
by TMuel1123.

2 layer board of 2.90x1.48 inches (73.69x37.46 mm).
Shared on August 15th, 2015 16:14.

Generic board for attenuators with SMA connectors

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by MountainGoat.

2 layer board of 1.81x1.74 inches (45.85x44.30 mm).
Shared on August 15th, 2015 14:18.

Controller circuit for Vectrex Arcade joystick + buttons

R1, R2, R5, R6 are 10K Ohm, R3, R4, R7, R8 are 3K Ohm,

Top connector 9-1 are for the cable going to the Vectrex.

  • SV2 and LSP1 are ground connectors,
  • SV1 are for the four buttons.

  • Joystick switches are labeled on the left side.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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4 layer board of 0.71x0.31 inches (17.93x7.75 mm).
Shared on August 15th, 2015 09:25.

LiPo battery charger add-on for Teensy 3.1 using ST Microelectronics' STBC08 standalone linear LiPo charger with user-selectable charge currents of 300, 500 (default) and 800 mA chosen by changing the solder jumpers. Indication for charging (red), fault (yellow), and battery on (green). Similar to LiPo charger Teensy add-on with the MAX1555 but with higher charge rates. Using slide switch with lugs for more robustness. Fixed led trace error.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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JTAG Adapter Type B1

by ameares.

2 layer board of 0.92x1.08 inches (23.39x27.43 mm).
Shared on August 15th, 2015 02:51.

A simple JTAG adapter.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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Speeduino Opto

by RichCreations.

2 layer board of 0.84x0.57 inches (21.26x14.60 mm).
Shared on August 15th, 2015 01:06.

Optoisolator for Speeduino VR socket Schmatic

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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