OSH Park
Profile for Heisenbug
Shared projects
Modul-Ar-duino v2 (Uno Clone)
layer board of
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March 6th, 2015 11:30.
A shrunken clone!
$23.90/set of 3, untested but fully expected to work.
Minus FTDI-style add-on serial module (fits in “docking bay” next to DC jack, can be RS-232, using max232, or USB, using FT232RL)
RS-232 module to be added eventually…
TDA2822 Pocket Amp v2.0
layer board of
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February 25th, 2015 19:16.
$8.95 for 3 copies & works even if you just get “close” to the values specified here. Tested as solder practice for students.
I’m aware this IC seems to be Not Recommended for New Designs… or at least the DIP version of it. But try to find another speaker amp of 1-2W with an idle current draw in the single-digit mA range, and operates between 2-9v (or more) - I’ve yet to find another one that does all that.
Parts: [source suggestions to come]
2 small electrolytics, 4.7uF 16+v
5 large electrolytics, 470uF 6.3-16v (the one far right, above the output, can be any large size greater than the supply voltage)
4 non-polarized caps 0.1uF SMD
6 pT/H (thru-hole) resistors, 2x each of 4.7ohm, 10Kohm, and 3.3Kohm, 1/4W
LED and 4k7 SMD resistor optional - or even short the R-pads and use a 2-pin header with an LED+resistor combo cable
0.1" 3-pin headers for audio in & out, 2x3 header for off-board volume pot, and reversible 4-pin header for power in - you choose gender for all of them.
TDA2822 DIP or SOIC-8 amp IC (note DIP has higher max power rating, 1.4W total - check amazon for batches of 5-20pcs.) …Another equivalent chip is NJM2073, made by NJR/JRC (digikey’s mfg. page) as a pin-for-pin replacement.
I designed for both DIP-8 and SOIC-8 packages, so there would be no need for an SOIC adapter board when trying to assemble this project.
Mounting holes on 3 of 4 corners, grounded, spaced 1.5" long by 0.8" wide.
The last board design I uploaded/shared before I learned how to use the “smash” tool in EagleCAD. Separating the labels from the package can be a great thing if you need to move the labels in tight spaces. This design ought to be evidence enough for that fact, though I didn’t feel that improving the labels alone would warrant a re-upload.
If my labels here leave you confused, you might check out my first version, which is less visually cluttered since I left off many of the labels altogether.
USB Module 6pin FTDI v3 2-part
layer board of
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February 10th, 2015 22:21.
$12.35/set of 3. Untested, but will update this.
2 pieces break-apart and stack to form the dense, versatile FTDI module for the Modul-Ar-duino.
Designed in pieces to make repair easier/quicker for those who may occasionally fry things, e.g. inexperienced students. Just unsolder the headers and solder on a new FT232RL carrier board. That way you’re back up and running quicker; replacing the dead chip can be done later.
Additionally versatile; can be populated with your choice of USB connectors- type B, A-mini with SMD or pT/H anchor tabs. Has DTR cap onboard for auto-reset of arduino, and optional shorting jumper for it, as well as DTR/RTS and 3v3/5V selection jumpers.
Also can be populated with your choice of male/female 6pin headers, top or bottom, 1x6 or 2x6 (use for greater height offsets) in either pin-thru-hole (pT/H) or surface mount (SMD) style - though you may want to scratch off the solder mask between the pairs of holes for the 2x6 connector to use SMD.