| Android Setup | This is to program the Android tablet. Android programs are written on a computer (not the tablet) in the Java programming language and use the Android SDK. Programs are then uploaded to the tablet via a USB cable. The programs are developed using the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE). | |
- Download the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). We used version 6u25 for development.
- Download the Eclipse IDE for Java Development. We used version 4.2.1 for development.
- Note that there isn't an installer ... just unzip and copy the Eclipse folder into C:\Program Files\
- Install the Android SDK plug-in for Eclipse.
- After Eclipse restarts and you get the "Welcome to Android Development" dialog, select the install Android 2.2 option.
- Download the USB driver for the Archos 28 (this is the Android tablet that ROFI uses).
- Add the Archos 28 to the list of supported ADB devices.
- For Windows users, open a command prompt and type the following : echo 0x0e79 >> "%USERPROFILE%\.android\adb_usb.ini" then press enter.
- For other operating systems follow the instructions here.
- Install the USB driver for the Archos 28 on your computer.
- You can verify that the device was properly installed by opening a terminal and typing the following :
- %USERPROFILE%\android-sdks\platform-tools\adb devices
- you should see something like A28-0A060001-9ED80000-015D94F3-???????? if your device was installed properly.
- You should now be able to upload any of the Anrdoid programs for ROFI to the Archos 28 tablet.