Sturdy Pot Adaptor for Breadboards

by PaulStoffregen.

2 layer board of 0.45x0.80 inches (11.46x20.35 mm).
Shared on August 15th, 2015 00:47.

Ever built a quick demo on a breadboard that needed a pot to adjust some parameter? As soon as someone tries to turn it, things come loose. That is, if they even try… little trim pots aren’t very inviting to touch & turn.

More details about this PCB are available at this blog article.

This pot adaptor board lets you use real full size (6mm shaft) pots on breadboards. With 10 header pins, the pot mounts securely to the breadboard, even when people turn the knob!


The pot in these photos is Digikey # PTV09A-4020U-B103-ND.

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HD44780 LCD Contrast Backpack

by serisman.

2 layer board of 0.52x0.34 inches (13.26x8.69 mm).
Shared on August 14th, 2015 22:16.

$0.2833 each ($0.85 for 3)

This module allows the use of common 5v LCDs with systems that have less than 5v (i.e. battery operated systems). It can be mounted directly on top of the first three pins (1,2,3) of the LCD.

Populate U1 with a LM334M and VR1 with a 1k potentiometer.

For a >4v system, connect solder jumper J1. You can leave the back unpopulated.

For a >2v system, connect solder jumper J2 (and leave solder jumper J1 empty). Populate U2 with a MAX660 (or ICL7660 compatible) IC and C1/C2 with 10uF capacitors.

The LM334 sinks a constant current (adjustable with VR1) from the LCD’s VO pin (and hence provides constant contrast) regardless of VCC voltage (as long as VCC - GND > 4v, for >4v system config, or VCC > 2v for the >2v system config).

It is safe to use the >2v system config for a >4v system (i.e. a 5v system), but there will be more wasted current in the LM334.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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Tinybee v2

by shlomozippel.

2 layer board of 1.88x1.10 inches (47.83x28.02 mm).
Shared on August 14th, 2015 18:29.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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TauLinkModule v0.2

by peabody124.

2 layer board of 1.85x1.19 inches (46.91x30.15 mm).
Shared on August 14th, 2015 16:14.

Tau Labs JR module compatible TauLink with integrated HM-10 bluetooth relay for telemetry to androidgcs. SmartPort for taranis telemetry. RFM22b for radio link.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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Diode String V1.2

by bax.

2 layer board of 1.78x1.25 inches (45.24x31.78 mm).
Shared on August 14th, 2015 13:02.

Spike protection diode string for tube amps

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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