Let's Make Robots!

LMR scrapbook

Hey guys,

More and more often our work is showcased on other sites - let's have it collected, links, scrapbook :)

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What? Wrong page?

The reference is to my "Resistor Hack" below in the scrapbook somewhere... Indeed the trick is know by any RadioHam worth thier salt.

The funny thing is its one of my most liked videos.... however it has also (from choise feedback) annoyed many purists (who think its taboo to do such a thing).

GW1GEO ..... alas no longer on the 2 Meter band.


Check the front page feature, lol:

They accepted that image, but they have edited all my swearing :D

For the record: I told them that we are shitloads of nerd friends!

Just got Chopstick Junior featured on Robot Kingdom

Found that: Arduino Quadruped Robot | Let's Make Robots!

The entry with the headline (see this subject) is almost in the bottom of that page. 


Adafruit featured my six second film festival entry on Ask an Engineer this weekend. They finally posted it as a youTube video. It's the Hal-met from last Haloween. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3EK25rTL4Y&feature=plpp It is only about for five seconds at about 24 minutes in, but I was geek famous for that 5 seconds. Maybe that's all we get of the Warhol 15.

There's a lot of Beagle Board Black stuff too, including a video of the underwater ROV they made using the Beagle (I think it was the original BeagleBone though.)

Gareth's resistor fine-tuning hack was featured on MAKE's blog: http://blog.makezine.com/2013/04/15/fine-tuning-resistor-values-with-a-file/

Yup, HackaDay caught up on the Yellow Drum Machine:


One of my favorite geek ags suggested us as an activity for a three-day weekend. It was actually Thanksgiving, which is usually four days off, but hey-who's counting. http://io9.com/5939160/10-supercool-projects-you-can-make-from-scratch-this-weekend?tag=superlist