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Vicent Marti is a GitHubber

Several months ago we blogged about how Vicent was helping us develop libgit2, a linkable Git library. Well, we're proud to announce that Vicent is now a GitHubber!

Vicent was the student in the Google Summer of Code project that I mentored and did an amazing job with the project. GitHub hired him as a contractor to keep working on the project and now he's accepted a full time job working at GitHub. Vicent will continue kicking ass on the libgit2 project making sure that it's "fucking fast", as well as other hard core C related stuff.

This may mark the first time that a Google Summer of Code project has fairly directly led to a student dropping out of school, but we're pretty proud of the precedent. It was just a masters degree, after all.

Check out Vicent on GitHub and on Twitter.

Alex Malinovich is a GitHubber

Today marks Alex Malinovich's first official day as a GitHubber. A Ruby developer turned Sales Extraordinaire (or the far more boring Technical Sales Specialist title he's given himself on his LinkedIn profile), he'll be helping us with our venerable GitHub:FI product.

A long-time GitHub user, we're happy to have found someone that possesses the technical chops and sales experience to help customers no matter what question comes his way.

Make sure you follow him on Twitter and GitHub.

Welcome Alex!

Kevin Sawicki is a GitHubber

Today marks Kevin Sawicki's first day as a GitHubber. Between his work on the excellent P4Eclipse plugin and his experience at Aptana prior to that, he eats, sleeps, and breathes Eclipse. We're excited to have someone with his level of expertise and knowledge of the Java community on the team.

He's in desperate need of a few more Twitter followers and you're gonna want to keep an eye on his GitHub profile when the hotness begins to drop.

Welcome to the team, Kevin!

Josh Abernathy is a GitHubber

Today marks Josh Abernathy's first official day as a GitHubber. As the brains behind Maybe Apps, Josh has been doing amazing work on the iOS, Android, and Mac platforms for years. And now he's going to bring that awesome to you, loyal GitHub fans.

There are a bunch of great projects on Josh's GitHub profile, from JAListView (an NSTableView replacement) to demos of how popular apps pull off their slick animations. If you're into Cocoa it's a gold mine.

Follow Josh on Twitter and GitHub for more.

Welcome to the team, Josh!

Tater is a GitHubber

To finish off this epic week of hiring, we're announcing that @tater is now a GitHubber.

Tater is coming on as our new Chief Happiness Officer (sorry PJ). Look at that face! All Tater wants to do is make everyone happy. His main task will be to drop pug bombs when we least expect it.

Welcome to the team, Tater!

Aman Gupta (tmm1) is a GitHubber

Today marks Aman Gupta's first day as a GitHubber. Years ago, Aman embarked upon a crusade to make Ruby faster, leaner, more concurrent, and more debuggable. Today he brings that expertise to GitHub.

We've already been using Aman's code for years. His work on EventMachine has allowed us to write a routing proxy in Ruby that shuttles gigabytes of data between the frontends and file servers with ease and simplicity. Tools like memprof, gdb.rb, perftools.rb, and rbtrace have finally given Ruby developers fine grained insight into the memory and performance of their Ruby projects. Whether he's disassing MRI or writing killer Rails code, you can count on Aman to take things to the next level.

We're insanely excited that Aman has joined the team, and you can be sure to see his mark on GitHub very soon.

(And don't forget to follow Aman on Twitter and GitHub for additional awesome.)

Simon "sr" Rozet is a GitHubber

Today we're happy to announce that Simon Rozet has joined the GitHub team. His experience working on large Ruby applications and as a heavy GitHub user will surely result in some pretty sweet improvements.


Simon hails from Brussels, Belgium and is currently visiting our offices in SF. Say hi if you see him at the drinkup this week.

You might recognize Simon from his contributions to Sinatra and Integrity projects, but even if you don't you should definitely follow him on GitHub and Twitter.

Welcome to the team, Simon!

Mislav Marohnić is a GitHubber

Today marks Mislav Marohnić's first day as a GitHubber. As a JavaScript and Ruby expert, Mislav is going to help us bring some serious awesome to your experience.

Whether it's his beautiful Instagram web frontend, his innovative approach to Explaining Ruby, his groundbreaking work on will_paginate, or his amazing blog, Mislav has been impressing us for years.

We're super excited to have him on the team and even more excited to see what he's going to do. Welcome, Mislav!

(And don't forget to follow Mislav on Twitter and GitHub for even more greatness.)

Tim Clem is a GitHubber

Today marks Tim Clem's first day as a GitHubber. From repairing battleships with laser wielding robots to creating iPhone apps, Tim has done it all. He'll be using his vast expertise to help us with top secret projects. Also: kegerator.

Check out Tim's blog for great posts, his Twitter for classy Instagrams, and his GitHub for creative code.

Welcome to the team, Tim!

Corey Johnson is a GitHubber

Today marks Corey "probablycorey" Johnson's first day as a GitHubber. He will be working on top secret projects. You will never guess what they are.

Corey's background is diverse, from game programming to Ruby libraries, iPhone apps to Empire State Building themed sites. One of his greatest open source projects is wax, a framework for writing iPhone apps in Lua. It even lets you spin up an interactive iOS console.

Corey is an awesome person, a great developer, and his presence alone will improve GitHub. Definitely follow him on Twitter and check out his GitHub profile for more.

Welcome to the team, Corey!

Cameron McEfee is a GitHubber

Today marks Cameron McEfee's first day as a GitHubber. You may have seen some of his recent work:

From making books and posters to TV commericals and interfaces, Cameron does it all. We're super excited to have him on the team and think he's going to bring a world of awesome to GitHub.

Want more? Admire his portfolio, browse his blog, or follow him on Twitter.

Welcome Cameron!

Jeff King (Peff) is a GitHubber

We're very excited to announce that core Git member Jeff King will also be joining the team today! But don't call him Jeff, he prefers Peff. Peff is one of the most active contributors to Git and will be using his expertise and hardcore C skills to make Git even better and more usable.

I could expound upon everything that Peff's done for the Git project, but instead let me just show you this list of the top ten commiters to Git:

$ git log --pretty=format:%aN | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
8740 Junio C Hamano
1384 Shawn O. Pearce
1096 Linus Torvalds
 719 Johannes Schindelin
 499 Jeff King
 465 Eric Wong
 434 Jakub Narebski
 394 Jonathan Nieder
 344 Nicolas Pitre
 322 Paul Mackerras

Welcome to the team, Peff!

Meet Petros

If you've emailed GitHub Support recently you may have met Petros. He's the incredibly helpful second half of our support team, and today he starts working full time at GitHub.

From his fabulous home office in Thessaloniki, Greece, Petros blogs, tweets, and codes in Ruby and C#.

If you ever need to contact GitHub Support, say hi to Petros!

Update: Better pic!

Bryan Veloso is a GitHubber

Today marks Bryan Veloso's first day as a GitHubber. He'll be making GitHub easier to use, prettier to look at, and more powerful.

The world renowned "father" of the Django Pony, Bryan writes awesome code and creates beautiful designs. He also blogs and tweets.

Welcome to the team, Bryan!

Update: Newer pic!

Brian Lopez is a GitHubber

Today marks Brian Lopez's first day as a GitHubber. He'll be helping us make the front end of the website more awesome, from performance enhancements to new features.

You may recognize Brian as the mastermind behind yajl-ruby and mysql2, two superb open source libraries, but he also contributes to Rails and has released a slew of other libraries.

Also, he can really pull off a hat. Follow him on Twitter and GitHub.

We've all been huge fans of Brian's for a long time and are super excited about working with him. Welcome to the team, Brian!

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