = 90 ↔ Z(90)
-If you found this page useful, you can give thanks by copying and pasting this on the main chat: **`thanks @anuragaryan and @SaintPeter for your help with Algorithm: Caesar's Cipher`**
+###:trophy: Credits:
+If you found this page useful, you may say thanks to the contributors by copying and pasting the following line in the main chat:
+**`thanks @anuragaryan @SaintPeter @vaskezu for your help with Algorithm: Caesar's Cipher`**
+##:clipboard: NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS:
+-:warning:**DO NOT** add solutions that are similar to any existing solutions. If you think it is ***similar but better***, then try to merge (or replace) the existing similar solution.
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+>See :point_right: [**`Challenge Solution Template`**](Challenge-Solution-Template) for reference.
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