OneTube nixie clock

by tubemanos.

2 layer board of 2.76x2.76 inches (70.15x70.15 mm).
Shared on August 12th, 2015 07:24.

Nixie clock with only one IN-14

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DRA818 daughter card version 1.2

by DonBindner.

2 layer board of 1.90x1.97 inches (48.23x50.14 mm).
Shared on August 12th, 2015 03:22.

Plugs into balloon radio card to provide a transmitter. (This version with resistors in the PTT and Enable lines).

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1Amp constant current source for milliohm meter


2 layer board of 2.36x2.17 inches (60.02x55.02 mm).
Shared on August 11th, 2015 23:13.

1Amp constant current source. You can use this constant current source to measure very low resistances since the voltage drop is R=V/I i.e. 1mV over each 1mΩ.

To guarantee correct operation and not thermally overstress IC1, U1 and R5 keep input voltage between 6.5V≥Vin≥9V

Calibrate with P1 to achieve exactly 1Amp at output with short circuit load or 1V with 1Ω resistor load.

BOM: IC1 LM317T; U1 LT3083; R1 1K6; R2 3K9; R3 18K; R4 910R; R5 1R 0.1% 1W; R6 130R; P1 5K 10turn precision poti; C1 10µF/5V tantal; C2 15pF ceramic; C3 10µF/5V tantal; LED1 green; heatsink of maximum 3K/W or lower for IC1, U1 and R5;

For schematics look here:

For thermal calculation look here:

Have fun!

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Full Naze32 Tricopter expansion board

by Cereal_Killer.

2 layer board of 1.89x1.86 inches (48.11x47.12 mm).
Shared on August 11th, 2015 21:06.


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QPD Circuit v2.0

by GBailey.

2 layer board of 1.69x2.70 inches (42.85x68.58 mm).
Shared on August 11th, 2015 18:17.

Lab 26’s Quad Photodiode amplifier circuit second edition

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