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1 parent d1a814d commit 7b2fbb6e2d2875c55f80c1ab0b3a4f0f0f838fce @StartParadox StartParadox committed
Showing with 2 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +2 −0
@@ -12,3 +12,5 @@ Here are the facts:
You'll still need to develop basic interviewing skills and soft skills (if you've been working a knowledge-worker type job for a few years, you probably already have these).
You'll also need to work hard to network with coders in your city. You can do this by joining [your city's Campsite]( and participating in as many events as possible.
+I've found [this]( link to be useful. It does a great job of explaining the process.

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