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Commits on Mar 21, 2016
  1. @dlyongemallo

    Merge pull request #1033 from googlei18n/penmetsaa_update_7.2.8

    dlyongemallo committed
    Penmetsaa update 7.2.8
  2. @penmetsaa


    penmetsaa committed
  3. @dlyongemallo

    Merge pull request #1032 from bryant1410/patch-1

    dlyongemallo committed
    Add missing semicolon in README example
  4. @dlyongemallo

    Merge pull request #1031 from googlei18n/penmetsaa_update_7.2.8

    dlyongemallo committed
    Metadata updates for release 7.2.8
  5. @bryant1410
  6. Metadata updates for release 7.2.8

    Aravind committed
Commits on Mar 17, 2016
  1. @andyst

    Merge pull request #1014 from googlei18n/ifdef_phonenumbertests_alt_f…

    andyst committed
    Adding ifdef I18N_PHONENUMBERS_USE_ALTERNATE_FORMATS in phonenumbermatcher_test
Commits on Mar 16, 2016
  1. @lararennie

    Added "ifdef" around the entries in phonenumbermatcher_test that require

    lararennie committed
    alternate formats to be included to be found. This means that if the
    user doesn't have this option set to true, the tests won't be run (they
    would otherwise fail).
Commits on Mar 15, 2016
  1. @andyst

    Merge pull request #1008 from googlei18n/cpp-regex-fix

    andyst committed
    Fixing issue with reg-exp when finding phone numbers in text
  2. @lararennie

    Fixing issue with reg-exp -> the "-" range operator was duplicated as

    lararennie committed
    the end of the range as well, causing re2 to fail (and some test
    failures with newer versions of ICU apparently in some configurations)
Commits on Mar 14, 2016
  1. @dlyongemallo

    Merge pull request #997 from dlyongemallo/master

    dlyongemallo committed
    add first version of "Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Phone Numbers"
  2. @dlyongemallo


    dlyongemallo committed
Commits on Mar 10, 2016
  1. @keghani

    Merge pull request #996 from googlei18n/penmetsaa_update_7.2.7

    keghani committed
    Penmetsaa update 7.2.7
Commits on Mar 9, 2016
  1. @penmetsaa


    penmetsaa committed
  2. @keghani

    Merge pull request #995 from googlei18n/penmetsaa_update_7.2.7

    keghani committed
    Metadata updates for release 7.2.7
  3. @penmetsaa

    Update release_notes.txt

    penmetsaa committed
    To include pending changes to 7.2.7 release
  4. Metadata updates for release 7.2.7

    Aravind committed
Commits on Mar 2, 2016
  1. @andyst
  2. @andyst

    Merge pull request #987 from googlei18n/andyst-docs-1

    andyst committed
  3. @andyst


    andyst committed
  4. @andyst


    andyst committed
  5. @keghani

    Merge pull request #986 from googlei18n/update_nationalPrefixOptional…

    keghani committed
    Update nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting documentation.
Commits on Mar 1, 2016
  1. @keghani
Commits on Feb 29, 2016
  1. @dlyongemallo

    Merge pull request #978 from roubert/parallel

    dlyongemallo committed
    Explicitly add dependencies on generate_geocoding_data.
Commits on Feb 26, 2016
  1. @keghani

    Merge pull request #984 from roubert/cmake

    keghani committed
    Require CMake packages to be version 3.1 or higher.
Commits on Feb 25, 2016
  1. @roubert
  2. @penmetsaa


    penmetsaa committed
  3. @dlyongemallo

    Merge pull request #983 from googlei18n/penmetsaa_update_7.2.6

    dlyongemallo committed
    Penmetsaa update 7.2.6
  4. @dlyongemallo

    Merge pull request #982 from googlei18n/penmetsaa_update_7.2.6

    dlyongemallo committed
    Metadata updates for release 7.2.6
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