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@sasha240100 @jackdalton
175 lines (159 sloc) 5.16 KB


Before contibuting here see rules


  • Engine rebuild commit:
    • Functions (prototype) replaced with es6 classes
    • api.construct -> WHS.Shape
    • api.Wrap -> WHS.Shape.addTo
    • WHS.plugins.loop -> WHS.loop
    • Plugin system with WHS.Shape.prototype.pluginName
    • Skybox: src -> path
  • Fixed speed bug when press shift on fps example.
  • Removed unused files.
  • #51: Update Core.js
    • _initStats()
    • _initDOM()
    • _initCamera()
    • _initRenderer()
    • whselement var -> this._dom
    • _loop in start()
    • _updateControls() in start()
    • _process in start()
    • this.update -> this._update
    • _initScene()
  • #53: Wagner moved to plugins.
  • Fixed resize. rWidth, rHeight default parameter is now 1.
  • #52: libs/three.js r73 -> libs/three.js r74
  • Terrain moved to plugins.
  • Cleanup folders.
  • Loaders fix.
  • Fix for Model & Morph: useVertexColors, useCustomMaterial.
  • Fix for terrain shadows. (Now it can receive).
  • Fix for zero values in friction and restitution.
  • MakeFirstPerson -> FPSControls
  • #61: libs/three.js r74 -> libs/three.js r75
  • Fixed Text shape.
  • WHS.init class -> WHS.World class
  • #63: Fixed JSDoc.
  • #60: Update lights for Three.js r75


  • Fixed #16 "object.assign() chrome bug."
  • Base rewrite(fix). part 4
  • Added the following effects to addWagner:
    • grayscalePass
    • halftonePass
    • invertPass
  • logos/ -> development/art/logo/
  • development/art/logo/ + sorted = /ai, /animation_fla, /animation_gif
  • development/coggle/ -> development/art/coggle/
  • development/ -> development/screenshots/
  • Added warning in case of invalid Wagner effect referenced (addWagner.js)
  • src/libs/{jquery} - > ./libs/{jquery}
  • Fixed onlyvis.
  • Added Plugin support (src/Plugins/).
  • New example (examples/plugin_example.html).
  • Added skybox support (WHS.init.prototype.addSkybox).
  • New example (examples/skybox.html).
  • Added whs.preloader plugin.
  • Skybox added to fps example.
  • ** CannonJS changed to PhysiJS(ammo.js version) **
  • Removed example (examples/basic_object.html).
  • GAME.start() added.
  • CSF. ShaderTerrain.js
  • Edit skybox example to prevent dodecahedron from rolling off of the ground
  • CSF. skybox.html
  • CSF. addSkybox.js
  • CSF. prefix.js
  • CSF. addObject.js
  • CSF. API/*.js
  • CSF. FPSControls.js
  • Fixed OrbitControls parameter.
  • Fixed parrot scale in fps example.
  • CSF. addMorph.js
  • CSF. addModel.js
  • scope.visible -> scope.mesh
  • scope.body -> x
  • CSF. addGround.js
  • CSF. game.js
  • CSF. addMorph.js
  • CSF. loop.js
  • CSF. register.js
  • CSF. watch.js
  • Jquery is replaced with DOM in engine.
  • CSF. addWagner.js
  • prefix.js (polyfill part) -> polyfill.js
  • CSF. addLight.js
  • Removed api.def().
  • CSF. whitestorm.js
  • Jquery removed from engine.
  • Add warning in case of PointerLock API incompatibility.


  • Made parameters optional.
  • Fixed basic model example.
  • Added api.loadMaterial function.
  • Added api.construct function.
  • Fixed lathe physics error.
  • Changed coggle.
  • Gulpfile update.
  • Fixed addLight().
  • Added _state property to scope which is deferred.promise().
  • Disabled defining this.composer.eff in WHS.init unless Wagner is enabled.
  • Fixed autoresize.
  • Added the following effects to addWagner:
    • ASCIIPass
    • dotScreenPass
    • fxaaPass
    • chromaticAberrationPass
    • dirtPass
    • edgeDetectionPass
    • highPassPass
  • Removed unusable libs.


  • Added Coggle.
  • WHS.init(THREE, CANNON, params) -> WHS.init(params)
  • Fixed api.Wrap error in addGround.
  • Added api.Wrap to addGrass.
  • Fixed name in examples.
  • Fixed stone_wall.html example.
  • MaterialOptions: .type -> .kind
  • THREE.js updade. r69 -> r73.
  • Changed terrain generation script.

-- Improved loading time ( < 1 sec. ).

-- FPS improved. (59-60 fps.)


-- Shadows don't work.

-- addGrass doesn't work.

-- Cannon.js heightmap is not smooth yet.


  • Basic_material example fixed.
  • addModel() for adding an object from JSON file.
  • basic_material example
  • THREE.JSONLoader -> API
  • Added Wrap function.
  • Removed all console.log's.
  • src/libs/Wagner.base.js -> libs/Wagner.base.js
  • CSF. Line-wrap, blocks.


  • Shader terrain material added.
  • Shadows fixed.
  • Lambert material issue fixed.
  • index.html -> examples/fps.html.
  • autoresize for basic_object example fixed.
  • Source tree restructured. (All code now in src folder)
  • build folder consist of whitestorm.js(original) and whitestorm.min.js(minified).
  • textures -> assets/textures, terrain -> assets/terrain
  • Three.js and cannon.js moved to libs.


  • Ground fixed.
  • Grass added(+-)
  • PackUvs() for add UVs for custom geometry.
  • Improved FPS rate. (from 40 fps to 50-60 fps).


  • Terrain performance fixed. (from 20 fps to 40 fps //collisions//)
  • License fixed.
  • Funcs added ( API ).
  • Examples added.


  • AddObject function
  • Terrain added.
  • Basic API
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