by summoningdark.

2 layer board of 3.05x3.15 inches (77.47x80.04 mm).
Shared on August 17th, 2015 18:21.

Timing Board

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by summoningdark.

4 layer board of 3.05x3.15 inches (77.47x80.04 mm).
Shared on August 17th, 2015 18:21.

9910 add on

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sensor-hub-pcb v0.2.2 20150817-1223

by summivox.

4 layer board of 1.19x3.00 inches (30.28x76.28 mm).
Shared on August 17th, 2015 16:26.

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Dimmable led driver using TPS92511 controller

by Guiguionweb.

2 layer board of 1.00x1.00 inches (25.43x25.43 mm).
Shared on August 17th, 2015 11:36.

Designed for 3 x 600mA leds(*) wired in serial.

‘'Vin’‘ supply shall be a regulated 12V.

The led controller is dimmable with a PWM signal on the ‘'Dim’‘ input (PWM frequency shall be no less than 200Hz and no more than 50 KHz).

Bottom side is a ‘'Gnd’‘ copper plan used for heatsink report.

Bill of Materials :

  • Controller = TPS92511 (Texas Instument).
  • Inductor = LPS5030-683 (Coilcraft).
  • Diode = SS16 (Vishay).
  • Capacitors = 1µF / 100V / 1210.
  • Resistor RFS = 20Ku (for 500 KHz switching frequency. /!\ Change of switching frequency impact the inductor).
  • Resistor Riadj = 3.01Ku (for 500 mA current limitation , can be adjust up to 10Ku that is equal to a 150 mA current limitation).

(*) Possibility to drive more or less leds (just take care to adjust ‘'Vin’‘ that can start from 4.5V up to 65V, and don’t forget heatsink aspect).

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17mm MTN-MAX lpHP 4-Layer v1.01- BLF Edition

by MTN.

4 layer board of 0.68x0.68 inches (17.15x17.15 mm).
Shared on August 17th, 2015 10:29.

A 4-Layer Version of the 17mm MTN-MAX lpHP, which is capable of higher sustained output levels.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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