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Algorithm Sorted Union

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Problem Explanation:

  • The program has to return a new array of unique values from two original arrays in the order they show up. So there is not sorting required, and no duplicates.

Hint: 1

  • Since you have no idea how many parameters were passed, it would be best to loop through the arguments before looping through the arrays.

Hint: 2

  • I used loops, you can use something else like map, reduce or others if you want.

Hint: 3

  • You will have to check if the current value is already on the array to be returned for every value.

Spoiler Alert!


Solution ahead!

Code Solution:

First Solution:

function unite(arr1, arr2, arr3) {
  // Creates an empty array to store our final result.
  var finalArray = [];

  // Loop through the arguments object to truly made the program work with two or more arrays
  // instead of 3.
  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    var arrayArguments = arguments[i];

    // Loops through the array at hand
    for (var j = 0; j < arrayArguments.length; j++) {
      var indexValue = arrayArguments[j];

      // Checks if the value is already on the final array.
      if (finalArray.indexOf(indexValue) < 0) {

  return finalArray;

Code Explanation:

  • Check comments in code.

Second Solution:

function unite() {
  var concatArr = [];
  var i = 0;
  while (arguments[i]){
    concatArr = concatArr.concat(arguments[i]); i++;
  uniqueArray = concatArr.filter(function(item, pos) {
    return concatArr.indexOf(item) == pos;
  return uniqueArray;

Code Explanation:

  • Number of arguments can change dynamically so we don't need to bother providing our func with args at all
  • we use a while loop to concatanate all the arguments into one Array called concatArr
  • we use filter to remove the duplicate elements by checking the index of each element and removing same elements with different positions
  • ordering will be preserved as we didn't mess with it

Third Solution:

function unite(arr1, arr2, arr3) {
 var newArr;
 //Convert the arguments object into an array
  var args =;
  //Use reduce function to flatten the array
  newArr = args.reduce(function(arrA,arrB){
  //Apply filter to remove the duplicate elements in the array
    return arrA.concat(arrB.filter(function(i){
      return arrA.indexOf(i) === -1;

   return newArr;                    


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