Early Work on a Raspberry Pi Rover Kit

We’re going to be running a workshop at the forthcoming Digi Makers @ Bristol event showing people how they can control a robotic rover with Scratch. So we thought we’d share a picture of the Raspberry Pi robot we’ll be using for the event.

The Dagu Explorer PCB which we use to drive the motors on the Rover 5 chassis has a 5V voltage regulator which is rated at 1.5A so we can use that to provide power to the Pi. Not 100% sure yet how well it will cope with both WiFi and when the motors are running at 100%, but it seems very stable with the hardware we’re using for the workshop which is the Raspberry Pi camera and a bluetooth dongle.

Ideally we’d like to develop this into a full blown Raspberry Pi robot kit that we can sell alongside our Seeeduino/Arduino based robot kit, but we’re focussed on delivering a good workshop first. :)

Our expanding collection of Rover 5 robots

Our expanding collection of Rover 5 robots

2 thoughts on “Early Work on a Raspberry Pi Rover Kit

    1. Alan Post author

      Hi Michael,

      I keep on saying ‘about a month and a half’ but everything always seems to take much longer than I planned. :)




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