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  • Loading branch information...
1 parent 87d5ad9 commit d072d15416ffbe1970deaf8ac871ec30da30b8b1 @Rafase282 Rafase282 committed
Showing with 491 additions and 491 deletions.
  1. +5 −5 .github/
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  18. +1 −1 Clear-Your-Browser'
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  23. +1 −1 Dynamic-URLs-using-$
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10 .github/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
## Guides on how to Contribute
-- [How To Contribute From Your Browser:]( This is currently the easiest way we have to contribute. A simplified version can be found [here]( also.
-- [Pull Request Guidelines:]( This is a set of points to be checked while making a Pull Request.
-- [How To Contribute To The Wiki:]( This is a guide that will show you how to have a local copy so you can make changes from your computer, it also works for contributing to the main repository.
-- [More on how to make a pull request from a fork:]( This guide has addtional information on Pull requests in general and works for contributing to the main repository.
-- [How to Squash Commits:]( We require only one commit per Pull Request unless otherwise specified by a moderator. Please go through this guide to squash multiple commits.
+- [How To Contribute From Your Browser:](Guide-Online-Contribution) This is currently the easiest way we have to contribute. A simplified version can be found [here]( also.
+- [Pull Request Guidelines:](PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE) This is a set of points to be checked while making a Pull Request.
+- [How To Contribute To The Wiki:](How-To-Contribute-To-The-Wiki) This is a guide that will show you how to have a local copy so you can make changes from your computer, it also works for contributing to the main repository.
+- [More on how to make a pull request from a fork:](Pull-Request-Contribute) This guide has addtional information on Pull requests in general and works for contributing to the main repository.
+- [How to Squash Commits:](git-rebase#squashing-multiple-commits-into-one) We require only one commit per Pull Request unless otherwise specified by a moderator. Please go through this guide to squash multiple commits.
If you have questions about contributing to the Free Code Camp Wiki message [@Rafase282 in Gitter]( or come the [Gitter Wiki Room.](
6 .github/
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ Ensure that you use markdown syntax for articles, we do not accept `HTML` or `CS
**Commits and Squashing:**
- Your Pull Request/Submission should contain one single commit.
-- For multiple commits follow the [guide to squash them](
-- If you are new to contributing, you can [use the browser]( and we will squash multiple commits for you, if requested.
-- However, for more control over the pull request we advise you [use the local method]( and squash the commits yourself.
+- For multiple commits follow the [guide to squash them](git-rebase#squashing-multiple-commits-into-one).
+- If you are new to contributing, you can [use the browser](Guide-Online-Contribution) and we will squash multiple commits for you, if requested.
+- However, for more control over the pull request we advise you [use the local method](How-To-Contribute-To-The-Wiki) and squash the commits yourself.
**Signing off:**
- If we merge your pull request, your name will be automatically added to the document history on GitHub, and the repo's contributors list.
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ You must have noticed in **main.controller.js** how *things* were retrieved from
What this does is call the api with a “get” request, which is then routed by **/server/api/thing/index.js** to the *exports.index* function in **thing.controller.js**. You’ll also notice in **main.controller.js** that there are included examples of *$* and *$http.delete* functions too! How nice!
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Explanation:
-The program needs to check if the second argument is a [truthy]( element, and it must check this for each object in the first argument.
+The program needs to check if the second argument is a [truthy](js-truthy) element, and it must check this for each object in the first argument.
### Hint: 1
Remember to iterate through the first argument to check each object.
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Problem Explanation:
-Remove all [falsy]( values from an array.
+Remove all [falsy](js-falsy) values from an array.
## Hint: 1
Falsy is something which evaluates to FALSE. There are only six falsy values in JavaScript: undefined, null, NaN, 0, "" (empty string), and false of course.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function bouncer(arr) {
# Code Explanation:
-The `Array.prototype.filter` method expects a function that returns a `Boolean` value which takes a single argument and returns `true` for [truthy]( value or `false` for [falsy]( value. Hence we pass the built-in `Boolean` function. The second solution replaces the array in-place, and utilises an anonymous function as the callback for the `filter` method. This avoids polluting the global scope with a single-use function, and makes our code more concise.
+The `Array.prototype.filter` method expects a function that returns a `Boolean` value which takes a single argument and returns `true` for [truthy](js-truthy) value or `false` for [falsy](js-falsy) value. Hence we pass the built-in `Boolean` function. The second solution replaces the array in-place, and utilises an anonymous function as the callback for the `filter` method. This avoids polluting the global scope with a single-use function, and makes our code more concise.
# Credits:
If you found this page useful, you can give thanks by copying and pasting this on the main chat: **`Thanks @renelis @abhisekp @Rafase282 for your help with Algorithm: Falsy Bouncer`**
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The curriculum lead-up to the first Back End Project is not very comprehensive. Here are a number of common resources which other campers have found helpful.
# Getting Started with Back End Projects
-- []( - Lots of helpful tips and tricks for the Yeoman Angular Fullstack setup
+- [](Intro-to-Yeoman-Angular-Fullstack-Back-End-Projects) - Lots of helpful tips and tricks for the Yeoman Angular Fullstack setup
- []( - Generator used by Yeoman, you can find syntax and what files it creates
# APIs
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ Let’s take a look at **/server/api/thing**:
2. **thing.controller.js**: Here is where we actually deal with the database! Take a minute to look through here and figure out what’s going on. These functions will: return all items in a collection, return a single item from a collection when passed its id, post an item to a collection, update an item in the collection (this doesn’t really work as intended out of the box, we're going to fix that in a minute), and of course, delete an item from the collection.
3. **thing.model.js**: Here, the actual structure of a *thing* object is defined. You can add or remove any fields you want from the *thing* model, and as long as they’re syntactically correct they won’t break anything, even if there are *things* with different schemas in your database already. But! You don’t just have to edit the *thing* model to make a new type of collection, because generator-angular-fullstack can do it for you!
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ If you've gotten to the Stock Charting Back End Project you may have noticed tha
Even better, if you just include SocketIO when prompted during the yeoman angular-fullstack setup, there is absolutely no work involved to include it. It works out of the box, has a working demo on the **main/** route, and you can learn how to use it yourself by simply looking at how they include it in **main.controller.js** (so I won’t go any further into detail).
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ The number beside your picture on Free Code Camp tells you how many Brownie Poin
There are three ways you can get Brownie Points:
1. Complete challenges - you get one point per challenge you complete
-1. Post relevant links on [Camper News]( - you get 1 point for posting a link, and another point for each upvote your link gets
+1. Post relevant links on [Camper News](Camper-News) - you get 1 point for posting a link, and another point for each upvote your link gets
1. Help other campers in chat - each time you help another camper and they thank you (by typing "thanks @yourname"), you will get a point
> Brownie Points help you look like the kind of person who codes a lot, shares relevant links, and helps people.
-*They also add to your [Streak](*
+*They also add to your [Streak](streak/).*
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Whether you live in a major metropolitan area, or a small town, we encourage you
Here are some helpful links:
-[Complete Alphabetical List of Campsites](
+[Complete Alphabetical List of Campsites](List-of-Free-Code-Camp-city-based-Campsites)
-[How to Create a New Campsite for your City](
+[How to Create a New Campsite for your City](How-to-create-a-Campsite-for-your-city)
[Jumpstart Your Campsite with Coffee-and-Code](
-[5 Steps to a Successful Meetup](
+[5 Steps to a Successful Meetup](5-Steps-to-organizing-a-successful-Campsite-event.)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ To capitalize the first letter of a random string, you should follow these steps
### 1. Get the First Letter of the String
-You should use [charAt()]( method, at *index 0*, to select the first character of the string.
+You should use [charAt()](js-String-prototype-charAt) method, at *index 0*, to select the first character of the string.
var string = "freeCodecamp";
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ string.charAt(0); // Returns "f"
### 2. Convert the First Letter to uppercase
-You may use [toUpperCase()]( method and convert the calling string to upper case.
+You may use [toUpperCase()](js-String-prototype-toUpperCase) method and convert the calling string to upper case.
var string = "freeCodecamp";
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
`Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min`
-**See Also:** :scroll: [**Explanation**]( | [Explanation in SO](
+**See Also:** :scroll: [**Explanation**](Challenge-Generate-Random-Whole-Numbers-within-a-Range#explanation) | [Explanation in SO](
## Explanation
> `Math.random()` creates a floating point number between `0` (inclusive) and `1` (exclusive)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# Label Bootstrap Buttons
-Just like we labeled our [wells](, we want to label our buttons.
+Just like we labeled our [wells](Challenge-Label-Bootstrap-Wells), we want to label our buttons.
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ For that you will need `git-it` to go to the challenges, and `git-it verify` to
After you learn how to use git, here are other resources to help you learn more about git:
-- [Creating a New Github Issue](
-- [Git Blame](
-- [Git Merge](
-- [Git Rebase](
-- [Other Git Resources](
-- [Writing Great Git Commit Messages](
-- [Using GitHub Pages for your front end dev projects](
-- [Search your issue on GitHub](
-- [How Issue Mods Work](
+- [Creating a New Github Issue](Creating-a-New-Github-Issue)
+- [Git Blame](Git-Blame)
+- [Git Merge](git-merge)
+- [Git Rebase](git-rebase)
+- [Other Git Resources](Git-Resources)
+- [Writing Great Git Commit Messages](Writing-great-git-commit-message)
+- [Using GitHub Pages for your front end dev projects](Using-Github-Pages-for-your-front-end-development-projects)
+- [Search your issue on GitHub](Searching-for-Your-Issue-on-Github)
+- [How Issue Mods Work](How-GitHub-Issue-Moderators-AKA-Issue-Mods-Work)
@@ -81,4 +81,4 @@ If you found this page useful, you may say thanks to the contributors by copying
- Categorize the solution in one of the following categories — **Basic**, **Intermediate** and **Advanced**. :traffic_light:
- Please add your username only if you have added any **relevant main contents**. (:warning: ***DO NOT*** *remove any existing usernames*)
-> See :point_right: [**`Challenge Solution Template`**]( for reference.
+> See :point_right: [**`Challenge Solution Template`**](Challenge-Solution-Template) for reference.
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Just as with [red]( and the others.
+Just as with [red](Challenge-Use-Hex-Code-to-Color-Elements-Red) and the others.
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Just as with [red]( and the others.
+Just as with [red](Challenge-Use-Hex-Code-to-Color-Elements-Red) and the others.
2 Clear-Your-Browser'
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ In Chrome:
-Alternatively, if you are having issues with a specific challenge freezing your browser, [find the name of that challenge in local storage and delete just that one]('s-local-storage).
+Alternatively, if you are having issues with a specific challenge freezing your browser, [find the name of that challenge in local storage and delete just that one](How-to-clear-specific-values-from-your-browser's-local-storage).
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Before submitting an issue try [Searching for Your Issue on Github](
+Before submitting an issue try [Searching for Your Issue on Github](Searching-for-Your-Issue-on-Github)
Crafting a good issue will make it much easier for the dev team to replicate and resolve your problem. Follow these steps to do it right:
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ Crafting a good issue will make it much easier for the dev team to replicate and
* In the body, **provide a link** to the page on which you encountered this issue.
* **Describe the problem** and **provide steps** so that a developer can try to replicate the issue. Include your operating system and browser version.
* When referencing other issues or pull requests, simply write #issue/pr-number.
-* Paste in any relevant code using proper [Code Formatting](
+* Paste in any relevant code using proper [Code Formatting](code-formatting)
* **Take a screenshot** of the issue and include it in the post.
* Click `Submit New Issue` and you are done! You will be automatically subscribed to notifications for any updates or future comments.
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
>> yo angular-fullstack:endpoint whatsit

Using this line, you get Yeoman to automatically generate another API endpoint and new kind of collection for your database. Now we have *things* as well as *whatsits*! Feel free to open up **/server/api/whatsit/whatsit.model.js** and define your whatsit however you like.
@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ And if you need an html template for your custom directive (maybe you’re just
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ angular.module('myApp')
.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, $http) { ...
2 Dynamic-URLs-using-$
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ Then later on in **wall.controller.js**, you can see what username was requested
var wallOwner = $routeParams.username;
+[PREVIOUS](Quick-tip-keep-data-in-sync) [NEXT](More-useful-APIs)
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ If you notice any inaccuracies or bad coding practices in this guide, please let
I believe in you!
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ exports.update = function(req, res) {
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ First things first: All your user-facing files and angular files are in **/clien
Great! Now you know how to interact with the user! But what if you want your app to have another page that does something else? Maybe **main.html** shows the home page, but you want a page that shows a form to add a poll? maybe [http://yourapp.wherever.itis/newpage](#)? This is where the yeoman generator comes in handy.
+[PREVIOUS](Guide-to-Back-End-Projects-Table-of-Contents) [NEXT](Creating-a-new-route)
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ $scope.isLoggedIn = Auth.isLoggedIn;
And then you can use *isLoggedIn()* or *getCurrentUser()* in the HTML view for your controller!
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
1) Moderators will ban the following people immediately:
-People who violate our [code of conduct]( (trolls)
+People who violate our [code of conduct](Code-of-Conduct) (trolls)
People who come across as excessively negative
2) Moderators will then send them this message:
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Whenever you create a new route or directive, you have to use `control+c` in your *grunt* terminal window to quit the grunt process and re-run `grunt serve` for your new route/directive to be included in your project's **index.html**. Sometimes *grunt* can be a little finnicky and refuses to run if it thinks something is wrong with your project. Obviously you should try to fix the problem, but grunt's errors aren't very helpful so don't worry too much—grunt usually will still run totally fine with the command `grunt serve --force`.
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Always delete the branch after the pull request has been merged or closed. There
_Figure 1f_ ![Delete Branch](
### 2. New Pull Request Button
-This is used to create [pull requests]( from files that are already in existing branches, not really for adding new files. So if you are looking to add new files then check the other options. It will look like this:
+This is used to create [pull requests](How-To-Create-A-Pull-Request-for-Free-Code-Camp) from files that are already in existing branches, not really for adding new files. So if you are looking to add new files then check the other options. It will look like this:
- _Figure 2a_ ![PR Button](
You will have to select the **base** branch which and then select the branch you want to submit a pull request against to. This means your changes are already on the branch and for some reason you did not submit the pull request before. Because of **write access** being required regular users should not be able to create new branches on the repository.
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ If you want to use a fork instead of a branch then you will click the link and g
Going back to _Figure 2b_ you will note that you get information like the base branch, the branch with your changes, and how many commits there are along with file changes. From there it's the same as the tutorial for uploading files, please see _Figures 1b_ and onwards with the details that come along with it. But basically you just fill out the details and submit the pull request.
-However, something new is the fact that you can **Assign** people, usually contributors with the **Assignee** Option on the far right side of _Figure 2b_. Above it, you will select the milestone for the pull request if any, and above that, select the labels that would fit your pull request. These are all optional though. If you want to learn more about labels then check [this article.](
+However, something new is the fact that you can **Assign** people, usually contributors with the **Assignee** Option on the far right side of _Figure 2b_. Above it, you will select the milestone for the pull request if any, and above that, select the labels that would fit your pull request. These are all optional though. If you want to learn more about labels then check [this article.](Select-Issues-for-Contributing-Using-Labels)
### 3. New File Button
This is the option to choose if you want to directly create your files and submit a pull request from the browser. Unlike the **New Pull Request** button, this option allows you to create new files.
@@ -95,4 +95,4 @@ Besides creating new files, you might also need to edit existing ones for which
- Deleting the file is very similar, just add the details for the pull request information.
- _Figure 4c_ ![Delete PR](
-If you have any further questions feel free to come over the Gitter chat and ask for help, see the [list]( or if you need help with the wiki the visit the [room.](
+If you have any further questions feel free to come over the Gitter chat and ask for help, see the [list](Official-Free-Code-Camp-Chat-Rooms) or if you need help with the wiki the visit the [room.](
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
# Table of contents
- Part 1: Frontend
- - [Frontend file structure](
- - [Creating a new route](
- - [Creating a new directive](
- - [Grunt](
+ - [Frontend file structure](Frontend-file-structure)
+ - [Creating a new route](Creating-a-new-route)
+ - [Creating a new directive](Creating-a-new-directive)
+ - [Grunt](Grunt)
- Part 2: Backend
- - [Backend file structure](
- - [Creating a new API endpoint](
- - [Fixing exports.update](
+ - [Backend file structure](Backend-file-structure)
+ - [Creating a new API endpoint](Creating-a-new-API-endpoint)
+ - [Fixing exports.update](Fixing-exports.update)
- Part 3: Interfacing Between Frontend & Backend
- - [Accessing the database from your frontend](
- - [Seed Data](
- - [Quick tip: keep data in sync](
+ - [Accessing the database from your frontend](Accessing-the-database-from-your-frontend)
+ - [Seed Data](Seed-data)
+ - [Quick tip: keep data in sync](Quick-tip-keep-data-in-sync)
- Part 4: Dynamic URLs using $routeParams, more useful APIs
- - [Dynamic URLS using $routeParams]($routeParams)
- - [More Useful APIs](
+ - [Dynamic URLS using $routeParams](Dynamic-URLs-using-$routeParams)
+ - [More Useful APIs](More-useful-APIs)
- Part 5: Auth, isLoggedInAsync()
- - [Get info about the current user](
- - [Restrict a page to authenticated users](
- - [isLoggedInAsync()](
+ - [Get info about the current user](Get-info-about-the-current-user)
+ - [Restrict a page to authenticated users](Restrict-a-page-to-authenticated-users)
+ - [isLoggedInAsync()](isLoggedInAsync())
-- [Bonus: SocketIO](
-- [Epilogue](
+- [Bonus: SocketIO](Bonus-SocketIO)
+- [Epilogue](Epilogue)
# Legend
**/bolded/names/with.extensions** are directories and files in the project file structure<br>[highlighted.items/are/hypothetical](#) URLs that allow access to different pages in your app<br>_italicizedItems_ are function and object names within your code
+[PREVIOUS](Intro-to-Yeoman-Angular-Fullstack-Back-End-Projects) [NEXT](Frontend-file-structure)
10 Help-I'
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ Thank you for taking the effort to report an issue with FreeCodeCamp.
If you think you've found a bug on FreeCodeCamp, please follow these steps to resolve your problem:
-1. If the page seems broken in any way, try to do a [Hard Refresh]( of the page. This will update any old code that may have been cached in your browser.
- * If your code crashes your browser, also try [Clearing Your Browser's Local Storage]('s-Local-Storage).
+1. If the page seems broken in any way, try to do a [Hard Refresh](Refresh-Your-Browser-Cache) of the page. This will update any old code that may have been cached in your browser.
+ * If your code crashes your browser, also try [Clearing Your Browser's Local Storage](Clear-Your-Browser's-Local-Storage).
-2. [Ask for Help on Gitter]( You can usually get a quick response from a helpful community member there.
+2. [Ask for Help on Gitter](How-to-Get-Help-on-Gitter). You can usually get a quick response from a helpful community member there.
-3. If your problem has baffled everyone in Gitter, try [Searching for Your Issue on GitHub]( for anyone who has posted about a similar issue. If someone has, you can upvote the issue by replying to it with "+1" as your message.
+3. If your problem has baffled everyone in Gitter, try [Searching for Your Issue on GitHub](Searching-for-Your-Issue-on-Github) for anyone who has posted about a similar issue. If someone has, you can upvote the issue by replying to it with "+1" as your message.
-3. If you can't find any relevant issues on GitHub, then [Create a New Issue]( and our development team will take a look at your problem.
+3. If you can't find any relevant issues on GitHub, then [Create a New Issue](Creating-a-New-Github-Issue) and our development team will take a look at your problem.
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ Our open source community's Wiki focuses on answering your questions about learn
![An illustration of CamperBot](
-The best way to access this wiki is via [CamperBot](, located in our Gitter channels. CamperBot is a community designed tool useful for accessing our wiki content without ever leaving Gitter.
+The best way to access this wiki is via [CamperBot](camperbot), located in our Gitter channels. CamperBot is a community designed tool useful for accessing our wiki content without ever leaving Gitter.
## Contributing to the Wiki
-To contribute a wiki article for any of the Algorithms, please use this [template]( This is essential for [@CamperBot]( to retrieve the article. Algorithm articles that do not use this template will be removed. Please note that while we will publish solutions that can help others, we don't need many of them and a maximum of three solutions will be accepted in the following categories:
+To contribute a wiki article for any of the Algorithms, please use this [template](Algorithm-Wiki-Template). This is essential for [@CamperBot]( to retrieve the article. Algorithm articles that do not use this template will be removed. Please note that while we will publish solutions that can help others, we don't need many of them and a maximum of three solutions will be accepted in the following categories:
- Basic
- Intermediate
- Advance
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ We welcome **any technology relate articles**, not just JavaScript related or Cu
If we merge your pull request, your name will be automatically added to the document history on GitHub, and the repo's contributors. Please don't add additional bylines when creating or editing an article.
### Guides on how to Contribute
-- [How To Contribute From Your Browser]( This is currently the easiest way we have to contribute. A simplified version can be found on [here]( also.
-- [Pull Request Guidelines](
-- [How To Contribute To The Wiki:]( This is a guide that will show you how to have a local copy so you can make changes from your computer, it also works for contributing to the main repository.
-- [More on how to make a pull request from a fork](
-- [How to Squash Commits:]( We required only one commit per Pull Request unless otherwise specified by a moderator.
+- [How To Contribute From Your Browser](Guide-Online-Contribution) This is currently the easiest way we have to contribute. A simplified version can be found on [here]( also.
+- [Pull Request Guidelines](PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE)
+- [How To Contribute To The Wiki:](How-To-Contribute-To-The-Wiki) This is a guide that will show you how to have a local copy so you can make changes from your computer, it also works for contributing to the main repository.
+- [More on how to make a pull request from a fork](Pull-Request-Contribute)
+- [How to Squash Commits:](git-rebase#squashing-multiple-commits-into-one) We required only one commit per Pull Request unless otherwise specified by a moderator.
If you have questions about contributing to the Free Code Camp Wiki message [@Rafase282 in Gitter]( or come the [Gitter Wiki Room.](
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Help Requests are not appropriate for Issues. Do not provide code support in yo
Confirm or validate the bug if possible. Seek additional clarification or details if needed. Once the issue has been reproduced or at least deemed legitimate, label it `confirmed`.
* If it's a simple change to an existing challenge, flag as `help wanted` and, optionally, as `easy`. Use other tags as appropriate.
* If the issue is more significant, flag as `bug`
- * [Label Usage Guide](
+ * [Label Usage Guide](Select-Issues-for-Contributing-Using-Labels)
If there is a question as to the proper course of action on an issue, feel free to tag @FreeCodeCamp/issue-moderators to give an opinion. Flag as `Discussing`.
3. **Duplicate Issues**
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ There are two methods of creating a Pull for Free Code Camp:
Take away only one thing from this document, it should be this: Never, EVER make edits to the `staging` branch. ALWAYS make a new branch BEFORE you edit files. This is critical, because if your PR is not accepted, your copy of `staging` will be forever sullied and the only way to fix it is to delete your fork and re-fork.
# Editing via your Local Fork (Recommended)
-This is the recommended method. Read about [How to Setup and Maintain a Local Instance of Free Code Camp](
+This is the recommended method. Read about [How to Setup and Maintain a Local Instance of Free Code Camp](How-To-Fork-And-Maintain-a-Local-Instance-of-Free-Code-Camp).
1. Perform the maintenance step of rebasing `staging`
2. Ensure you are on the `staging` branch using `git status`:
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ You can also do:
to add all unstaged files. Take care, though, because you can accidentially add files you don't want added. Review your `git status` first.
8. Commit your edits:
`git commit -m "Brief Description of Commit"`
-9. [Squash your commits](, if there are more than one.
+9. [Squash your commits](git-rebase#squashing-multiple-commits-into-one), if there are more than one.
10. Push your commits to your GitHub Fork:
`git push -u origin branch/name-here`
-11. Go to [Common Steps](
+11. Go to [Common Steps](How-To-Create-A-Pull-Request-for-Free-Code-Camp#common-steps)
# Editing via the GitHub Interface
**Note:** Editing via the GitHub Interface is not recommended, since it is not possible to update your fork via GitHub's interface without deleting and recreating your fork.
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note: Branch naming is important.
Use a name like `fix/short-fix-description` or `feature/short-feature-description`
Review the [Contribution Guidelines]( for more detail.
3. Edit the file and commit the changes.
-4. Continue to [Common Steps](
+4. Continue to [Common Steps](How-To-Create-A-Pull-Request-for-Free-Code-Camp#common-steps)
# Common Steps
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Overview
-If you plan to write a [Pull Request for Free Code Camp](, you will almost certainly need a local copy of the site. Having a local copy of the site will give you additional capability with Git that are not available via the GitHub browser interface, including updating your fork and rebasing/squashing commits.
+If you plan to write a [Pull Request for Free Code Camp](How-To-Create-A-Pull-Request-for-Free-Code-Camp), you will almost certainly need a local copy of the site. Having a local copy of the site will give you additional capability with Git that are not available via the GitHub browser interface, including updating your fork and rebasing/squashing commits.
This guide will cover how to fork the FCC project, clone a local copy, and how to maintain your fork. All Git commands will be given for the command line, which we strongly recommend that you use, but most commands can be executed in a graphical Git environment as well.
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ This guide will help you log in to your local FCC site using your GitHub account
## Need Help?
If you need help getting FCC setup on your local machine, here are a few useful links to help you get started:
-- [How To Fork And Maintain a Local Instance of Free Code Camp](
-- [How To Create a Pull Request for Free Code Camp](
+- [How To Fork And Maintain a Local Instance of Free Code Camp](How-To-Fork-And-Maintain-a-Local-Instance-of-Free-Code-Camp)
+- [How To Create a Pull Request for Free Code Camp](How-To-Create-A-Pull-Request-for-Free-Code-Camp)
- [Open Issues Labeled as Help Wanted](
Free Code Camp Issue Mods and staff are on hand to assist with Pull Request related issues on our [Help Contributors Chat Room](
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Sorry that you are stuck. Luckily there are many campers who hang out on Gitter and can help you resolve most issues! Follow these simple steps to get help fast:
1. Go to the [Help Room](
- * If the problem is code related, paste the problematic code in the chat room with the [Proper Formatting]( and a description of the issue.
+ * If the problem is code related, paste the problematic code in the chat room with the [Proper Formatting](code-formatting) and a description of the issue.
* If the problem seems to be with the site itself, post a screenshot of the issue or describe it well.
2. Remember that the people there are campers just like you, so be courteous!
-3. If your problem has baffled everyone in Gitter, try [Searching for Your Issue on Github]( for anyone who has posted about a similar issue.
+3. If your problem has baffled everyone in Gitter, try [Searching for Your Issue on Github](Searching-for-Your-Issue-on-Github) for anyone who has posted about a similar issue.
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ We have a special chat room just for getting help: <a href='
Camper Bianca Mihai has also written a 3 article series on what she does when she gets stuck:
-[How to start when you are stuck (I)](
+[How to start when you are stuck (I)](How-to-start-when-you-are-stuck-(I))
-[How to start when you are stuck (II)](
+[How to start when you are stuck (II)](How-to-start-when-you-are-stuck-(II))
-[How to start when you are stuck (III)](
+[How to start when you are stuck (III)](How-to-start-when-you-are-stuck-(III))
Learning to code is hard. But it's a lot easier if you ask for help when you need it!
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# Setting Up Python Web-framework: Django and Flask
In this article, we shall be discussing how to install [Django]( and [Flask]( - two popular web frameworks written in Python.
Perhaps you are already familiar with the widespread usage and community support for Python; in web-development. You might as well be aware as to what a web framework is; and the options available for Python.
-In case these assumptions are untrue, you might want to take a look at this [wiki article]( If you are all caught up, let's go ahread with setting up Python web frameworks in your local development machine.
+In case these assumptions are untrue, you might want to take a look at this [wiki article](Web-Development-in-Python). If you are all caught up, let's go ahread with setting up Python web frameworks in your local development machine.
But it would be unfair if we completely ignore the [Python 2 vs Python 3]( debate.
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ Yeoman is a tool that allows you to generate barebones apps based on different s
Once you've completed the Challenge: Get Set for Back End Projects, use this guide to navigate the base structure of your new app and learn how to interact with the database as well as the user.
Sourced from ([]( with permission.
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* **Getting Started Tutorial:** (FCC recommended)
* **RegEx 101:**
-See also: :clipboard: [**Tutorials**]( | :syringe: [**Testing**]( | :soccer: [Games]( | :newspaper: [Blogs]( | :package: [Software](
+See also: :clipboard: [**Tutorials**](JS-Regex-Resources#regex-tutorial--guides) | :syringe: [**Testing**](JS-Regex-Resources#regex-testing-ground) | :soccer: [Games](JS-Regex-Resources#regex-gameplay) | :newspaper: [Blogs](JS-Regex-Resources#regex-blog) | :package: [Software](JS-Regex-Resources#regex-software-aids)
## RegEx Tutorial & Guides
* **RegEx Tutorial:** (detailed explanation)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
Find javascript libraries at
-See Also: :loop: [**Quick JS**]( | :watch: [**Challenges**]( | :wrench: [**Exercises**]( | :clipboard: [Editors]( | :newspaper: [Blogs]( | :books: [Books](
+See Also: :loop: [**Quick JS**]( | :watch: [**Challenges**](JS-Resources#challenges) | :wrench: [**Exercises**](JS-Resources#exercises) | :clipboard: [Editors](JS-Resources#editors) | :newspaper: [Blogs](JS-Resources#blogs) | :books: [Books](JS-Resources#books)
## []()
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ See Also: :loop: [**Quick JS**](
- [REPL]( ([*node*](
- [JSBin](
- [CodePen](
-- [CoderPad (*pair programming*)]( ([*Get Demo access forever*]( :smile: )
+- [CoderPad (*pair programming*)]( ([*Get Demo access forever*](JS-Resources#coderpad-demo-access-forever) :smile: )
- [C9 (*IDE*, *pair programming*)](
- [Object Playground (*visualize objects*)](
- [Plunker](
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
# HTML5 and CSS
-1. [Challenge: Say Hello to HTML Elements](
-2. [Challenge: Headline with the h2 Element](
-3. [Challenge: Inform with the Paragraph Element](
-4. [Challenge: Make Unique Objects by Passing Parameters to our Constructor](
-5. [Challenge: Uncomment HTML](
-6. [Challenge: Comment out HTML](
-7. [Challenge: Fill in the Blank with Placeholder Text](
-8. [Challenge: Delete HTML Elements](
-9. [Challenge: Change the Color of Text](
-10. [Challenge: Use CSS Selectors to Style Elements](
-11. [Challenge: Use a CSS Class to Style an Element](
-12. [Challenge: Style Multiple Elements with a CSS Class](
-13. [Challenge: Change the Font Size of an Element](
-14. [Challenge: Set the Font Family of an Element](
-15. [Challenge: Import a Google Font](
-16. [Challenge: Specify How Fonts Should Degrade](
-17. [Challenge: Add Images to your Website](
-18. [Challenge: Size your Images](
-19. [Challenge: Add Borders Around your Elements](
-20. [Challenge: Add Rounded Corners with a Border Radius](
-21. [Challenge: Make Circular Images with a Border Radius](
-22. [Challenge: Link to External Pages with Anchor Elements](
-23. [Challenge: Nest an Anchor Element within a Paragraph](
-24. [Challenge: Make Dead Links using the Hash Symbol](
-25. [Challenge: Turn an Image into a Link](
-26. [Challenge: Add Alt Text to an Image for Accessibility](
-27. [Challenge: Create a Bulleted Unordered List](
-28. [Challenge: Create an Ordered List](
-29. [Challenge: Create a Text Field](
-30. [Challenge: Add Placeholder Text to a Text Field](
-31. [Challenge: Create a Form Element](
-32. [Challenge: Add a Submit Button to a Form](
-33. [Challenge: Use HTML5 to Require a Field](
-34. [Challenge: Create a Set of Radio Buttons](
-35. [Challenge: Create a Set of Checkboxes](
-36. [Challenge: Check Radio Buttons and Checkboxes by Default](
-37. [Challenge: Nest Many Elements within a Single Div Element](
-38. [Challenge: Give a Background Color to a Div Element](
-39. [Challenge: Set the ID of an Element](
-40. [Challenge: Use an ID Attribute to Style an Element](
-41. [Challenge: Adjusting the Padding of an Element](
-42. [Challenge: Adjust the Margin of an Element](
-43. [Challenge: Add a Negative Margin to an Element](
-44. [Challenge: Add Different Padding to Each Side of an Element](
-45. [Challenge: Add Different Margins to Each Side of an Element](
-46. [Challenge: Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Padding of an Element](
-47. [Challenge: Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Margin of an Element](
-48. [Challenge: Style the HTML Body Element](
-49. [Challenge: Inherit Styles from the Body Element Complete](
-50. [Challenge: Prioritize One Style Over Another Complete](
-51. [Challenge: Override Styles in Subsequent CSS Complete](
-52. [Challenge: Override Class Declarations by Styling ID Attributes Complete](
-53. [Challenge: Override Class Declarations with Inline Styles Complete](
-54. [Challenge: Override All Other Styles by using Important Complete](
-55. [Challenge: Use Hex Code for Specific Colors Complete](
-56. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Color Elements White Complete](
-57. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Red Complete](
-58. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Green Complete](
-59. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Blue](
-60. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Mix Colors](
-61. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Gray](
-62. [Challenge: Use Hex Code for Specific Shades of Gray](
-63. [Challenge: Use Abbreviated Hex Code](
-64. [Challenge: Use RGB values to Color Elements](
-65. [Challenge: Use RGB to Color Elements White](
-66. [Challenge: Use RGB to Color Elements Red](
-67. [Challenge: Use RGB to Color Elements Green](
-68. [Challenge: Use RGB to Color Elements Blue](
-69. [Challenge: Use RGB to Mix Colors](
-70. [Challenge: Use RGB to Color Elements Gray](
+1. [Challenge: Say Hello to HTML Elements](Challenge-Say-Hello-to-HTML-Elements)
+2. [Challenge: Headline with the h2 Element](Challenge-Headline-with-the-h2-Element)
+3. [Challenge: Inform with the Paragraph Element](Challenge-Inform-with-the-Paragraph-Element)
+4. [Challenge: Make Unique Objects by Passing Parameters to our Constructor](Challenge-Make-Unique-Objects-by-Passing-Parameters-to-our-Constructor)
+5. [Challenge: Uncomment HTML](Challenge-Uncomment-HTML)
+6. [Challenge: Comment out HTML](Challenge-Comment-out-HTML)
+7. [Challenge: Fill in the Blank with Placeholder Text](Challenge-Fill-in-the-Blank-with-Placeholder-Text)
+8. [Challenge: Delete HTML Elements](Challenge-Delete-HTML-Elements)
+9. [Challenge: Change the Color of Text](Challenge-Change-the-Color-of-Text)
+10. [Challenge: Use CSS Selectors to Style Elements](Challenge-Use-CSS-Selectors-to-Style-Elements)
+11. [Challenge: Use a CSS Class to Style an Element](Challenge-Use-a-CSS-Class-to-Style-an-Element)
+12. [Challenge: Style Multiple Elements with a CSS Class](Challenge-Style-Multiple-Elements-with-a-CSS-Class)
+13. [Challenge: Change the Font Size of an Element](Challenge-Change-the-Font-Size-of-an-Element)
+14. [Challenge: Set the Font Family of an Element](Challenge-Set-the-Font-Family-of-an-Element)
+15. [Challenge: Import a Google Font](Challenge-Import-a-Google-Font)
+16. [Challenge: Specify How Fonts Should Degrade](Challenge-Specify-How-Fonts-Should-Degrade)
+17. [Challenge: Add Images to your Website](Challenge-Add-Images-to-your-Website)
+18. [Challenge: Size your Images](Challenge-Size-your-Images)
+19. [Challenge: Add Borders Around your Elements](Challenge-Add-Borders-Around-your-Elements)
+20. [Challenge: Add Rounded Corners with a Border Radius](Challenge-Add-Rounded-Corners-with-a-Border-Radius)
+21. [Challenge: Make Circular Images with a Border Radius](Challenge-Make-Circular-Images-with-a-Border-Radius)
+22. [Challenge: Link to External Pages with Anchor Elements](Challenge-Link-to-External-Pages-with-Anchor-Elements)
+23. [Challenge: Nest an Anchor Element within a Paragraph](Challenge-Nest-an-Anchor-Element-within-a-Paragraph))
+24. [Challenge: Make Dead Links using the Hash Symbol](Challenge-Make-Dead-Links-using-the-Hash-Symbol)
+25. [Challenge: Turn an Image into a Link](Challenge-Turn-an-Image-into-a-Link)
+26. [Challenge: Add Alt Text to an Image for Accessibility](Challenge-Add-Alt-Text-to-an-Image-for-Accessibility)
+27. [Challenge: Create a Bulleted Unordered List](Challenge-Create-a-Bulleted-Unordered-List)
+28. [Challenge: Create an Ordered List](Challenge-Create-an-Ordered-List)
+29. [Challenge: Create a Text Field](Challenge-Create-a-Text-Field)
+30. [Challenge: Add Placeholder Text to a Text Field](Challenge-Add-Placeholder-Text-to-a-Text-Field)
+31. [Challenge: Create a Form Element](Challenge-Create-a-Form-Element)
+32. [Challenge: Add a Submit Button to a Form](Challenge-Add-a-Submit-Button-to-a-Form)
+33. [Challenge: Use HTML5 to Require a Field](Challenge-Use-HTML5-to-Require-a-Field)
+34. [Challenge: Create a Set of Radio Buttons](Challenge-Create-a-Set-of-Radio-Buttons)
+35. [Challenge: Create a Set of Checkboxes](Challenge-Create-a-Set-of-Checkboxes)
+36. [Challenge: Check Radio Buttons and Checkboxes by Default](Challenge-Check-Radio-Buttons-and-Checkboxes-by-Default)
+37. [Challenge: Nest Many Elements within a Single Div Element](Challenge-Nest-Many-Elements-within-a-Single-Div-Element)
+38. [Challenge: Give a Background Color to a Div Element](Challenge-Give-a-Background-Color-to-a-Div-Element)
+39. [Challenge: Set the ID of an Element](Challenge-Set-the-ID-of-an-Element)
+40. [Challenge: Use an ID Attribute to Style an Element](Challenge-Use-an-ID-Attribute-to-Style-an-Element)
+41. [Challenge: Adjusting the Padding of an Element](Challenge-Adjusting-the-Padding-of-an-Element)
+42. [Challenge: Adjust the Margin of an Element](Challenge-Adjust-the-Margin-of-an-Element)
+43. [Challenge: Add a Negative Margin to an Element](Challenge-Add-a-Negative-Margin-to-an-Element)
+44. [Challenge: Add Different Padding to Each Side of an Element](Challenge-Add-Different-Padding-to-Each-Side-of-an-Element)
+45. [Challenge: Add Different Margins to Each Side of an Element](Challenge-Add-Different-Margins-to-Each-Side-of-an-Element)
+46. [Challenge: Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Padding of an Element](Challenge-Use-Clockwise-Notation-to-Specify-the-Padding-of-an-Element)
+47. [Challenge: Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Margin of an Element](Challenge-Use-Clockwise-Notation-to-Specify-the-Margin-of-an-Element)
+48. [Challenge: Style the HTML Body Element](Challenge-Style-the-HTML-Body-Element)
+49. [Challenge: Inherit Styles from the Body Element Complete](Challenge-Inherit-Styles-from-the-Body-Element)
+50. [Challenge: Prioritize One Style Over Another Complete](Challenge-Prioritize-One-Style-Over-Another)
+51. [Challenge: Override Styles in Subsequent CSS Complete](Challenge-Override-Styles-in-Subsequent-CSS)
+52. [Challenge: Override Class Declarations by Styling ID Attributes Complete](Challenge-Override-Class-Declarations-by-Styling-ID-Attributes)
+53. [Challenge: Override Class Declarations with Inline Styles Complete](Challenge-Override-Class-Declarations-with-Inline-Styles)
+54. [Challenge: Override All Other Styles by using Important Complete](Challenge-Override-All-Other-Styles-by-using-Important)
+55. [Challenge: Use Hex Code for Specific Colors Complete](Challenge-Use-Hex-Code-for-Specific-Colors)
+56. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Color Elements White Complete](Challenge-Use-Hex-Code-to-Color-Elements-White)
+57. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Red Complete](Challenge-Use-Hex-Code-to-Color-Elements-Red)
+58. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Green Complete](Challenge-Use-Hex-Code-to-Color-Elements-Green)
+59. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Blue](Challenge-Use-Hex-Code-to-Color-Elements-Blue)
+60. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Mix Colors](Challenge-Use-Hex-Code-to-Mix-Colors)
+61. [Challenge: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Gray](Challenge-Use-Hex-Code-to-Color-Elements-Gray)
+62. [Challenge: Use Hex Code for Specific Shades of Gray](Challenge-Use-Hex-Code-for-Specific-Shades-of-Gray)
+63. [Challenge: Use Abbreviated Hex Code](Challenge-Use-Abbreviated-Hex-Code)
+64. [Challenge: Use RGB values to Color Elements](Challenge-Use-RGB-values-to-Color-Elements)
+65. [Challenge: Use RGB to Color Elements White](Challenge-Use-RGB-to-Color-Elements-White)
+66. [Challenge: Use RGB to Color Elements Red](Challenge-Use-RGB-to-Color-Elements-Red)
+67. [Challenge: Use RGB to Color Elements Green](Challenge-Use-RGB-to-Color-Elements-Green)
+68. [Challenge: Use RGB to Color Elements Blue](Challenge-Use-RGB-to-Color-Elements-Blue)
+69. [Challenge: Use RGB to Mix Colors](Challenge-Use-RGB-to-Mix-Colors)
+70. [Challenge: Use RGB to Color Elements Gray](Challenge-Use-RGB-to-Color-Elements-Gray)
# Responsive Design with Bootstrap
-1. [Challenge: Use Responsive Design with Bootstrap Fluid Containers](
-2. [Challenge: Make Images Mobile Responsive](
-3. [Challenge: Center Text with Bootstrap](
-4. [Challenge: Create a Bootstrap Button](
-5. [Challenge: Create a Block Element Bootstrap Button](
-6. [Challenge: Taste the Bootstrap Button Color Rainbow](
-7. [Challenge: Call out Optional Actions with Button Info](
-8. [Challenge: Warn your Users of a Dangerous Action](
-9. [Challenge: Use the Bootstrap Grid to Put Elements Side By Side](
-10. [Challenge: Ditch Custom CSS for Bootstrap](
-11. [Challenge: Use Spans for Inline Elements](
-12. [Challenge: Create a Custom Heading](
-13. [Challenge: Add Font Awesome Icons to our Buttons](
-14. [Challenge: Add Font Awesome Icons to all of our Buttons](
-15. [Challenge: Responsively Style Radio Buttons](
-16. [Challenge: Responsively Style Checkboxes](
-17. [Challenge: Style Text Inputs as Form Controls](
-18. [Challenge: Line up Form Elements Responsively with Bootstrap](
-19. [Challenge: Create a Bootstrap Headline](
-20. [Challenge: House our page within a Bootstrap Container Fluid Div](
-21. [Challenge: Create a Bootstrap Row](
-22. [Challenge: Split your Bootstrap Row](
-23. [Challenge: Create Bootstrap Wells](
-24. [Challenge: Add Elements within your Bootstrap Wells](
-25. [Challenge: Apply the Default Bootstrap Button Style](
-26. [Challenge: Create a Class to Target with jQuery Selectors](
-27. [Challenge: Add ID Attributes to Bootstrap Elements](
-28. [Challenge: Label Bootstrap Wells](
-29. [Challenge: Give Each Element a Unique ID](
-30. [Challenge: Label Bootstrap Buttons](
-31. [Challenge: Use Comments to Clarify Code](
+1. [Challenge: Use Responsive Design with Bootstrap Fluid Containers](Challenge-Use-Responsive-Design-with-Bootstrap-Fluid-Containers)
+2. [Challenge: Make Images Mobile Responsive](Challenge-Make-Images-Mobile-Responsive)
+3. [Challenge: Center Text with Bootstrap](Challenge-Center-Text-with-Bootstrap)
+4. [Challenge: Create a Bootstrap Button](Challenge-Create-a-Bootstrap-Button)
+5. [Challenge: Create a Block Element Bootstrap Button](Challenge-Create-a-Block-Element-Bootstrap-Button)
+6. [Challenge: Taste the Bootstrap Button Color Rainbow](Challenge-Taste-the-Bootstrap-Button-Color-Rainbow)
+7. [Challenge: Call out Optional Actions with Button Info](Challenge-Call-out-Optional-Actions-with-Button-Info)
+8. [Challenge: Warn your Users of a Dangerous Action](Challenge-Warn-your-Users-of-a-Dangerous-Action)
+9. [Challenge: Use the Bootstrap Grid to Put Elements Side By Side](Challenge-Use-the-Bootstrap-Grid-to-Put-Elements-Side-By-Side)
+10. [Challenge: Ditch Custom CSS for Bootstrap](Challenge-Ditch-Custom-CSS-for-Bootstrap)
+11. [Challenge: Use Spans for Inline Elements](Challenge-Use-Spans-for-Inline-Elements)
+12. [Challenge: Create a Custom Heading](Challenge-Create-a-Custom-Heading)
+13. [Challenge: Add Font Awesome Icons to our Buttons](Challenge-Add-Font-Awesome-Icons-to-our-Buttons)
+14. [Challenge: Add Font Awesome Icons to all of our Buttons](Challenge-Add-Font-Awesome-Icons-to-all-of-our-Buttons)
+15. [Challenge: Responsively Style Radio Buttons](Challenge-Responsively-Style-Radio-Buttons)
+16. [Challenge: Responsively Style Checkboxes](Challenge-Responsively-Style-Checkboxes)
+17. [Challenge: Style Text Inputs as Form Controls](Challenge-Style-Text-Inputs-as-Form-Controls)
+18. [Challenge: Line up Form Elements Responsively with Bootstrap](Challenge-Line-up-Form-Elements-Responsively-with-Bootstrap)
+19. [Challenge: Create a Bootstrap Headline](Challenge-Create-a-Bootstrap-Headline)
+20. [Challenge: House our page within a Bootstrap Container Fluid Div](Challenge-House-our-page-within-a-Bootstrap-Container-Fluid-Div)
+21. [Challenge: Create a Bootstrap Row](Challenge-Create-a-Bootstrap-Row)
+22. [Challenge: Split your Bootstrap Row](Challenge-Split-your-Bootstrap-Row)
+23. [Challenge: Create Bootstrap Wells](Challenge-Create-Bootstrap-Wells)
+24. [Challenge: Add Elements within your Bootstrap Wells](Challenge-Add-Elements-within-your-Bootstrap-Wells)
+25. [Challenge: Apply the Default Bootstrap Button Style](Challenge-Apply-the-Default-Bootstrap-Button-Style)
+26. [Challenge: Create a Class to Target with jQuery Selectors](Challenge-Create-a-Class-to-Target-with-jQuery-Selectors)
+27. [Challenge: Add ID Attributes to Bootstrap Elements](Challenge-Add-ID-Attributes-to-Bootstrap-Elements)
+28. [Challenge: Label Bootstrap Wells](Challenge-Label-Bootstrap-Wells)
+29. [Challenge: Give Each Element a Unique ID](Challenge-Give-Each-Element-a-Unique-ID)
+30. [Challenge: Label Bootstrap Buttons](Challenge-Label-Bootstrap-Buttons)
+31. [Challenge: Use Comments to Clarify Code](Challenge-Use-Comments-to-Clarify-Code)
# Gear up for Success
1. [Challenge: Browse Camper News ](
@@ -110,216 +110,216 @@
4. [Challenge: Commit to a Goal and a Nonprofit](
# jQuery
-1. [Challenge: Learn how Script Tags and Document Ready Work](
-2. [Challenge: Target HTML Elements with Selectors Using jQuery](
-3. [Challenge: Target Elements by Class Using jQuery](
-4. [Challenge: Target Elements by ID Using jQuery](
-5. [Challenge: Delete your jQuery Functions](
-6. [Challenge: Target the same element with multiple jQuery Selectors](
-7. [Challenge: Remove Classes from an element with jQuery](
-8. [Challenge: Change the CSS of an Element Using jQuery](
-9. [Challenge: Disable an Element Using jQuery](
-10. [Challenge: Change Text Inside an Element Using jQuery](
-11. [Challenge: Remove an Element Using jQuery](
-12. [Challenge: Use appendTo to Move Elements with jQuery](
-13. [Challenge: Clone an Element Using jQuery](
-14. [Challenge: Target the Parent of an Element Using jQuery](
-15. [Challenge: Target the Children of an Element Using jQuery](
-16. [Challenge: Target a Specific Child of an Element Using jQuery](
-17. [Challenge: Target Even Numbered Elements Using jQuery](
-18. [Challenge: Use jQuery to Modify the Entire Page](
+1. [Challenge: Learn how Script Tags and Document Ready Work](Challenge-Learn-how-Script-Tags-and-Document-Ready-Work)
+2. [Challenge: Target HTML Elements with Selectors Using jQuery](Challenge-Target-HTML-Elements-with-Selectors-Using-jQuery)
+3. [Challenge: Target Elements by Class Using jQuery](Challenge-Target-Elements-by-Class-Using-jQuery)
+4. [Challenge: Target Elements by ID Using jQuery](Challenge-Target-Elements-by-ID-Using-jQuery)
+5. [Challenge: Delete your jQuery Functions](Challenge-Delete-your-jQuery-Functions)
+6. [Challenge: Target the same element with multiple jQuery Selectors](Challenge-Target-the-same-element-with-multiple-jQuery-Selectors)
+7. [Challenge: Remove Classes from an element with jQuery](Challenge-Remove-Classes-from-an-element-with-jQuery)
+8. [Challenge: Change the CSS of an Element Using jQuery](Challenge-Change-the-CSS-of-an-Element-Using-jQuery)
+9. [Challenge: Disable an Element Using jQuery](Challenge-Disable-an-Element-Using-jQuery)
+10. [Challenge: Change Text Inside an Element Using jQuery](Challenge-Change-Text-Inside-an-Element-Using-jQuery)
+11. [Challenge: Remove an Element Using jQuery](Challenge-Remove-an-Element-Using-jQuery)
+12. [Challenge: Use appendTo to Move Elements with jQuery](Challenge-Use-appendTo-to-Move-Elements-with-jQuery)
+13. [Challenge: Clone an Element Using jQuery](Challenge-Clone-an-Element-Using-jQuery)
+14. [Challenge: Target the Parent of an Element Using jQuery](Challenge-Target-the-Parent-of-an-Element-Using-jQuery)
+15. [Challenge: Target the Children of an Element Using jQuery](Challenge-Target-the-Children-of-an-Element-Using-jQuery)
+16. [Challenge: Target a Specific Child of an Element Using jQuery](Challenge-Target-a-Specific-Child-of-an-Element-Using-jQuery)
+17. [Challenge: Target Even Numbered Elements Using jQuery](Challenge-Target-Even-Numbered-Elements-Using-jQuery)
+18. [Challenge: Use jQuery to Modify the Entire Page](Challenge-Use-jQuery-to-Modify-the-Entire-Page)
# Basic JavaScript
-1. [Challenge: Comment your JavaScript Code](
-2. [Challenge: Understand Boolean Values](
-3. [Challenge: Declare JavaScript Variables](
-4. [Challenge: Storing Values with the Equal Operator](
-5. [Challenge: Initializing Variables with the Equal Operator](
-6. [Challenge: Understanding Uninitialized Variables](
-7. [Challenge: Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables](
-8. [Challenge: Add Two Numbers with JavaScript](
-9. [Challenge: Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScript](
-10. [Challenge: Multiply Two Numbers with JavaScript](
-11. [Challenge: Divide One Number by Another with JavaScript](
-12. [Challenge: Increment a Number with Javascript](
-13. [Challenge: Decrement a Number with Javascript](
-14. [Challenge: Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScript](
-15. [Challenge: Multiply Two Decimals with JavaScript](
-16. [Challenge: Divide one Decimal by Another with JavaScript](
-17. [Challenge: Finding a Remainder in Javascript](
-18. [Challenge: Assignment with Plus Equals](
-19. [Challenge: Assignment with Minus Equals](
-20. [Challenge: Assignment with Times Equals](
-21. [Challenge: Assignment with Divided by Equals](
-22. [Checkpoint: Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit](
-23. [Challenge: Declare String Variables](
-24. [Challenge: Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings](
-25. [Challenge: Quoting Strings with Single Quotes](
-26. [Challenge: Escape Sequences in Strings](
-27. [Challenge: Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator](
-28. [Challenge: Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator](
-29. [Challenge: Constructing Strings with Variables](
-30. [Challenge: Appending Variables to Strings](
-31. [Challenge: Find the Length of a String](
-32. [Challenge: Use Bracket Notation to Find the First Character in a String](
-33. [Challenge: Understand String Immutability](
-34. [Challenge: Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String](
-35. [Challenge: Use Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String](
-36. [Challenge: Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth-to-Last Character in a String](
-37. [Checkpoint: Word Blanks]( Word-Blanks)
-38. [Challenge: Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays](
-39. [Challenge: Nest one Array within Another Array](
-40. [Challenge: Access Array Data with Indexes](
-41. [Challenge: Modify Array Data With Indexes](
-42. [Challenge: Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes](
-43. [Challenge: Manipulate Arrays With pop()](
-44. [Challenge: Manipulate Arrays With push()](
-45. [Challenge: Manipulate Arrays With shift()](
-46. [Challenge: Manipulate Arrays With unshift()](
-47. [Checkpoint: Shopping List](
-48. [Challenge: Write Reusable JavaScript with Functions](
-49. [Challenge: Passing Values to Functions with Arguments](
-50. [Challenge: Global Scope and Functions](
-51. [Challenge: Local Scope and Functions](
-52. [Challenge: Global vs. Local Scope in Functions](
-53. [Challenge: Return a Value from a Function with Return](
-54. [Challenge: Assignment with a Returned Value](
-55. [Checkpoint: Stand in Line](
-56. [Challenge: Use Conditional Logic with If-Else Statements](
-57. [Challenge: Comparison with the Equality Operator](
-58. [Challenge: Comparison with the Strict Equality Operator](
-59. [Challenge: Comparison with the Inequality Operator](
-60. [Challenge: Comparison with the Strict Inequality Operator](
-61. [Challenge: Comparison with the Greater Than Operator](
-62. [Challenge: Comparison with the Greater Than Equal To Operator](
-63. [Challenge: Comparison with the Less Than Operator](
-64. [Challenge: Comparison with the Less Than Equal To Operator](
-65. [Challenge: Comparisons with the Logical And Operator](
-66. [Challenge: Comparisons with the Logical Or Operator](
-67. [Challenge: Introducing Else Statements](
-68. [Challenge: Introducing Else If Statements](
+1. [Challenge: Comment your JavaScript Code](Challenge-Comment-your-JavaScript-Code)
+2. [Challenge: Understand Boolean Values](Challenge-Understand-Boolean-Values)
+3. [Challenge: Declare JavaScript Variables](Challenge-Declare-JavaScript-Variables)
+4. [Challenge: Storing Values with the Equal Operator](Challenge-Storing-Values-with-the-Equal-Operator)
+5. [Challenge: Initializing Variables with the Equal Operator](Challenge-Initializing-Variables-with-the-Equal-Operator)
+6. [Challenge: Understanding Uninitialized Variables](Challenge-Understanding-Uninitialized-Variables)
+7. [Challenge: Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables](Challenge-Understanding-Case-Sensitivity-in-Variables)
+8. [Challenge: Add Two Numbers with JavaScript](Challenge-Add-Two-Numbers-with-JavaScript)
+9. [Challenge: Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScript](Challenge-Subtract-One-Number-from-Another-with-JavaScript)
+10. [Challenge: Multiply Two Numbers with JavaScript](Challenge-Multiply-Two-Numbers-with-JavaScript)
+11. [Challenge: Divide One Number by Another with JavaScript](Challenge-Divide-One-Number-by-Another-with-JavaScript)
+12. [Challenge: Increment a Number with Javascript](Challenge-Increment-a-Number-with-Javascript)
+13. [Challenge: Decrement a Number with Javascript](Challenge-Decrement-a-Number-with-Javascript)
+14. [Challenge: Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScript](Challenge-Create-Decimal-Numbers-with-JavaScript)
+15. [Challenge: Multiply Two Decimals with JavaScript](Challenge-Perform-Arithmetic-Operations-on-Decimals-with-JavaScript)
+16. [Challenge: Divide one Decimal by Another with JavaScript](Challenge-Perform-Arithmetic-Operations-on-Decimals-with-JavaScript)
+17. [Challenge: Finding a Remainder in Javascript](Challenge-Finding-a-Remainder-in-Javascript)
+18. [Challenge: Assignment with Plus Equals](Challenge-Assignment-with-Plus-Equals)
+19. [Challenge: Assignment with Minus Equals](Challenge-Assignment-with-Minus-Equals)
+20. [Challenge: Assignment with Times Equals](Challenge-Assignment-with-Times-Equals)
+21. [Challenge: Assignment with Divided by Equals](Challenge-Assignment-with-Divided-by-Equals)
+22. [Checkpoint: Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit](Checkpoint-Convert-Celsius-to-Fahrenheit)
+23. [Challenge: Declare String Variables](Challenge-Declare-String-Variables)
+24. [Challenge: Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings](Challenge-Escaping-Literal-Quotes-in-Strings)
+25. [Challenge: Quoting Strings with Single Quotes](Challenge-Quoting-Strings-with-Single-Quotes)
+26. [Challenge: Escape Sequences in Strings](Challenge-Escape-Sequences-in-Strings)
+27. [Challenge: Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator](Challenge-Concatenating-Strings-with-Plus-Operator)
+28. [Challenge: Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator](Challenge-Concatenating-Strings-with-the-Plus-Equals-Operator)
+29. [Challenge: Constructing Strings with Variables](Challenge-Constructing-Strings-with-Variables)
+30. [Challenge: Appending Variables to Strings](Challenge-Appending-Variables-to-Strings)
+31. [Challenge: Find the Length of a String](Challenge-Check-the-Length-Property-of-a-String-Variable)
+32. [Challenge: Use Bracket Notation to Find the First Character in a String](Challenge-Use-Bracket-Notation-to-Find-the-First-Character-in-a-String)
+33. [Challenge: Understand String Immutability](Challenge-Understand-String-Immutability)
+34. [Challenge: Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String](Challenge-Use-Bracket-Notation-to-Find-the-Nth-Character-in-a-String)
+35. [Challenge: Use Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String](Challenge-Use-Bracket-Notation-to-Find-the-Last-Character-in-a-String)
+36. [Challenge: Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth-to-Last Character in a String](Challenge-Use-Bracket-Notation-to-Find-the-Nth-to-Last-Character-in-a-String)
+37. [Checkpoint: Word Blanks](Checkpoint: Word-Blanks)
+38. [Challenge: Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays](Challenge-Store-Multiple-Values-in-one-Variable-using-JavaScript-Arrays)
+39. [Challenge: Nest one Array within Another Array](Challenge-Nest-one-Array-within-Another-Array)
+40. [Challenge: Access Array Data with Indexes](Challenge-Access-Array-Data-with-Indexes)
+41. [Challenge: Modify Array Data With Indexes](Challenge-Modify-Array-Data-With-Indexes)
+42. [Challenge: Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes](Challenge-Access-Multi-Dimensional-Arrays-With-Indexes)
+43. [Challenge: Manipulate Arrays With pop()](Challenge-Manipulate-Arrays-With-pop())
+44. [Challenge: Manipulate Arrays With push()](Challenge-Manipulate-Arrays-With-push())
+45. [Challenge: Manipulate Arrays With shift()](Challenge-Manipulate-Arrays-With-shift())
+46. [Challenge: Manipulate Arrays With unshift()](Challenge-Manipulate-Arrays-With-unshift())
+47. [Checkpoint: Shopping List](Checkpoint-Shopping-List)
+48. [Challenge: Write Reusable JavaScript with Functions](Challenge-Write-Reusable-JavaScript-with-Functions)
+49. [Challenge: Passing Values to Functions with Arguments](Challenge-Passing-Values-To-Functions-With-Arguments)
+50. [Challenge: Global Scope and Functions](Challenge-Global-Scope-And-Functions)
+51. [Challenge: Local Scope and Functions](Challenge-Local-Scope-And-Functions)
+52. [Challenge: Global vs. Local Scope in Functions](Challenge-Global-Vs-Local-Scope-In-Functions)
+53. [Challenge: Return a Value from a Function with Return](Challenge-Return-A-Value-From-A-Function-With-Return)
+54. [Challenge: Assignment with a Returned Value](Challenge-Assignment-With-A-Returned-Value)
+55. [Checkpoint: Stand in Line](Checkpoint-Stand-in-Line)
+56. [Challenge: Use Conditional Logic with If-Else Statements](Challenge-Use-Conditional-Logic-with-If-Else-Statements)
+57. [Challenge: Comparison with the Equality Operator](Challenge-Comparison-With-The-Equality-Operator)
+58. [Challenge: Comparison with the Strict Equality Operator](Challenge-Comparison-With-The-Strict-Equality-Operator)
+59. [Challenge: Comparison with the Inequality Operator](Challenge-Comparison-With-The-Inequality-Operator)
+60. [Challenge: Comparison with the Strict Inequality Operator](Challenge-Comparison-With-The-Strict-Inequality-Operator)
+61. [Challenge: Comparison with the Greater Than Operator](Challenge-Comparison-With-The-Greater-Than-Operator)
+62. [Challenge: Comparison with the Greater Than Equal To Operator](Challenge-Comparison-With-The-Greater-Than-Equal-To-Operator)
+63. [Challenge: Comparison with the Less Than Operator](Challenge-Comparison-With-The-Less-Than-Operator)
+64. [Challenge: Comparison with the Less Than Equal To Operator](Challenge-Comparison-With-The-Less-Than-Equal-To-Operator)
+65. [Challenge: Comparisons with the Logical And Operator](Challenge-Comparisons-With-The-Logical-And-Operator)
+66. [Challenge: Comparisons with the Logical Or Operator](Challenge-Comparisons-With-The-Logical-Or-Operator)
+67. [Challenge: Introducing Else Statements](Challenge-Introducing-Else-Statements)
+68. [Challenge: Introducing Else If Statements](Challenge-Introducing-Else-If-Statements)
69. Challenge: Logical Order in If Else Statements
-70. [Challenge: Chaining If Else Statements](
-71. [Checkpoint: Golf Code](
-72. [Challenge: Selecting from many options with Switch Statements](
-73. [Challenge: Adding a default option in Switch statements](
-74. [Challenge: Multiple Identical Options in Switch Statements](
-75. [Challenge: Replacing If Else Chains with Switch](
-76. [Challenge: Returning Boolean Values from Functions](
-77. [Challenge: Return Early Pattern for Functions](
-78. [Checkpoint: Counting Cards](
-79. [Challenge: Build JavaScript Objects](
-80. [Challenge: Accessing Objects Properties with the Dot Operator](
-81. [Challenge: Accessing Objects Properties with Bracket Notation](
-82. [Challenge: Accessing Objects Properties with Variables](
-83. [Challenge: Updating Object Properties](
-84. [Challenge: Add New Properties to a JavaScript Object](
-85. [Challenge: Delete Properties from a JavaScript Object](
-86. [Challenge: Using Objects for Lookups](
-87. [Challenge: Testing Objects for Properties](
-88. [Challenge: Introducing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)](
-89. [Challenge: Accessing Nested Objects in JSON](
-90. [Challenge: Accessing Nested Arrays in JSON](
-91. [Checkpoint: Record Collection](
-92. [Challenge: Iterate with JavaScript For Loops](
-93. [Challenge: Iterate Odd Numbers With a For Loop](
-94. [Challenge: Count Backwards With a For Loop](
-95. [Challenge: Iterate Through an Array with a For Loop](
-96. [Challenge: Nesting For Loops](
-97. [Challenge: Iterate with JavaScript While Loops](
-98. [Checkpoint: Profile Lookup](
-99. [Challenge: Generate Random Fractions with JavaScript](
-100. [Challenge: Generate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScript](
-101. [Challenge: Generate Random Whole Numbers within a Range](
-102. [Challenge: Sift through Text with Regular Expressions](
-103. [Challenge: Find Numbers with Regular Expressions](
-104. [Challenge: Find White Space with Regular Expressions](
-105. [Challenge: Invert Regular Expression Matches with JavaScript](
+70. [Challenge: Chaining If Else Statements](Challenge-Chaining-If-Else-Statements)
+71. [Checkpoint: Golf Code](Checkpoint-Golf-Code)
+72. [Challenge: Selecting from many options with Switch Statements](Challenge-Selecting-From-Many-Options-With-Switch-Statements)
+73. [Challenge: Adding a default option in Switch statements](Challenge-Adding-A-Default-Option-In-Switch-Statements)
+74. [Challenge: Multiple Identical Options in Switch Statements](Challenge-Multiple-Identical-Options-In-Switch-Statements)
+75. [Challenge: Replacing If Else Chains with Switch](Challenge-Replacing-If-Else-Chains-With-Switch)
+76. [Challenge: Returning Boolean Values from Functions](Challenge-Returning-Boolean-Values-From-Functions)
+77. [Challenge: Return Early Pattern for Functions](Challenge-Return-Early-Pattern-For-Functions)
+78. [Checkpoint: Counting Cards](Checkpoint-Counting-Cards)
+79. [Challenge: Build JavaScript Objects](Challenge-Build-JavaScript-Objects)
+80. [Challenge: Accessing Objects Properties with the Dot Operator](Challenge-Accessing-Objects-Properties-With-The-Dot-Operator)
+81. [Challenge: Accessing Objects Properties with Bracket Notation](Challenge-Accessing-Objects-Properties-With-Bracket-Notation)
+82. [Challenge: Accessing Objects Properties with Variables](Challenge-Accessing-Objects-Properties-With-Variables)
+83. [Challenge: Updating Object Properties](Challenge-Manipulate-JavaScript-Objects)
+84. [Challenge: Add New Properties to a JavaScript Object](Challenge-Add-New-Properties-to-a-JavaScript-Object)
+85. [Challenge: Delete Properties from a JavaScript Object](Challenge-Delete-Properties-from-a-JavaScript-Object)
+86. [Challenge: Using Objects for Lookups](Challenge-Using-Objects-For-Lookups)
+87. [Challenge: Testing Objects for Properties](Challenge-Testing-Objects-For-Properties)
+88. [Challenge: Introducing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)](Challenge-Introducing-Javascript-Object-Notation-Json)
+89. [Challenge: Accessing Nested Objects in JSON](Challenge-Accessing-Nested-Objects-In-Json)
+90. [Challenge: Accessing Nested Arrays in JSON](Challenge-Accessing-Nested-Arrays-In-Json)
+91. [Checkpoint: Record Collection](Checkpoint-Record-Collection)
+92. [Challenge: Iterate with JavaScript For Loops](Challenge-Iterate-with-JavaScript-For-Loops)
+93. [Challenge: Iterate Odd Numbers With a For Loop](Challenge-Iterate-Odd-Numbers-With-a-For-Loop)
+94. [Challenge: Count Backwards With a For Loop](Challenge-Count-Backwards-With-a-For-Loop)
+95. [Challenge: Iterate Through an Array with a For Loop](Challenge-Iterate-Through-An-Array-With-A-For-Loop)
+96. [Challenge: Nesting For Loops](Challenge-Nesting-For-Loops)
+97. [Challenge: Iterate with JavaScript While Loops](Challenge-Iterate-with-JavaScript-While-Loops)
+98. [Checkpoint: Profile Lookup](Checkpoint-Profile-Lookup)
+99. [Challenge: Generate Random Fractions with JavaScript](Challenge-Generate-Random-Fractions-with-JavaScript)
+100. [Challenge: Generate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScript](Challenge-Generate-Random-Whole-Numbers-with-JavaScript)
+101. [Challenge: Generate Random Whole Numbers within a Range](Challenge-Generate-Random-Whole-Numbers-within-a-Range)
+102. [Challenge: Sift through Text with Regular Expressions](Challenge-Sift-through-Text-with-Regular-Expressions)
+103. [Challenge: Find Numbers with Regular Expressions](Challenge-Find-Numbers-with-Regular-Expressions)
+104. [Challenge: Find White Space with Regular Expressions](Challenge-Find-White-Space-with-Regular-Expressions)
+105. [Challenge: Invert Regular Expression Matches with JavaScript](Challenge-Invert-Regular-Expression-Matches-with-JavaScript)
# Object Oriented and Functional Programming
-1. [Challenge: Declare JavaScript Objects as Variables](
-2. [Challenge: Construct JavaScript Objects with Functions](
-3. [Challenge: Make Object Properties Private](
-4. [Challenge: Make Instances of Objects with a Constructor Function](
-5. [Challenge: Iterate over Arrays with .map](
-6. [Challenge: Condense arrays with .reduce](
-7. [Challenge: Filter Arrays with .filter](
-8. [Challenge: Sort Arrays with .sort](
-9. [Challenge: Reverse Arrays with .reverse](
-10. [Challenge: Concatenate Strings with .concat](
-11. [Challenge: Split Strings with .split](
-12. [Challenge: Join Strings with .join](
+1. [Challenge: Declare JavaScript Objects as Variables](Challenge-Declare-JavaScript-Objects-as-Variables)
+2. [Challenge: Construct JavaScript Objects with Functions](Challenge-Construct-JavaScript-Objects-with-Functions)
+3. [Challenge: Make Object Properties Private](Challenge-Make-Object-Properties-Private)
+4. [Challenge: Make Instances of Objects with a Constructor Function](Challenge-Make-Instances-of-Objects-with-a-Constructor-Function)
+5. [Challenge: Iterate over Arrays with .map](Challenge-Iterate-over-Arrays-with-map)
+6. [Challenge: Condense arrays with .reduce](Challenge-Condense-arrays-with-reduce)
+7. [Challenge: Filter Arrays with .filter](Challenge-Filter-Arrays-with-filter)
+8. [Challenge: Sort Arrays with .sort](Challenge-Sort-Arrays-with-sort)
+9. [Challenge: Reverse Arrays with .reverse](Challenge-Reverse-Arrays-with-reverse)
+10. [Challenge: Concatenate Strings with .concat](Challenge-Concatenate-Strings-with-.concat)
+11. [Challenge: Split Strings with .split](Challenge-Split-Strings-with-split)
+12. [Challenge: Join Strings with .join](Challenge-Join-Strings-with-.join)
# Basic Algorithm Scripting
1. [Algorithm: Get Set for our Algorithm Challenges](
-2. [Algorithm: Reverse a String](
-3. [Algorithm: Factorialize a Number](
-4. [Algorithm: Check for Palindromes](
-5. [Algorithm: Find the Longest Word in a String](
-6. [Algorithm: Title Case a Sentence](
-7. [Algorithm: Return Largest Numbers in Arrays](
-8. [Algorithm: Confirm the Ending](
-9. [Algorithm: Repeat a string repeat a string](
-10. [Algorithm: Truncate a string](
-11. [Algorithm: Chunky Monkey](
-12. [Algorithm: Slasher Flick](
-13. [Algorithm: Mutations](
-14. [Algorithm: Falsy Bouncer](
-15. [Algorithm: Seek and Destroy](
-16. [Algorithm: Where do I belong](
-17. [Algorithm: Caesar's Cipher](
+2. [Algorithm: Reverse a String](Algorithm-Reverse-a-String)
+3. [Algorithm: Factorialize a Number](Algorithm-Factorialize-a-Number)
+4. [Algorithm: Check for Palindromes](Algorithm-Check-for-Palindromes)
+5. [Algorithm: Find the Longest Word in a String](Algorithm-find-the-longest-word-in-a-string)
+6. [Algorithm: Title Case a Sentence](Algorithm-title-case-a-sentence)
+7. [Algorithm: Return Largest Numbers in Arrays](Algorithm-return-largest-numbers-in-arrays)
+8. [Algorithm: Confirm the Ending](Algorithm-Confirm-the-Ending)
+9. [Algorithm: Repeat a string repeat a string](Algorithm-repeat-a-string-repeat-a-string)
+10. [Algorithm: Truncate a string](Algorithm-truncate-a-string)
+11. [Algorithm: Chunky Monkey](Algorithm-Chunky-Monkey)
+12. [Algorithm: Slasher Flick](Algorithm-slasher-flick)
+13. [Algorithm: Mutations](Algorithm-mutations)
+14. [Algorithm: Falsy Bouncer](Algorithm-Falsy-Bouncer)
+15. [Algorithm: Seek and Destroy](Algorithm-Seek-and-Destroy)
+16. [Algorithm: Where do I belong](Algorithm-Where-do-I-belong)
+17. [Algorithm: Caesar's Cipher](Algorithm-Caesars-Cipher)
# Intermediate Algorithm Scripting
-1. [Algorithm: Sum All Numbers in a Range](
-2. [Algorithm: Diff Two Arrays](
-3. [Algorithm: Roman Numeral Converter](
-4. [Algorithm: Where art thou](
-5. [Algorithm: Search and Replace](
-6. [Algorithm: Pig Latin](
-7. [Algorithm: DNA Pairing](
-8. [Algorithm: Missing letters](
-9. [Algorithm: Boo who](
-10. [Algorithm: Sorted Union](
-11. [Algorithm: Convert HTML Entities](
-12. [Algorithm: Spinal Tap Case](
-13. [Algorithm: Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers](
-14. [Algorithm: Sum All Primes](
-15. [Algorithm: Smallest Common Multiple](
-16. [Algorithm: Finders Keepers](
-17. [Algorithm: Drop it](
-18. [Algorithm: Steamroller](
-19. [Algorithm: Binary Agents](
-20. [Algorithm: Everything Be True](
-21. [Algorithm: Arguments Optional](
+1. [Algorithm: Sum All Numbers in a Range](Algorithm-Sum-All-Numbers-in-a-Range)
+2. [Algorithm: Diff Two Arrays](Algorithm-Diff-Two-Arrays)
+3. [Algorithm: Roman Numeral Converter](Algorithm-roman-numeral-converter)
+4. [Algorithm: Where art thou](Algorithm-Where-art-thou)
+5. [Algorithm: Search and Replace](Algorithm-Search-and-Replace)
+6. [Algorithm: Pig Latin](Algorithm-Pig-Latin)
+7. [Algorithm: DNA Pairing](Algorithm-DNA-Pairing)
+8. [Algorithm: Missing letters](Algorithm-Missing-letters)
+9. [Algorithm: Boo who](Algorithm-Boo-who)
+10. [Algorithm: Sorted Union](Algorithm-Sorted-Union)
+11. [Algorithm: Convert HTML Entities](Algorithm-convert-HTML-entities)
+12. [Algorithm: Spinal Tap Case](Algorithm-Spinal-Tap-Case)
+13. [Algorithm: Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers](Algorithm-sum-all-odd-fibonacci-numbers)
+14. [Algorithm: Sum All Primes](Algorithm-sum-all-primes)
+15. [Algorithm: Smallest Common Multiple](Algorithm-Smallest-Common-Multiple)
+16. [Algorithm: Finders Keepers](Algorithm-finders-keepers)
+17. [Algorithm: Drop it](Algorithm-Drop-it)
+18. [Algorithm: Steamroller](Algorithm-steamroller)
+19. [Algorithm: Binary Agents](Algorithm-Binary-Agents)
+20. [Algorithm: Everything Be True](Algorithm-Everything-be-True)
+21. [Algorithm: Arguments Optional](Algorithm-Arguments-Optional)
# JSON APIs and Ajax  
-1. [Challenge: Trigger Click Events with jQuery](
-2. [Challenge: Change Text with Click Events](
-3. [Challenge: Get JSON with the jQuery getJSON Method](
-4. [Challenge: Convert JSON Data to HTML](
-5. [Challenge: Render Images from Data Sources](
-6. [Challenge: Prefilter JSON](
-7. [Challenge: Get Geo-location Data](
+1. [Challenge: Trigger Click Events with jQuery](Challenge-Trigger-Click-Events-with-jQuery)
+2. [Challenge: Change Text with Click Events](Challenge-Change-Text-with-Click-Events)
+3. [Challenge: Get JSON with the jQuery getJSON Method](Challenge-Get-JSON-with-the-jQuery-getJSON-Method)
+4. [Challenge: Convert JSON Data to HTML](Challenge-Convert-JSON-Data-to-HTML)
+5. [Challenge: Render Images from Data Sources](Challenge-Render-Images-from-Data-Sources)
+6. [Challenge: Prefilter JSON](Challenge-Prefilter-JSON)
+7. [Challenge: Get Geo-location Data](Challenge-Get-Geo-location-Data)
# Upper Intermediate Algorithm Scripting
-1. [Algorithm: Make a Person](
-2. [Algorithm: Map the Debris](
-3. [Algorithm: Pairwise](
+1. [Algorithm: Make a Person](Algorithm-make-a-person)
+2. [Algorithm: Map the Debris](Algorithm-map-the-debris)
+3. [Algorithm: Pairwise](Algorithm-pairwise)
# Automated Testing and Debugging
-1. [Challenge: Use the Javascript Console](
-2. [Challenge: Using typeof](
+1. [Challenge: Use the Javascript Console](Challenge-Use-the-Javascript-Console)
+2. [Challenge: Using typeof](Challenge-Using-typeof)
# Advanced Algorithm Scripting
-1. [Algorithm: Validate US Telephone Numbers](
-2. [Algorithm: Symmetric Difference](
-3. [Algorithm: Exact Change](
-4. [Algorithm: Inventory Update](
-5. [Algorithm: No repeats please](
-6. [Algorithm: Friendly Date Ranges](
+1. [Algorithm: Validate US Telephone Numbers](Algorithm-Validate-US-Telephone-Numbers)
+2. [Algorithm: Symmetric Difference](Algorithm-Symmetric-Difference)
+3. [Algorithm: Exact Change](Algorithm-Exact-Change)
+4. [Algorithm: Inventory Update](Algorithm-inventory-update)
+5. [Algorithm: No repeats please](Algorithm-no-repeats-please)
+6. [Algorithm: Friendly Date Ranges](Algorithm-Friendly-Date-Ranges)
# Git
-1. [Challenge: Save your Code Revisions Forever with Git](
+1. [Challenge: Save your Code Revisions Forever with Git](Challenge-Save-your-Code-Revisions-Forever-with-Git)
# Node.js and Express.js
1. Challenge: Manage Packages with NPM
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ exports.indexUser = function(req, res) {
Warning!!! this method only works right if usernames are absolutely unique between users. The default authentication system that comes with the angular-fullstack generator does not have unique usernames, so you're probably better off using the _user._id_ field to determine unique users in your database for now, unless you want to implement unique user names yourself by altering your **/api/user/user.model.js**, **/api/user/user.controller.js**, and your **/app/client/account/signup/signup.controller.js**. Thankfully, you should know how to go about doing all that after reading this guide!
+[PREVIOUS](Dynamic-URLs-using-%24routeParams) [NEXT](Get-info-about-the-current-user)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Our open source community has been hard at work throughout September on some maj
* New challenges have appeared called "Claim your Front End Developer Certificate" and "Claim your Full Stack Developer Certificate".
-* We've built acceptance of our [Academic Honesty Policy]( into these certificate challenges.
+* We've built acceptance of our [Academic Honesty Policy](Academic-Honesty-Policy) into these certificate challenges.
* Certificates are issued programmatically once you meet their requirements.
* Certificates are available right from your Code Portfolio, and publicly viewable to all as long as you haven't hidden your solutions.
* Each certificate has a unique verifiable URL that employers can check. This makes it is impossible to forge our certificates without access to our production servers.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Our open source community has been hard at work throughout September on some maj
* By popular request, we added gif-style challenges, and are replacing our video-style challenges with these. All of our old videos will remain available on our [YouTube channel](
###Wiki improvements
-* @rafase282 has nearly finished creating [notes for every single challenge in Free Code Camp's curriculum](, including hints and solutions.
+* @rafase282 has nearly finished creating [notes for every single challenge in Free Code Camp's curriculum](Map), including hints and solutions.
* @codenonprofit has started creating "portal" style wiki articles that serve as better entry points into our tangle of 400+ articles.
###Resolved experiments
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ The following are our official chat rooms.
By joining these chat rooms, you accept our [Code of Conduct](
-If you also want to hang out with other campers in person, be sure to join a [Campsite in your city](
+If you also want to hang out with other campers in person, be sure to join a [Campsite in your city](List-of-Free-Code-Camp-city-based-Campsites-and-Chat-rooms).
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Please note that Free Code Camp is not partnered with, nor do we receive a refer
### Building a website:
- [](
- [](
-- [Build it yourself for free with no code](
+- [Build it yourself for free with no code](How-to-deploy-a-website-without-writing-any-code-at-all)
- [XPRS - another tool for building websites for free with no code](
### Donor and Volunteer Management Systems
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ These are general guidelines for PR's that work across most projects. It gives e
* [GitHub & Git Foundations Training]( - How to use Git and GitHub
* [FreeCodeCamp Contribution Guidelines](
* [How to write Git commit messages](
-* [How to Clone FCC to a Windows PC](
+* [How to Clone FCC to a Windows PC](How-to-clone-the-FreeCodeCamp-website-on-a-Windows-pc)
@@ -714,4 +714,4 @@ Here are a few things to keep in mind:
>>> id(b) # b is still bound to the original object.
-Now that we have covered the basics, it's time to discuss [Python Operators](
+Now that we have covered the basics, it's time to discuss [Python Operators](Python-Operators)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Functions
Functions are a way to organize code into reusable blocks. As a reminder, functions in Python are "first class objects."
@@ -230,4 +230,4 @@ NameError: name 'inside_fn' is not defined
[Python Docs - Decorators](
-Now that we have covered basics of Python, let us apply Python in [Web Development](!
+Now that we have covered basics of Python, let us apply Python in [Web Development](Web-Development-in-Python)!
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Introduction
## What is Python?
-[Python]( is a general purpose programming language which is dynamically typed, interpreted, and known for its easy readability with great design principles.
+[Python](Python) is a general purpose programming language which is dynamically typed, interpreted, and known for its easy readability with great design principles.
To know more about Python, you might want to check [this]( and [this](
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The argument that we called the `print` function with is a `str` object or *stri
The `objects` parameter is prefixed with a `*` which indicates that the function will take an arbitrary number of arguments for that parameter.
-We shall now continue with [Python Basics](
+We shall now continue with [Python Basics](Python-Basics)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# More Built-in Types
## Containers
@@ -586,4 +586,4 @@ added**
#### Uses:
-Next, we shall embark upon [Python-Functions](
+Next, we shall embark upon [Python-Functions](Python-Functions)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Operations and Operators
## Truth Value Testing
@@ -215,4 +215,4 @@ for a complete list of code points with the `Nd` property.
* Add info about using `_` for previous output in interactive mode.
-We shall be covering a few more in-built types [next](
+We shall be covering a few more in-built types [next](Python-More-Builtin-Types).
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ Python is so wide-spread in its use, that most Linux and OSX distros come pre-in
Python is used in data science, machine learning, and especially, web development.
-To get more familiar with Python, [start here](
+To get more familiar with Python, [start here](Python-Introduction)
If you are looking for something specific in Python, pick from this list of resources:
-- [Introduction](
-- [Basics](
-- [Operators](
-- [More Built-in Types](
-- [Functions](
-- [Web-development in Python](
-- [Installing Django and Flask](
+- [Introduction](Python-Introduction)
+- [Basics](Python-Basics)
+- [Operators](Python-Operators)
+- [More Built-in Types](Python-More-Builtin-Types)
+- [Functions](Python-Functions)
+- [Web-development in Python](Web-Development-in-Python)
+- [Installing Django and Flask](Install-Django-Flask)
@@ -23,5 +23,5 @@ $'/api/things', newThing).success(function(thatThingWeJustAdded) {
This updates the local array for seemingly instant results for your user and then syncs it to your database and updates the local array in the background with the database’s version of your *newThing* object, unique *._id* and all. Notice the callback we pass to the *success* function receives the new *thing* back from the database as an argument! This way you can easily add it back to your local scope without too much overhead.
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Using `Array.prototype.reduce()` to Reduce Conceptual Boilerplate for Problems on Arrays
-That's quite a mouthful! It could have just been titled as **Use [`Array.prototype.reduce()`]( to Solve Array Problems Easily** or **`Array.prototype.reduce()` FTW!**. That would have been so much easier to read and parse.
+That's quite a mouthful! It could have just been titled as **Use [`Array.prototype.reduce()`](js-Array-prototype-reduce) to Solve Array Problems Easily** or **`Array.prototype.reduce()` FTW!**. That would have been so much easier to read and parse.
But It was not. Loops in JavaScript are just like that. They are not terse, they make you beat around the bush for a while. As the joke goes, two things are most difficult in computer science - [cache invalidation](, [naming things](, and [off-by-one error](
And then there is the danger of writing [asynchonous code inside a for loop without using closure from IIFE](
This article would start with a claim - that you can avoid using a for-loop or while-loop to solve any `Array` related problems.
-Instead, you can solve all of them using `Array.prototype.reduce()`. If you wish to read forward; do make sure you know about recursive functions, and some of the cool functional tools like [``]( or [`Array.prototype.filter()`](
+Instead, you can solve all of them using `Array.prototype.reduce()`. If you wish to read forward; do make sure you know about recursive functions, and some of the cool functional tools like [``](js-Array-prototype-map) or [`Array.prototype.filter()`](js-Array-prototype-filter).
Grand claims require grand evidence. So let's demonstrate how we can get accustomed with using `reduce()`.
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ var arr = [20, 50, 5, 60];
arr.reduce(Math.max, 0);
-but this would not work and would return `NaN`. Here's the reason - `acc` and `item` are not the **only** arguments to the custom callback. When you call [`Math.max()`]( tries to call it on non-numeric arguments, resulting in `NaN`.
+but this would not work and would return `NaN`. Here's the reason - `acc` and `item` are not the **only** arguments to the custom callback. When you call [`Math.max()`](Math.max) tries to call it on non-numeric arguments, resulting in `NaN`.
Notice that I didn't put much thought into picking the initial value. I just picked it as `0`; resulting in a bug!
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ The output should be `[1, 2, 3, 'cat', 'dog', 'fish', 'bird']`
It's time to formulate a strategy. We clearly need to distinguish between an array and an element. Also, `acc` should be the array being formed throughout the iteration; meaning the initial value would be an empty array `[]`.
-Throughout the callback function code, we would simply extract the content from the `item`, which can be a deeply nested array; and we would [`Array.prototype.concat()`]( it with the `acc` value. It's better to use `concat()` over [`Array.prototype.push()`](; because `push()` alters the original array; while `concat()` creates a new array and returns it.
+Throughout the callback function code, we would simply extract the content from the `item`, which can be a deeply nested array; and we would [`Array.prototype.concat()`](js-Array-prototype-concat) it with the `acc` value. It's better to use `concat()` over [`Array.prototype.push()`](js-Array-prototype-push); because `push()` alters the original array; while `concat()` creates a new array and returns it.
And since we don't know the level of nesting at any given instant; we must go call our custom callback recursively. Meaning, we have to write it somewhere else and call it by name inside `reduce()`.
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ Let's say you have a route that you want to restrict to logged-in users; maybe y
This way, if the user isn't authenticated when they try to access the <A href="#">/profile</a> page, they'll be redirected to your login screen to authenticate before continuing to their profile page.
+[PREVIOUS](Get-info-about-the-current-user) [NEXT](isLoggedInAsync)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-If you still see problems after [Getting Help on Gitter](, you will want to try to see if anyone else has posted about a similar problem.
+If you still see problems after [Getting Help on Gitter](How-to-Get-Help-on-Gitter), you will want to try to see if anyone else has posted about a similar problem.
![gif walking through the subsequent steps to search GitHub for the issue](
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ If you still see problems after [Getting Help on Gitter](
2. Use the search bar to search for already filed issues that may be related to your problem.
* If you find one, read it! You can subscribe to get updates about that specific issue by clicking on `Subscribe` in the sidebar. You can also comment on the issue if you have something to add.
- * If you cannot find any relevant issues you should [Create a New Github Issue](
+ * If you cannot find any relevant issues you should [Create a New Github Issue](Creating-a-New-Github-Issue).
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ The *things* that show up on your app's main view are part of some seed data tha
You can add, remove, or change data in this file, and it will be written to your database, overwriting any duplicates the next time you run `grunt serve`. If an object defined in **seed.js** is overwritten, the database will assign a new *.\_id* property to it (we'll cover *.\_id* properties in the next section), which may give you some issues later on in testing. To avoid this, you can turn off seeding by setting `seedDB: false` in **/server/config/environment/development.js**.
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-In this article you can find labels (see the table below) used to categorize the variety of issues submitted to FCC. The labels range from **bugs** to **questions** to **curriculum requests**. For example, if an issue has a ***Wiki*** label, you can create a Wiki article about that issue - after reading the [Wiki Style Guide](
+In this article you can find labels (see the table below) used to categorize the variety of issues submitted to FCC. The labels range from **bugs** to **questions** to **curriculum requests**. For example, if an issue has a ***Wiki*** label, you can create a Wiki article about that issue - after reading the [Wiki Style Guide](Wiki-Style-Guide).
You can use labels to help you choose which issues to click on, rather than randomly clicking to find one of interest to you. Of course, you can work on and submit PRs for issues without labels. How ever you choose an issue, please be sure to read [Guidelines for Contributing]( before submitting any pull requests.
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Our open source community has been hard at work throughout September on some maj
* New challenges have appeared called "Claim your Front End Developer Certificate" and "Claim your Full Stack Developer Certificate".
-* We've built acceptance of our [Academic Honesty Policy]( into these certificate challenges.
+* We've built acceptance of our [Academic Honesty Policy](Academic-Honesty-Policy) into these certificate challenges.
* Certificates are issued programmatically once you meet their requirements.
* Certificates are available right from your Code Portfolio, and publicly viewable to all as long as you haven't hidden your solutions.
* Each certificate has a unique verifiable URL that employers can check. This makes it is impossible to forge our certificates without access to our production servers.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Our open source community has been hard at work throughout September on some maj
* By popular request, we added gif-style challenges, and are replacing our video-style challenges with these. All of our old videos will remain available on our [YouTube channel](
###Wiki improvements
-* @rafase282 has nearly finished creating [notes for every single challenge in Free Code Camp's curriculum](, including hints and solutions.
+* @rafase282 has nearly finished creating [notes for every single challenge in Free Code Camp's curriculum](Map), including hints and solutions.
* @codenonprofit has started creating "portal" style wiki articles that serve as better entry points into our tangle of 400+ articles.
###Resolved experiments
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
# If you're new to Free Code Camp, or just new to the wiki, start here:
## Curriculum
-- [What you will learn, and in what sequence you will learn it](,-and-in-what-sequence-you-will-learn-it)
-- [How long does Free Code Camp take?](
-- [What are these brownie points?](
-- [The Front End Development Certificate](
+- [What you will learn, and in what sequence you will learn it](What-you-will-learn,-and-in-what-sequence-you-will-learn-it)
+- [How long does Free Code Camp take?](How-Long-Free-Code-Camp-Takes)
+- [What are these brownie points?](Brownie-Points)
+- [The Front End Development Certificate](Free-Code-Camp-Front-End-Development-Certificate)
- The Data Visualization Certificate
- The Back End Development Certificate
-- [The Full Stack Development Certificate](
+- [The Full Stack Development Certificate](Free-Code-Camp-Full-Stack-Development-Certificate)
- The Coding Interview Preparation
-- [Guide to Back End Projects](
-- [Back End Project Resources](
-- [Why JavaScript?](
+- [Guide to Back End Projects](Guide-to-Back-End-Projects-Table-of-Contents)
+- [Back End Project Resources](Back-End-Project-Resources)
+- [Why JavaScript?](Why-does-Free-Code-Camp-use-JavaScript-instead-of-Ruby-or-Python)
## Community
-- [Code of Conduct](
-- [Camper News](
-- [Campsites](
-- [Official Chat Rooms](
-- [How to use CamperBot](
-- [Join the LinkedIn Community and Find Alumni](
-- [Stream your Coding Session on our page](
+- [Code of Conduct](Code-of-Conduct)
+- [Camper News](Camper-News)
+- [Campsites](Campsites)
+- [Official Chat Rooms](Official-Free-Code-Camp-Chat-Rooms)
+- [How to use CamperBot](camperbot)
+- [Join the LinkedIn Community and Find Alumni](How-to-add-Free-Code-Camp-to-my-LinkedIn-profile)
+- [Stream your Coding Session on our page](
## Nonprofit
-- [How Nonprofit Projects Work](
-- [Natural Language Requirements](
-- [Resources that Free Code Camp recommends to Nonprofits Who Don't Qualify](
+- [How Nonprofit Projects Work](How-FreeCodeCamp-Nonprofit-Projects-work)
+- [Natural Language Requirements](Free-Code-Camp-completion-language-requirements)
+- [Resources that Free Code Camp recommends to Nonprofits Who Don't Qualify](Other-resources-that-Free-Code-Camp-recommends-to-nonprofits)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Your user profile displays your recent activity. If you get [Brownie Points]( on several consecutive days, you will start a streak.
+Your user profile displays your recent activity. If you get [Brownie Points](Brownie-Points/) on several consecutive days, you will start a streak.
![A picture of a camper's streak readout showing a 21-day streak](
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Free Code Camp uses to broadcast live streams. These can be anything f
All levels of coders are encouraged to stream on the Free Code Camp twitch channel. If this is something that would interest you, please contact Briana on [gitter]( or on [twitter](
-More information on how to stream can be found [here](
+More information on how to stream can be found [here](
You can find the channel here:
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Using Python for Web Development
-[Python]( is known for its beautiful syntax and ease of readabilty. This scripting language can be used for some quick-and-dirty prototyping of your idea of a web-app. It can also be used to build scalable and maintainable large web applications.
+[Python](Python) is known for its beautiful syntax and ease of readabilty. This scripting language can be used for some quick-and-dirty prototyping of your idea of a web-app. It can also be used to build scalable and maintainable large web applications.
#### Web Frameworks in Python
@@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ You are probably wondering what, then, is left for the developer to do? Based on
Your code will fill the gaps *intentionally* left in the framework code - and combining your code with the framework; your web application would have life breathed into it!
-So let's get started with some web frameworks and learn how they help build web app on-hands. But before that, we would need to set-up the development environment by completing [installation of web frameworks in Python](
+So let's get started with some web frameworks and learn how they help build web app on-hands. But before that, we would need to set-up the development environment by completing [installation of web frameworks in Python](Install-Django-Flask).
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ You can include images if they help you better communicate your subject.
#### Use descriptive, punctuation-free titles that follow a name convention as `Name of Page`.
Our wiki articles are [written in GitHub-flavor Markdown](
-- [Algorithm Style Guide](
+- [Algorithm Style Guide](Algorithm-Style-Guide)
If you have questions about contributing to the Free Code Camp Wiki message [@rafase282]( in [Gitter](
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
New to Free Code Camp?
-- [Start Here](
+- [Start Here](Start-Here)
- [How to use this Wiki](
-- [Challenge Guides](
+- [Challenge Guides](Map)
JS Concepts
- [Closures](
@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@ JS Language Reference
- [Array.prototype.slice](
- [Array.prototype.some](
- [Array.prototype.toString](
-- [Boolean](
+- [Boolean](js-Boolean)
- [for loop](
- [ loop](
- [for..of loop](
-- [String.prototype.split](
-- [String.prototype.toLowerCase](
-- [String.prototype.toUpperCase](
+- [String.prototype.split](js-String-prototype-split)
+- [String.prototype.toLowerCase](js-String-prototype-toLowerCase)
+- [String.prototype.toUpperCase](js-String-prototype-toUpperCase)
- [undefined](
Other Links
- [Programming Fundamental](
- [JS Resources](
-- [JS RegEx Resources](
-- [Web Resources](
+- [JS RegEx Resources](JS-Regex-Resources)
+- [Web Resources](Web-Resources)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ then press [shift + enter ⏎]
### Single line Code
This an inline **\`**`<paste code here>`**\`** code formatting with a single backtick(\`) at *start* and *end* around the `code`.
-See also: ☛ [**How to type Backticks**]( | ☯ [Compose Mode]( | ❄ [Gitter Formatting Basics](
+See also: ☛ [**How to type Backticks**](code-formatting#typing-backticks) | ☯ [Compose Mode]( | ❄ [Gitter Formatting Basics](
## Typing Backticks[](
### QWERTY and QWERTZ (Key that's been marked with red border)
6 es.lang/
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Our open source community's Wiki focuses on answering your questions about learn
![An illustration of CamperBot](
-The best way to access this wiki is via [CamperBot](, located in our Gitter channels. CamperBot is a community designed tool useful for accessing our wiki content without ever leaving Gitter.
+The best way to access this wiki is via [CamperBot](camperbot), located in our Gitter channels. CamperBot is a community designed tool useful for accessing our wiki content without ever leaving Gitter.
-To contribute a wiki article for any of the bonfires, please use this [template]( This is essential for [@CamperBot]( to retrieve the article. Bonfire articles that do not use this template will be removed.
+To contribute a wiki article for any of the bonfires, please use this [template](Bonfire-Wiki-Template). This is essential for [@CamperBot]( to retrieve the article. Bonfire articles that do not use this template will be removed.
-You will then need to fork the [wiki]( and create a branch where you will make your changes to later submit a pull request to be merged before the changes goes live on the wiki. This is to filter any spam content or damage to **our** wiki. Detailed instructions with graphics found here: [How To Contribute To The Wiki.](
+You will then need to fork the [wiki]( and create a branch where you will make your changes to later submit a pull request to be merged before the changes goes live on the wiki. This is to filter any spam content or damage to **our** wiki. Detailed instructions with graphics found here: [How To Contribute To The Wiki.](How-To-Contribute-To-The-Wiki)
If you have questions about contributing to the Free Code Camp Wiki message [@Rafase282 in Gitter](
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-**Were you referred to this page to get your PR accepted? Scroll right [to the bottom]( then!**
+**Were you referred to this page to get your PR accepted? Scroll right [to the bottom](git-rebase#git-rebase-at-fcc) then!**
`git rebase` is an extremely useful tool that is all about rewriting git history, though most commonly used to *squash* multiple commits into one. While useful in this scenario, this is not the only function that the `git rebase` command can perform. It in fact proves to be far more useful when used for the intended function that its name suggests: to essentially *rebase* a branch. Let me explain what I mean by that.
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ $scope.isLoggedInAsync(callback(bool) {
+[PREVIOUS](Restrict-a-page-to-authenticated-users) [NEXT](Bonus-SocketIO)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ var isEven = function isEven(currentElement, index, array) {
-*see wiki* on [Arithmetic Operators]( to see the remainder operator `%`
+*see wiki* on [Arithmetic Operators](Arithmetic-Operators) to see the remainder operator `%`
**Has 3 arguments**
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Something which evaluates to FALSE. There are only five falsey values in JavaScript:
`undefined`, `null`, `NaN`, `0`, `""` (empty string), and `false` of course.
-See also: [**truthy**]( | [Truthy & Falsey blog post](
+See also: [**truthy**](js-truthy) | [Truthy & Falsey blog post](
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
All values are **truthy** unless they are defined as **falsy** (i.e. except for `false`, `0`, `""`, `null`, `undefined` and `NaN`).
-See also: [falsy]( | [MDN](
+See also: [falsy](js-falsy) | [MDN](

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