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jQuery for Three.js
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Latest commit 39f36e0 @sasha240100 sasha240100 FIX.


JQuery for Three.js and Physi.js


  • Simple shape crafting — We use JSON-like structure for creating objects by inputed data and adding them to 3d world.

  • Physics with WebWorkers — It uses Physi.js library for calculating physics of 3D shapes with WebWorkers technology that allows to make rendering an calculating physics in multiple threads.

  • Plugin system — Framework supports plugins & components made by other users. You need to include them after whitestorm.js and follow provided instructions.

  • Automatization of rendering — Framework does rendering automatically and doesn't need function to be called for it. Functionality like resize function can be called automatically by setting additional parameters such as autoresize: true.


It is advised to download your own copies of the following libraries, as large changes can break backwards compatibility.

Include Three.js and Physi.js libraries. Include a script tag linking the WhitestormJS library in your head or after your body:

<script src="three.js"></script>
<script src="physi.js"></script>
<!-- WhitestormJS library -->
<script src="{path_to_lib}/whitestorm.js"></script>

After adding these libraries, you can configure your app:

var world = new WHS.World({
    stats: "fps", // fps, ms, mb or false if not need.

    gravity: { // Physic gravity.
        x: 0,
        y: -100,
        z: 0

    path_worker: 'physijs_worker.js', // Path to Physijs worker here.
    path_ammo: 'ammo.js' // Path to Ammo.js from Physijs worker.

// Define your scene objects here.

world.start(); // Start animations and physics simulation.

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Whitestorm.js structure


  • FPS (First person example with Wagner effects and terrain.)
  • Basic (Basic "Hello world!" example.)
  • Material (Basic example with material.)
  • Object/Model (Teapot model with Three.js JSONLoader.)
  • Object/Wall (Stone wall (basic).)
  • Plugin/Color (Basic plugin example.)
  • Skybox (Skybox example)
Docs: Look here
Changelog: Look here







Лицензия Creative Commons


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