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Fix links in CONTRIBUTING guidelines

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1 parent 39c3e26 commit f8edd8fdef400cda96c6f6d6efe2475262c95e0e @raisedadead raisedadead committed
Showing with 6 additions and 6 deletions.
  1. +6 −6 .github/
12 .github/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Guides on how to Contribute
-- [How To Contribute From Your Browser:](Guide-Online-Contribution) This is currently the easiest way we have to contribute. A simplified version can be found [here]( also.
-- [Pull Request Guidelines:](PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE) This is a set of points to be checked while making a Pull Request.
-- [How To Contribute To The Wiki:](How-To-Contribute-To-The-Wiki) This is a guide that will show you how to have a local copy so you can make changes from your computer, it also works for contributing to the main repository.
-- [More on how to make a pull request from a fork:](Pull-Request-Contribute) This guide has additional information on Pull requests in general and works for contributing to the main repository.
-- [How to Squash Commits:](git-rebase#squashing-multiple-commits-into-one) We require only one commit per Pull Request unless otherwise specified by a moderator. Please go through this guide to squash multiple commits.
-- How to write a [proper commit message](Writing-great-git-commit-message).
+- [How To Contribute From Your Browser:]( This is currently the easiest way we have to contribute. A simplified version can be found [here]( also.
+- [Pull Request Guidelines:]( This is a set of points to be checked while making a Pull Request.
+- [How To Contribute To The Wiki:]( This is a guide that will show you how to have a local copy so you can make changes from your computer, it also works for contributing to the main repository.
+- [More on how to make a pull request from a fork:]( This guide has additional information on Pull requests in general and works for contributing to the main repository.
+- [How to Squash Commits:]( We require only one commit per Pull Request unless otherwise specified by a moderator. Please go through this guide to squash multiple commits.
+- How to write a [proper commit message](
If you have questions about contributing to the Free Code Camp Wiki message [@Rafase282 in Gitter]( or come the [Gitter Wiki Room.](

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