#!/bin/sh | |
# shell script to convert textile content to markdown using sed, awk and pandoc. | |
# copy this file and tomd_pre.awk and tomd_post.awk into your local jekyll project folder | |
# then `chmod +x tomd` and invoke with `tomd [_posts] [_old_posts]` | |
# remember to keep a backup of everything, and USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. | |
set -e | |
set -o pipefail | |
# make sure the following exist | |
echo "checking for sed, awk, and pandoc" | |
which sed | sed '1 q' | |
awk --version | sed '1 q' | |
pandoc -v | sed '1 q' | |
# script dir | |
DIR=`dirname $0` | |
# posts dir | |
if [ $1 ] ; then | |
else | |
POSTSDIR=_posts | |
fi | |
# archive dir | |
if [ $2 ] ; then | |
OLDDIR=$1 | |
else | |
OLDDIR=_old_posts | |
fi | |
echo "looking for .textile files in $POSTSDIR moving them to $OLDDIR" | |
mkdir -p -v $OLDDIR | |
# find all the textile files | |
find $POSTSDIR -name \*.textile | sed 's/\.textile$//' >tomd_files.txt | |
while read foo; do | |
# save YAML header | |
sed -n '1,/^---/ p' $foo.textile >tomd_head.txt | |
# textile (minus header) | tomd_pre | pandoc | tomd_post | |
sed '1,/^---/ d' $foo.textile | awk -f $DIR/tomd_pre.awk | pandoc -B tomd_head.txt -f textile -t markdown_github | awk -f $DIR/tomd_post.awk >$ | |
# archive | |
mv $foo.textile $OLDDIR | |
done <tomd_files.txt | |
echo `wc -l <tomd_files.txt` textile files converted | |
# clean up | |
rm -f tomd_files.txt tomd_head.txt tomd-include-*.txt |