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Tim Sharpe is a GitHubber

Monday marked Tim Sharpe's first day at GitHub. He'll be joining us as our first full time sysadmin. His skills in Puppet and DRBD configuration are legendary. While not fighting crocodiles or dropbears in the Australian outback, Tim will be in charge of making sure that our servers stay comfy and warm in their racks.

Tim Sharpe

With Tim on board, you can be sure that any problems will be handled with finesse and we'll be ready to grow to accommodate all of the repos you can throw at us.

Welcome, Tim!

Eston Bond is a GitHubber

Monday marked Eston Bond's first day at GitHub. He'll be joining me working on the look & feel of all things GitHub. We're all stoked to have another designer on board and can't wait to see what awesome comes from it.

Eston Bond

You might know Eston from his time as a Product Designer at Facebook fame or as the designer of Spymaster. Eston is starting a new blog at, tweets as @eston and hacks as eston.

Welcome, Eston!

Corey Donohoe is a GitHubber

Today marks Corey "atmos" Donohoe's first day as a GitHubber. He'll be helping us make GitHub more awesome.

We're all super excited to have Corey on board, and a quick browse through his repos explains why: Sinatra, node.js, and OAuth are among his interests. He has some amazing dogs, too.

Also OS X - if you like the sound of homebrew and chef you'll definitely want to check out his cider project.

You can follow him on GitHub, twitter, tumblr, or at his blog.

Welcome to the team, Corey!

Rick Olson is a GitHubber

Today marks Rick "technoweenie" Olson's first day as a GitHubber. He'll be making GitHub more awesome just by being here, but we hope he'll also add new features, improve existing features, and whip the codebase into shape.

A former member of the Rails Core team, Rick is a master open source craftsman with nearly 100 public projects on his GitHub profile. Old school Rails developers will recall his classic acts_as_paranoid, acts_as_versioned, acts_as_authenticated, or exception_logger plugins, while new school developers will surely recognize restful_authentication and attachment_fu, two of the most watched projects on GitHub

But he's more than just a Ruby on Railer. Rick writes jQuery plugins, node.js libraries and servers, Rack middleware, GitHub hacks, as well as some crazy experiments.

He co-created Calendar About Nothing, islostonyet, Warehouse (one of the inspirations for GitHub), and Lighthouse before he was the lead developer on Tender, the software that powers GitHub's Support site.

If that's not enough, you can read his blog, his twitter, his tumblr, his code, or catch him on XBox LIVE as technoweenie.

Welcome to the team, Rick!

Zach Holman is a GitHubber

Today is Zach Holman’s first day as a GitHubber. He’ll be making GitHub:FI even more awesome.

When we met Zach we were immediately impressed. From his strange sense of humor to his non-traditional uses of Git, we knew he’d be a great fit for our team.

When he’s not ego surfing, he blogs, tweets, and codes. Bonus points for consistent usernames across services.

Welcome to the team, Zach!

Ryan Tomayko is a GitHubber

Today marks Ryan Tomayko’s first day as a GitHubber. He’ll be helping make GitHub more stable, reliable, and awesome.

Ryan has consistently impressed all of us with his work on Sinatra and Rack, the awesomeness of shotgun and git-sh, his prolific writing and linking, and his various other projects.

You can follow his blog, his twitter, or his GitHub

Welcome to the team, Ryan!

Kyle Neath is a GitHubber

Today is Kyle Neath’s first hands-on day at GitHub. We’ve all been fans of Kyle for a long time and are super excited to have him. He’ll be using his fantastic design and impressive programming skills to help make GitHub even better.

Besides creating Hemingway and designing Tender (GitHub’s support app), Kyle has done a bunch of awesome open source and closed source projects.

For an overview of his past work check out his Joining GitHub blog post.

Kyle blogs at Warpspire and tweets and codes as kneath.

Welcome to the team, Kyle!

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