
by MikeSBlankenship.

2 layer board of 4.51x2.11 inches (114.45x53.52 mm).
Shared on February 17th, 2016 06:31.

MLX906XX Eval board

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USB Rocket Avionics

by jonnydyer.

4 layer board of 0.81x1.88 inches (20.47x47.65 mm).
Shared on February 17th, 2016 04:31.

Arduino compatible enabled altimeter, IMU and pyro drive for Rockets

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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MIT Rocket Team

by jswiezy.

2 layer board of 2.83x2.15 inches (71.91x54.74 mm).
Shared on February 17th, 2016 04:21.

Avionics All-In-One Board Rev1

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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Rice Preamp Guitar Layerfix

by dfiction.

2 layer board of 1.24x1.23 inches (31.45x31.12 mm).
Shared on February 17th, 2016 04:08.

modified for Guitar impedances….

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NanoBoy Zero with Teensy 3.2 Arduino pinouts

by Firebirduino.

2 layer board of 1.40x0.69 inches (35.59x17.55 mm).
Shared on February 17th, 2016 03:51.

The ATSAMD21G18A based NanoBoy Zero is fully compatible to the Arduino Zero. The extra features Include dual 3.3V regulators, SWD debugger interface, on-board user button and Lipo Charger.

See details at

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